《The Unwanted Man》Segment 007 - Sacrifice


[You will become a failure]

[No one will want you]

[Hahahaha! Weak! You're such a weakling!]

Error! You will die in 3... 2... 1...

"Gah! Haah... Haah.. Another dream again?" I woke up the next morning with a similar dream from last night, its two times in a row. Everytime I sleep, I have a nightmare. Is it related to the artificial system?

"Drayton I brought you food!" It was already 8pm, my brother entered my room and brought a lot of food.

"Ohhh~ So much food!" I was starving from all the training today.

"Brofer donf you haf work?"

"Drayton, don't talk while eating."

"Don't you have work to do at the company?" My brother seemed like he had a lot of free time since he was able to bring me food in the morning.

"My main priority is you besides i'm the CEO, my subordinates can handle the company while i'm gone. Finish up, we need you to level up again." I had to level up everyday now since my brother wanted to test the limits of the artificial system. We went to the training chamber after I ate my breakfast, I faced new stronger monsters this time but I was able to handle it. I did not gain as much experience like last time, only 9 levels making me level 32.

[Okay, Drayton that's all for today you can go back now]

It seemed that my brother had work to do in the company so I would be going home with his personal guards.

"Mr. Drayton this way please." A guard was escorting me to an armoured car when an explosion happened. It was at the top of my brother's company building.

[Hands in the air don't move!]

"Fuck, Mr. Drayton get insid- ugh-" All of the guards were killed in a flash. I need to get to my brother, I did not know what was happening.

"Mr. Drayton, quite the clever man to escape the Atsugama rebel camp!" It was that agent from the rift world when I was about to go back to earth.

"If we can't get you alive, your dead body will be a nice specimen!" The guards were at least level 20 and for the rebel agent to kill them that fast and easily, he must be strong. He must be mistaken if i'll die that easily, I equiped my nunchuncks before the agent could make a move.


"Ho? I can tell that you have leveled up quite a bit but that won't help you!" The agent charged right to me, judging by his speed his class must be an assassin but my eyes could see him perfectly. I was able to dodge him.

"Wha-" The agent must have been surprised that I would be able to dodge his attack so easily, I attacked back before he could even react. The muscle control I have from dilligently honing my body without the system, every part of my body I have complete control of my senses. I killed the agent by giving him a nasty blow to the head, liver and neck. It seemed likehe was not alone, a few more rebels came.

Marksmanship level 1 activated! You gained a level! You gained a level!

I quickly dispatched them with my magic gun, I was now rushing to my brother's office. Many guards have been deployed to the scene, there were a lot of rebels fighting and destroying the place. I killed some on the way, normally I would be smiling killing these assholes but this is my brother's company where he worked hard to build.

I had finally reached my brother's office on the top floor of the company building.

"Brother!" My brother was fighting a man with a mask, I could feel the vibrations from their fight. Both of them were heavily injured.

"Drayton get back!" The man seized the chance when my brother was distracted by me and stabbed him with his sword in the stomach.

"Fuck!" My brother was now on his knees, the man looked at me. Eyes that reminded me of beasts.

"Bastard!" I knew that I was not going to be able to defeat him since he was able to injure my brother to such an extent, the man was able to close the distance between us in an instant. I could see his injuries easily, many gashes on his body and arms.

"You'll be coming with me now." The man had a very deep voice, I was unable to move its as if he casted chain magic on me.

"Argh!" My brother flung a spear from where he was and it pierced right in to the man's head. The man fell, I sensed no more weird aura from him

"Drayton.. Come here." My brother was badly injured but he was still alive.


"Brother! Proto will put some aid on you, don't worry you're going to survive." My parents who pressured me a lot, I still loved them. My brother who left the family when I was 10 and finally came back when I was 20, it was too short that we were unable to spend so much time together.

"Drayton, its too late for me the sword he stabbed me with is cursed. I'm going to die in an hour maybe even if Proto puts aid on me." Tears just fell from my eyes, I had never cried unless it was from getting hit from my parents but this was different. I'm losing my only older brother.

"Broth- Please don't go, we have many things to talk about right? You were always busy with the company so we couldn't talk even though you were back.. So please don't leave me here..."

"Drayton, the rebels are attacking all the buildings related to our company. I gathered our most loyal and elite agents, they have all the important documents and all the money. I was prepared for a day like this. Drayton, I have a friend in the rift world she can teach you how to fight properly against these rebels." My brother was instructing me on things to do when he dies.

"Brother stop talking like that you can live we can get you a priest!"

"Drayton, I want you to do me a few favours." At this point my brother ignored what I said about saving him.

"First, please protect my family." My brother was already married to a beautiful wife and two kids, he cared about them very much.

"Second, go to the freind I mentioned to learn how to properly fight. You can trust my friend, don't worry. Destroy those fucking rebels for me." My brother knew I had a strong body and I knew how to fight against multiple opponents but he was refering to skills in the system. His friend could teach me skills that could further enhance my fighting capability, he wanted me to destroy the rebels with his loyal and elite agents that will serve me since I will be the one left in charge.

"Third, the guy I supposedly killed is alive. He will come back up soon, kill him with my sword before then and gain his level and equipment." The man was cursed in a way that he was unable to die without a stab from a holy sword which my brother has.

"Finally, kill me and take my equipment, level and my body."

"Brother!" I could not express myself properly at the time, I could understand the first 3 things he asked me to do but to kill him was nothing I ever wanted to do.

"Drayton i'll die anyway but its hard to suffer slowly and die, I want to die by your hand." My brother saw my gun in my holster, he took it and put it in my hand.

"Please Drayton, do all those things for me. You'll become a great person I know it." I stood up with my gun and aimed it to at my brother. I was a failure at most things before, I wanted to do something for my brother for once.

"Thank you Drayton. You're the best younger brother I could have asked for." A final tear came from my brother's eye and I pulled the trigger. My brother was dead, I heard the ding of the system.

You gained a level! You gained a level! You gained a level! You gained a level! You gained a level! You gained a level! You gained a level!

I had jumped 60 levels and was now at level 100, I took all my brother's belongings and his body. The man was starting to stand up.

"Fucker! How dare you." I had already put my stats in, it had surpassed my brother's. I took the holy word and stabbed the man right in his heart.

"Gah! Shit!" The man was now dead as I heard multiple dings in my system, I also took his belongings. My brother had a special phone for me to call in his special elites to pick me up, a helicopter came to pick me up at the helipad of the already collapsing building.

"Sir! Get on!" An agent helped me get my brother's dead body on the helicopter and we flew to a secret location.

My eyes were dead, I had gained the system I longed for but after a few days I lost my brother. I felt dead, I could no longer express anymore emotion. The only thing I was thinking was to fulfill my brother's last wishes.

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