《My life is ruled by my character stats》chapter 4


The night sleep was quite good getting out of the ben I observed the room as I didn’t last time from the fatigue of exerting my stamina. Any way leaving the inn my first destination was the smithy and armoury as I needed some protection. Wondering the streets there was a sound of something hitting metal following that sound I reached the smithy. Entering the building there was a blurry middle aged mad most likely in his mid-40 hammering what looked like a short sword. Observing longer you could tell the talent and effort needed to make such a blade anyone could see this even from the unfinished product. Going up to the counter I called out the man looked up took off his gloves and walked over and asked it was quite intimidating as the blacksmith was a whole head taller than me and im quite tall 6ft3. I try to not stammer my words because of his gaze and I somehow manage saying . Taking out around +15 wolf fur the man’s eyes sparkle like if a child got given free sweets. I ask The man snaps out and immediately says he grabs the 15 pieces of fur and says , he asks while starting to get measurements of me. While he is busy doing the measurement’s I say says the blacksmith. Before I left the blacksmith says . I ponder for a moment then reply to the blacksmith . Handing the 10 silver ac to the blacksmith I’ve finished with the smithy.

After finishing with the smithy I went towards the shopping centre walking around the shopping area I saw the shop I was looking for. [hunting produce] I entered the shop and a skinny man whit by the looks of it a rogue or a hunter class because of the bow and dagger he was wielding. I go up to him and take out all of the stuff that I’ve hunted so far fur, claws and fangs the guy eyes are shocked and looks like he is about to say something but I don’t give him the chance to say anything and I say . Putting the loot on the table and finally he gets back to reality and starts looking through the goods and saying . That went rather quickly only took about 15 minutes accepting the proposition and taking the silver I say good bye to the shop owner and leave.


The finale destination for my shopping is the adventurer’s guild library. Walking down the main road you could see where it splits into two and in the middle of the split was a three story tall building with wat looked like dragon skull on the front of the building right below the entrance. Entering the building I could feel the amount of strong individuals in it. Walking up to the reception a beautiful elf with silver hair ask she said this is in a very alluring voice. I try my best not to go in a trance from her beauty and say . With the same peaceful expression Janet say . The look on Janet changes for a split second and with her normal expression say going in the back she come back with another receptionist and hands me a card and say . Doing as she instructed I let my magic flow into the card writing Darrel Mays and magic swordsman. Looking at the guild card its similar to my stats but it only shows the name the class age and guild rank. Looking at it I feel like it’s too similar in that aspect.

Darrell mays

Age 15

Class magic swordsman

Level 5

Xp 10/4050

Guild rank G points till next rank 0/ 100

Janet looking over she explains all adventurers start at rank g and can go up in ranks by selling their loot here in the guild to get guild point to go up or by completing missions. Each time you rank up the guild points needed to rank up will triple so to rank up to f you need 100 points e 300 d 2700 ect but to get to the highest rank SSS 5,904,900 points. Still looking at the card Janet is shocked again for a second but returns back to normal and says . She leads me to towards an elevator of sorts she asks for my guild card I pass it to her. Using the card, she swipes it across a sensor of sorts and presses for the 3rd underground floor. While on the trip down she says . Exiting the whole floor is filled with book shelfs while im still in shock from the vastness Janet says . Janet leaves after that. Giving me the chance to look through the books and learn them. Going straight for the fire element section I look through the assortments of books [fire control], [fire torch], [fire palm strike], [cooking fire] and [fire bullet]. Choosing the three I wanted the most [fire control], [fire palm strike] and [fire bullet] as soon as I picked them up a notification pops up.


Do you want to learn

Fire control ,fire palm strike and fire bullet



 Pressing yes another notification pops up

Skill learned

Fire control

Proficiency 0% lvl 1

Skill learned

Fire palm strike

Proficiency 0% lvl 1

Skill learned

Fire bullet

Proficiency 0% lvl 1

Skill upgrade

Aura strike ->elemental aura strike

Proficiency 23.6% lvl 2

What a skill upgrade!!?

Calming down I think about how I used aura strike with no element proficiency so it was neutral but now as I know fire control it just makes sense to upgrade. Well putting back the books I remember one of the web toons I read while in my old world. Don’t the books disappear after learning them, well this is better as no undated trouble will come of me.

Meanwhile on the second floor of the third floor Janet was talking to the old man from the inn. the old man asked whit a sceptical expression. With a stern face Janet reply’s . The emotions on Alfred changed from a sceptical to a exited one with a surprised expression Janet replies with . With Alfred’s face now looking a bit crazed he say’s . The emotions on jennets face is that of pity and says

On the first floor of the guild it’s still as noisy as ever as Darrel exits the elevator.

Well that was a lo…… what am I getting a cold can’t be. As Derrell said this one of the receptionist said whilst laughing in shock from the receptionist comment Derrell stares blackly with a flirtations and genuine wink the receptionist returns back to work. Still disturbed from what just happened Derrell realizes what time it is

Returning to the in he goes towards Beth and ask how many nights can 1 silver ac get. She thinks for a while before replying and says . While having small talk to Beth he ask while she was confused she still answered <” it’s the 7th may 3005 by the holy dragon calendar”> Darrell replied

Having finished his meal prepared by Beth and paid for his room Darrel went to sleep.

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