《Debts Come Due!》Day-22 Time for a better plan.


"We need to talk about what we are going to do when we get back. At this point the original plan will not work, we can not just build a base of power in the city. We have the old Dragon's attention now and that complicates everything." Smithy told his friends after some thought over breakfast.

"If we act to openly everyone will think that this is the power grab that it is. We want power to just come to us and not have to fight tooth and claw to get it. We need a new plan, something that will farther our own goals without putting the biggest target on our backs imaginable." Drassisa stated.

She had wanted to make a power grab towards healing, usurped the ones that charged an arm or a leg to get any healing done. Now that they would be watching her she could not do so without having assassins thrown at her until she slipped up and died. She would need a new plan for how to move forwards with her goals.

"I just want to raise my beast's in peace, how can I do this when everyone is looking at me. Some of the animals I want to raise are considered kill on sight, it will be kind of hard to get them when all the guards are watching me like hawks." Tess said. He wanted to give his pups some teleporting kittens for siblings. Was that so much to ask for?

"I have it easy and even then they will start looking closely at my activities. Some of the poisons that I make come from plants outlawed in every country in the entire world. They could easily be turned into drugs capable of killing a city if dropped in a single well. In small dosages they are some of the greatest pain killers in the world." Smithy said thinking about some of the people that were only saved from being driven mad because of those drugs. He also thought of the people that had died to them, he was pragmatic like that.


"How am I supposed to establish my own guild if every thief in the city is breathing down my neck. How am I going to get this all done? We need to re-plan everything and it is driving me crazy." Embrda shouted to the roof. He was clearly having a bad time with this.

After watching all this take place Teamasa decided that she needed to step in because they were just going to keep going around in circles if nothing changed. Leave it to someone with the least stake in the game to get things rolling once more.

"Nothing has really changed when you think about it. Just how we need to go about it. With Drassisa we just need to phrase it so that it sounds like an investment into the city to the Dragon himself. He would be willing to invest in what is his to get things moving along at a better pace. For her brother we just need to wait on getting you're thieves guild set up and get the tavern that is going to be the cover story in place. Just use this as a chance to build the place from scratch. Make it with the intention of always being converted into the guild hall. Smithy has it the worst because he will have to close down a section of his business, build a secret lab here so that when we return you can make large batches of your drugs to take back to the city on our return trip."

"We just need to use this to our advantage and we will come out ahead. If we screw it up we are going to be in way over our head and there will be people trying to foul us up. This is going to be a mess and we may need to gather in pairs to avoid being stabbed in the back but we should be able to get it all working in the right direction at the very least."

After they finished their tea and just sat there not doing anything important for once they came to the conclusion that this was going to be a pain. They would have to get everything going in the right direction with everyone having a very vested interest in what they were actually doing. This could not possible go wrong, no not at all.


They were not happy about how this was turning out and it was only going to get worse from here when someone had a thought.

"Is this because you your messing with luck so much?" Tess asked Sasha when he sat down to really think about things.

"It could be, or maybe my Fate tampering just made things worse then they were going to be. The sister do love to see something exciting from time to time after all." Sasha told them. "Fate, Destiny, and Chance were willing to mess with peoples lives like that. They could be responsible for all the pieces falling into place like they did or just having the chance to come out the other side to keep the story going."

"So if they are watching us and laughing at us right now what do we do?" That came from Drassisa.

"What we were going to do anyway, just with some more flair. We make it look good and put on a good show that way the show goes on. They will not always be looking at us or they may not be now, we will need to be bold and just have a good time." Sasha told her friends before having another thought, "you may also want to pray that they are not in the mood to see a tragedy right about now. Some of the worst outcomes from history have come about because they were bored and wanted to see something sad."

"Well with that extremely unsettling thought in our heads, who wants to go fishing?" Smithy asked trying to change the subject.

"I'm in!" Everyone says at almost the same time.

After walking a short way away to a small pond the group sets down and cast their lines.

This was going to be a slow day of relaxing if they had to kill to get it.

"We do need to come up with a plan though, I do not think just walking through the front gates is a good idea. We are now going to be the hottest commodity to have around and there will be plenty of swindlers around to take advantage of us for it." Embrda whispered to the group with his fishing line bobbing in the pond.

"We get in and get ourselves set up so that we can smuggle in all this gold we have stored up. I really do not want to have to turn over thirty percent of it to the town guard just because they said so." His sister told the group. "Maybe if we can get the smugglers to back us in our more off the books endeavors we can bring the rest of the underworld to heel. Would be a good turn for us that is for sure."

"We jus might have found our starting point if I do not miss my guess." Tess stated while clearly using his abilities as a Druid to cheat at fishing. There is no way that he cast a line and gets a fish the moment the hook hits the water every time. That one even jumped out of the water to bite the hook in mid air.

At this point he's not even using bait anymore!

"First we meet with the Dragon, then we start taking over the underworld. After that we move in force and corner the major markets before anyone realizes what we have done. If we play our cards right we come out on top of the world and if we do not we die. Yep that sounds like Fates game alright!" Sasha said with a slight smile and a sigh.

"Let the games begin." Teamasa laughed and laughed.

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