《Debts Come Due!》Day-1 The journey begins.


I Sasha am now at the age of 15 and must leave the church not because they are kicking me out but because I can no longer stand what they are trying to turn me into. They wish me to instruct the kids on how to be a good paladin for the church. I would have no problem with it if it were not for the fact that their version of good is to live for the church, fight for the church, and die for the church.

I could not teach that because I did not believe it myself. I am willing to make sacrifices for the greater good but not teach young children to march to their deaths for the whims of some petty preacher that has never been in danger in his entire life.

Because of these things I am going home to see about a demon I knew as a child. I would make a deal with the Lady of Bargins for power to do what I feel is right. I only fear what others may make as she does not care how the power she gives out is used. Only that those she gives it to pay back all of the debts owed to them or have their works made nil.

After setting out the first thing I did was to dirty my armor so that anyone seeing it from a distance would not know how valuble it is and think I am rich. I have always wondered why they would freely walk around with so much wealth on their persons and advertise it so openly. It always seemed like a dumb way to meet a cutpurse to me but then I am just a lowly paladin, what would I know about that.

Now is as good a time as any to go over the list of spells and abilitys that I have, my mother always said it is important to remember what you have and what you can do.


Lay On Hands-Heals wonds and closes cuts, good for stoping bleading and repairing minor injuries. Will save your life in a battle and keep you on your feet.

Holy Light-Creats a light that repels undead, the wicked, and makes evil people uncomfortable. It can make openings that will turn the tide of a battle or even an entire war. Why fools think that something that can turn the tide like that is weak I shall never know.

Smite-A large blast of holy power that is fatal to those weak agianst it. It is my main offense for fighting my foes. Doing this takes a lot out of me and I must use it carefully or it would be my end.

I have decided to sign a soul contract with the Lady of Bargians to better survive on my own and hopefully do some good in this world. I shall do so knowing full well it will mean forfeting my place in the after life evermore. I shall never know that piece, instead I shall fight for just causes even as a devil. My vigil shall be eturnal or until I die my final death.

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