《My life is ruled by my character stats》Chapter 1


When I try to remember what happened it's quite blurry but some points I still remember. For example when the incident happened I was 17 I think and at the time I was at my dad's man cave playing a game on his brand new gaming pc which he only bought in the May of 20XX. "Oh God I wish everything was back to normal

Any way it is not the time to rattle my brain for answers in short as of what I can put together I was sucked into the game was playing "planet of war craft" (braking the fourth wall I know the title of the game is very cheesy) and now we are in a forest filled with tall pine trees about 100 meter tall. Admiring the tall trees made me not notice the health bar , status icon , inventory and quest icon . When I focus on my view at the bottom i see a experience point bar. As my curiosity gets the better of me i try to press the status icon but nothing happens. In my secound atempt i called out {status open} in my head and it opened.

NAME Derral Mays Age 15 Class ??? STR 20 VIT 20 LUC 10 DEX 20 MAG 0 INT 20 AGI 20 ATK 1-10 DEF 10 MAG ATK 0 ATK % 20 DEF % 15 MAG DEF 0 SP 20 CRT% 10 MAG DEF %0

As i look ovrer my stats my hearth races. "I allways dreamed of being in a fantasy world where im like a game charecter. But why is the class still unchosen isnt always chosen for you and you have to use it to your advantage. But when I inspect the stats closer I see that I've become younger by two years in fact, well theirs nothing i can do to change me back to the age i was exept to wait. The two extra years in my opinion are a chance for me to become strong while im still young. Any so how and what should my class be warrior or mage or i could do boath but what should be my main class then. Anyway how do i choose it do i open the selection the same way i opend the stats. well here gose nothing {choose class}.


barbarian bard cleric druid fighter wizard monk paladin knight thief dual swordman magic swordsman

Well these choices are quite good hmm what should i choose though fighter sounds good and so those magic swordsman well going with my origanal thought i should go with magic swordsmen. Ok here goes nothing {choose magic swordsman} [Derrel Mays choosen the magic swordman class]

what is with those notification it's like some one is watching me.

Any way so i have chosen my class now i need to spend those sp points how about 5 in str 5 in mag and the 6 in vit whilest the rest is put in to agi and dex.

STR 25 +5 VIT 26 +6 LUC 10 DEX 22 +2 MAG 5 +5 INT 20 AGI 22 +2 ATK 3-13 DEF 10 MAG ATK 5 +5 ATK %20 DEF %15 MAG DEF SP 0 CRT %10 MAG DEF %0

Looks like my attack has become stronger and ive finaly have some "MAG" any way one last thing to check {OPEN INVENTORY}. As expected all of these open the same way but the inventory opens just below my chest in sense that i can just pull stuff out of it. Well the only thing in the inventory is a simple dagger i try to pull it out with a thought of pulling out the dagger it apperes in my hand.

How conviniant!

[DULL DAGGER COMMON +2 ATK MIN AND MAX] As I pick up the dagger the information apperes infront off me like a hologram similar to how the inventory appered. Now that i have a weppon how about I go and look for some thing to kill monster or wild animals.

The quality of english might not be the best and this is the first story ive ever writen so i hope you enjoy it PS the tables took me a long time to plan out to be readabl and I don't know if this is long enough so pm me to make it longer or keep it the same.

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