《Existara: the RRD. Book two》The Long Lost Talk
“Sir, a word?” Glen approaches me.
“It's Crile. No need for that.”
“Habit. How's commander?”
“Sedated. The choppy sea isn’t doing her any favors right now. Don’t worry, she's in good hands. And please, do try your best to not call her that, she really hates it.”
“I see… Glad to hear it. I'll try...” Glen averts his gaze.
“Is there something else on your mind?” I ask the boy.
“Yes. We ask that you accept us as your personal guard.”
“Who is “we?”
“Us.” Seven more Noxians line up behind the kid. Four girls and three guys. Eight total...
“We wish to serve you and the Lady.” Glen's clearly the voice of the group...
“We wish to show our respect.” Glen continues.
“You've done that. Now what?”
“My lord.” Glen starts and I instantly cut him off.
“Don’t even. None of that. Please.”
“Sir. If it weren't for the Lady and your team’s efforts, we would have never realized our full potential. It has been a major game changer for us and we wish to return the favor.”
“Show of hands how many of you fought in the Rebirth 8 months ago?" Eight hands.
“Favor returned.” I tell them.
“Sir, please, our people back home have no idea what possibilities they have to choose from.” Another boy steps forth. “We want to share the Lady's teachings.” Is that so? I grin on the inside.
“What are you?” I ask him.
“A combat Ravo. I was studying under Lady Evergreen till now. Both medical and battle techniques.”
“Name?” I don’t let up.
“Drew, sir.”
“Next one?” I ask looking them over.
“Pyro. Fire Mage Assassin.” Oh? Glen looks at me next.
“Assassin in training.”
“Weren't you a Water Beast Druid?” I think back to the lake crossing…
“Not anymore.” Interesting...
“Odri. Assassin Hunter."
“Arra. Beast Assasin.” The girl shifts her arm into a crab claw. That could easy take one’s head clean of its shoulders...
“Erin. Warrior Cleanser.”
“Messo. Beast Assasin.”
“Tigglia. Ice Mage Ram.” A Ram? Her? On second thought, why am I still surprised?
“Am I to assume all of you share the same opinion then?” They nod. I sigh.
“I shall discuss this with my other half, as soon as she is able to hold her head up again. We'll let you know later what we decide, sound good?”
“Yes, sir.” Glen answers for the bunch.
“At ease.” I tell them as a joke and go down below the deck, back to my woman.
“You want kids?” I ask. Laira lifts her head up at me with a question mark for eyes.
“Where is this coming from?”
“I don’t know. I’m 32 already… With those two having one soon, I kinda figured?”
“I didn’t think you thought of that?”
“Is it that surprising?” I look at her rolling on my side.
“Maybe? Kids aren’t something men usually think about?” The doubt is evident.
“Who says men can’t be good parents?” I pout. She laughs under her breath.
“No. That’s not what I mean.”
“Well?” I ask her, putting a hair strand behind her ear. “Think about it?”
“You know we can’t have any…” She pats the sheets where her belly is…
“We can always adopt.” I lift her face up. “Just think about it. That’s all I’m asking.” She nods. I kiss her softly on the lips…
“Ugh!” Breeze keeps on hurling up. “How long have we been sailing?” She leans overboard again. I giggle.
“A few weeks only.” I tell her giggling.
“How!” She throws up again. “PERCIVAL!” She roars louder than the wind.
“I’m sorry mistress, there’s so much I can do…” The kid worked hard to lose the “commander”.
“I changed my mind! Just throw me in there!” She points to the choppy water.
“Nope.” I shake my head, smiling still.
“What’s so funny?” She glares at me.
“You.” I tell her grinning. “I’ve never seen you like this. It’s refreshing.”
“How is any of this…” She holds it in this time. “Refreshing?”
“Because. All I ever saw you like was strong, powerful, almost immortal, an idiot;” she throws another stabbing glare my way, I smile again; “but never weak. I’m enjoying this because it’s something new.”
“Glad to be of service…” She slides down on the floor. Percival hands her a glass.
“What is it this time?” She asks panting.
“Water only.” The boy answers.
“Thank you, Percival.” I take the glass from the kid.
“Distract me.” Zarri moves her lips with her eyes closed.
“Well;” I sit down next to her, giving Percy a quick wave, the boy nods and retreats; “Glen has been working hard on his Shadow Walk. It’s not that easy letting your mana flow outwards without any borders. It’s not the same as infusing it inside of you to maintain the shift or focusing on a water droplet and growing it… The shadows don’t have a physical form, so, grasping them is tricky… Of course, I don’t expect him to master it any time soon but he is catching on quick.”
“I’m glad.” Breeze rests her head on my shoulder.
“Drew is practicing his medical Vines more lately.”
“He’s Zaltem’s buddy?”
“Yes, the same one…” I stop myself mid breath and smile. “I need to remember that now there are two types of Ravos… Drew told me Zaltem wanted to go but then he decided to stay behind and help out with the RRD. Zaltem was born in the Royal City. So, Drew was the better option. Everyone is working hard, polishing their new skills.” I pause. “You know, you may not want to admit it, but you did inspire the kids. They are mixing it up from Mancer-Warr-Cleansers’ to Combat Ravos’ and Beast Assassins’. I’m actually looking forward to seeing what else they can come up with.” I feel Breeze’s body twitching next to mine. I take a glance. She’s smiling, eyes closed still.
“Somehow, I’m happy…” Her breathing steady again. “As long as I, no, Deathbreeze Skyrider, could be useful – I’ll be happy…”
“You were more than useful.” I speak in a low voice. “Knowledge without experience is the same as breathing without walking. What good does it do you if you can’t do anything? You threw those kids into real life situations, giving them an option to actually use their skills and knowledge. You gave them a chance to realize just how much of their abilities they are virtually able to use when it matters most.”
“You make it sound so glorifying… All I did was kick their butts.”
“True. Almost killing yourself, for which, by the way, I still need to punish you…” I put my arm around her and gently brush my fingers along the side of Zarri’s breast…
“I’m looking forward to it…” She whispers in my ear. I grin again like a moron.
“I missed you…” I give her a peck on the head.
“I missed you too…“ She whispers again. A few sailors walk past us.
“You don’t give yourself enough credit.” I tell her.
“It’s difficult for me to see the bright side…”
“Don’t worry. That’s what I’m here for…” I nudge her to me.
“Percival, quick question.” I interrupt our daily lesson.
“Yes, sir?” He focuses all of his attention on me.
“How is it that you know so much about this? Did you actually read all of these before giving them to us?” I circle the book pile that we are surrounding in the middle of the deck.
“No. I didn’t. I learned it all back in my home town, I studied under our local healer. There are very little illnesses or let’s say conditions, that are pretty much the same for everyone. Common cold and pregnancy are two of the examples. You don’t really need magic for these two, not unless something serious happens, so, knowing the common treatments is a must. That, of course, requires herbal knowledge, sometimes even Mixology. Since healers don’t use magic at all, they are popular with poor people who can’t afford to study magic or simply have no mana and…” The kid shuts up. “I’m sorry, I’m rambling.”
“Not at all.” Breeze disagrees. “I enjoy your explanations.”
“You were a great help back then, before the battle as well.”
“Indeed.” Zarri agrees with me. “You were saying?”
“Oh well, in that case, learning about pregnancy is one of the musts for a healer. The entire body anatomy is the first thing we learn. I don’t just know how it works and how it is treated, I have first-hand experience in delivering the babies as well. That’s how I was able to get a job with the Healer’s guild in the City.”
“Impressive.” I look at the kid differently. “You told us you’re an orphan?”
“Yes, I studied with the healer but lived alone. I worked to support myself, gathering herbs, then healing, I bought a book for Cleansers from a traveling merchant and began practicing… It cost me all of my savings at the time but it was worth the trouble... Oh, but don’t think I was always alone, it’s just that my mom died when I was very little and my grandma took care of me till around, I was six? But she too died… We couldn’t afford good medicine… That was when I started working…” The boy’s gaze gets lost reminiscing, we don’t interfere.
“Anyhow, eventually I made it here… I learned a lot from the local Cleanser’s at the guild, with that I was able to apply for the Army.” He quickly gives a nervous smile.
“You did great, Percival. I’m sure it wasn’t easy.” Breeze crawls over to our little Cleanser. “If you ever need anything, let us know, we’ll be there for you, all of us.” She hugs the child to her side.
“Exactly;” I put my hand on his other shoulder; “you’re part of the family, don’t forget that.”
“I won’t.” He nods. The kid doesn’t even bother with his usual “sorry and thank you” routine. He’s improved.
“Shouldn’t they be arriving at Astri by now?” I ask Laira.
“More or less any day now…”
“And how long have been drowning in these?” I pick a bunch of scrolls.
“Three weeks, maybe?” Laira finally looks up at me. “Is there something on your mind?”
“Yes. You.”
“Marcus.” She gives a somewhat disappointed look. I want to say something back but I notice a Balli boy stand behind Laira.
“Yes?” I address the kid. Laira turns in her chair.
“We found these.” He puts a jewelry box on the table. Laira opens it.
“Letters?” She takes some out and hands me a few.
“Where did you find these?” I ask the kid.
“In the miscellaneous section. Some of us figured there could be something there too. The shelves are full with boxes. That’s the part of the library that is called “Letters to Nobody.” It is meant for those who are unable to express their feelings or wish to talk to their loved ones who passed away…” The boy explains it.
“I wasn’t aware there was something like that…” I start reading the letters. Parts of them at a time. They sound pretty much the same?
“Marcus;” Laira’s whisper is packed with horror; “these are…” I pick up the pattern.
“Yeah, I see it too…”
“We need to tell her!” She jumps of her chair.
“Don’t!” I throw a nasty look. She sits back down. “Just wait a moment.”
“How many of these are related to the Rebirth?” I ask the Balli teen.
“Comb through them and bring us anything that even mentions the Rebirth or the Castle of Despair! We cannot afford anything slip by us!”
“Yes, sir.” The kid makes a quick bow and the next thing I see is his robe swishing around as he leaves.
“Why wait?” Laira stares at me. “She has been blaming herself for all this time! She needs to know!”
“I understand that.” I walk over to her and sit down next to my girl. “They have a child on the way, telling her now would only get in the way of her health. We’ll tell her once we go visit them after the kid is born. We’ll go see them and rendezvous with Percival at the same time. I’m sure they will want to know what we found either way. It will be the perfect time for everything.” I pick her face up and turn her to me.
“Let’s focus on the task at hand. You can’t say we have much to show for right now.” She nods.
“I know it’s hard for you.” I hug her to my chest. “Sadly, this is the best we can do at the moment so let’s do it right, ok?” She nods again.
“Speaking of which. I was thinking maybe we should start from the newest reports to oldest?”
“How so?” I look at her.
“I’ve had this nagging feeling about something, just can’t place my finger on it. So far, we’ve been going through the reports dating right after the 200 Years of Darkness but, as you said, we haven’t found much. So, I figured maybe we could try going backwards?”
“Sure, we got nothing to lose.” I agree.
“We should tell Percival about these.” She gestures to the box.
“Maybe once he’s actually there.” I suggest. "I wonder how much the two of them managed to learn?” I giggle.
“Oh, with Percival as the teacher and Crile by her side – they won’t miss a single detail.” She smiles with a bit of a regret in the corners of her lips. “I hope she’ll be alright…”
“You said it yourself – Crile is with her. They’ll be fine.” I hug her again…
“I feel sick.”
“I’ll get you…” She puts her hand on my arm. “It’s not the baby. It’s me. I’m too nervous.”
“I’ll be right here next to you.” I take her hand and put it to my lips. She takes a breath.
“Ok, let’s do this.” We step out of the carriage. The guards by the gates look us over in a suspicious gaze. One of them approaches us.
“State your business.”
“Please let my mother know that I am home.” Zarri answers without stopping. The dumbfounded look on the man makes my day. Suddenly, the entire front of the Marble Palace is on one knee. We walk by it all with an escort of our own right behind us. The same happens the whole way to the throne hall. The giant doors are gaping wide open.
“This is it.” Breeze whispers. I squeeze her hand.
“I’m right here.” I tell her. We enter the hall. Everyone present there are already kneeling. We take our positions in the middle of the room and our escort takes a knee too, following Glen’s lead.
“I have returned, as promised, mother.” Zarri bows.
“Priestess.” I bow.
“Welcome home.” Lady Devona steps down to greet us. “Leave us.” She says coldly. She’s not wasting any time, is she? I turn to Glen and give the ok. The kid nods. Our escort is the last to exist the room.
“You too, Crile.” What?
“My Queen…” I start. She stops me with a wave of a hand.
“I wish to speak with my daughter, alone.” She doesn’t even look at me. I hesitate.
“It’s ok.” Zarri nods.
“As you wish.” I walk out.
“As you wish.” Crile lets go of my hand and leaves the room.
“Let me get straight to the point.” Mother starts. “Do you take me for a fool? I wasn’t born yesterday! What in the name of the stars were you thinking lying to me like that? Did you think I wouldn’t figure it out? Did you honestly believe that I would accept your foolish sacrifice? I patiently sat here, waiting for you to come around and yet something tells me that if it weren’t for the ambitious fool at Araneum…” She pauses. “What’s the idiots name again?”
“Tahon.” I answer.
“Yes! Him! Waging war against us! The nerve! Who the Hell he thinks he is threatening my child and my nation!”
“The King of Concord with major delusions of grandeur…”
“I don’t care! The fact remains! If it weren’t for him, you probably would be sleeping in a gutter somewhere still! When exactly where you planning on coming home? Next millennia? I will be back after this is over. Do NOT MOCK ME!” She growls at me. Mom’s pissed… “Going on a suicide mission like that! What do you have to say for yourself?” She finally looks at me again.
“I have no excuse.”
“Of course not! Stupid ones never do!” She flares up again. “Why must you be like this? Was I too strict? Not strict enough? Did I expect too much? How in the world did I ever raise such a moron for a daughter! The first ever only heir to be born to this land and yet!! How many nights do you think I sat up waiting for a sign? Does home mean nothing to you? How ungrateful, spoiled, selfish and childish can you possibly get!! Your recklessness remains unrivaled to this day!! Of all the egotistic things you could have EVER POSSIBLY come up with – it HAD TO BE saving the world! As if we do not have enough problems of our own!!” She stops pacing back and forth… I brace for another round…
“As much as I would like to lecture you, I have to admit that I too am to blame for your recklessness.” Oh? She takes a breather.
“I failed you as a mother. I never knew how to handle you… You don’t simply look like your father, you have his spirit too. Unfortunately, for me, you also have my defiance. You never let rules to define you. Which makes it so difficult for me to know which I am supposed to be. Proud or mad.” She turns to me. “You were all I had left of him. I wanted to keep you safe…” Her voice weakens. “At all cost. I thought that losing you would be the end of me and yet I couldn’t bring myself to face you… I regret everything. Neither one of my damn decisions was ever correct.” She turns away again. I smile. Guess it runs in the family… I let her speak.
“My ambitions cost me too much. My mate. My child. The High Priestess is nothing but a title. I was wrong to believe that it was what defined a person. I failed to realize that it is the person who defines the title.” She walks over to the giant arch window. Well, more like a giant arched hole in the wall…
“Your father only ever had one dream. To have a family. Of all the things I ever asked of him, he asked only for one. A child. I wasn’t able to give him that. Because I was a coward. He died before I realized his dream. I never wanted anything more than to walk with him to our elder days. I didn’t overturn the rigged system just so I could have it all. The title and the man. I did so because I believed Wykren would make a fine King. Caring and compassionate. Sadly, he was all I imagined him to be. Did I ever tell you that it was his idea to have an heir inherit the ruling of Noxanda, rather than letting the old farts pick someone?”
“I assumed it was all your doing.” I tell mother.
“It was my doing. It was his suggestion that inspired me. I never wished to be the chosen one. I never once defied anything or anyone. I had always stuck to my business. That, perhaps, was the reason why I was selected. Boy, were they surprised when I began taking matters into my own hands… All because I wished to be with Wykren. I wanted to have that family with him. Our family. Our children… I never wished to be the Queen. I wanted him to be my King. However. The geezers weren’t easy to deal with.” She walks a straight line, by the window row, behind the throne, once more.
“They kept testing us. Of course, we did not give them the satisfaction. We passed their tests with flying colors each time. I should have trusted myself more back then.” Her face is full of regret and contempt…
“It was my biggest mistake to ask your father to wait for me. I never felt ready to be a mother, no matter how much I wanted to be the one to make your father’s dream come true. I believed that if I were to get pregnant so soon after the reform, the higher ups would dismiss me and Wykren. Under the pretense that I was operating simply on pure childish whim… So, after talking with Wykren, we decided that we would prove ourselves to be worthy first. That it is not merely a game for us… It took us too long.” She stares at me with a devastated expression.
“He died before meeting you and I never forgave myself for it…” Mother’s eyes slowly weep. I have a feeling I should stay quiet…
“Losing him was the worst thing for me. I knew I should try twice as much to be a great parent for you and yet every time I saw your eyes… His eyes in you, I could not contain the pain… I was so broken I didn’t let anyone near you… I held you in my arms and wished for your father to burst into the bedroom all riled up with excitement… I thought that if only I’ll keep holding you somehow, he will come back to me… Yet nothing happened… You were slowly growing up and he was dead still… Time froze for me… I wasn’t strong enough to face you as you.” She gazes out the window and I feel my own face getting wet with tears…
“I tried to give you as much freedom as I could, all the while trying my best to raise you as an heir… I failed miserably. I was neither a mother, nor a Queen. I became a Priestess once more. Nothing more than a public figure… My inability to cope with the loss of my love ruined the most important thing for me. You. As a consequence to that, I became negligent in my duties as the Ruler of Noxanda… And I have nobody but myself to blame…” She walks over to me, takes my hands into hers…
“Forgive the fool, should you find it possible, so I can finally die in peace…”
“I’m pregnant.” I burst it out and cry without making a sound.
“Oh, my sweet child, must you do this to me!” Mother hugs me. “Here I was hoping I could finally go and see your father in the Afterlife…” She weeps too. “He would never speak to me again if I were to leave before meeting his grandchild…”
“I’m sorry…” I cry into her ear…
“For what?”
“For everything…” She pushes me away from her and I cover my face.
“Do not ever, dare to apologize for being what you are.” I feel a soft caress on my hair…
“What is that? I ask like a damn brat…
“Daughter of Wykren Stardust, the Bladed Wind, 1st man ever to become the King of Noxanda –Gazarria Stardust.” She holds my face gently in her palms. “You are his greatest Treasure. The Name Gazarria is proof of that.”
“I always thought that my name was because I was the first heir to ever be born…”
“Not at all. As a matter of fact, your father was the one who advocated that the child might choose to be something else entirely, from what we would like them to be… Even though, he was the one to suggest having an heir, I do believe that was merely a pretext to have many children, he probably hoped that one of them would choose to rule our land.”
I giggle nervously. “He was right about that.”
“Amongst other things…” Mother smiles at me. “Crile!” She calls out into the empty room. Crile emerges from the shadows, in the middle of the throne hall. I stare at him shocked.
“How long were you there?” I ask. He puts his hand around my waist.
“Since I left.”
“Well done.”
“Thank you, Priestess.” Crile nods.
“Good job bringing her home too.” Mother adds. Oh, for the… I see the idiot grin with pleasure.
“I do believe there is one other person whom you need to see?” She tells us sitting back down in her throne, behind the oversized marble desk…
“We were planning on it.” Crile answers. “Priestess.” He nods again.
“Mother.” I too nod.
“Take care of my girl.” She throws a quick glare.
“I intend to.”
“Gorgeous. Is it possible you’ve become even more beautiful?” Ira takes Breeze into his embrace.
“It’s good to see you, Master.”
“Not as much as it is for me to see you, talk about a sight for sore eyes. Let me take a good look at you. Stunning.” He brushes his fingertips across Breeze’s face. “I see you are still as useless as ever.” He speaks to me in his usual insulting way, without even bothering to make eye contact.
“Long time no see, Master.”
“That’s father to you. Or did being so long away from home make you forget?”
“We’re not…” Never mind.
“What’s with this?” Zarri points to the thick beard that’s covering half of Ira’s face.
“I thought I try something new. What? No good?” He asks scratching the bottom of it. Breeze laughs.
“It looks like roadkill.” She tells him. I grin.
“Ouch. That actually hurts my feelings a little.”
“As if you have any…” I whisper.
“A clean shave suits you better.” Breeze covers up my mumbling. Master lets out a heavy sigh.
“I’ll take it off… Now then, how long will you be staying?” Ira asks her.
“A long and boring while.” Zarri tells him.
“Oh? Did something happen?” He asks staring me down.
“You can say that…” Breeze puts her hands on her belly…
“No… Gorgeous, don’t do this to me!” He hugs her again. “Your father will have my head if I go before meeting his grandbaby.”
“I’m sorry…” She smiles.
“How long?”
“Half way there.” I answer.
“Guess you finally managed to do something right, Cri.” He mocks me again.
“And you’re surprised I refuse to call you “dad…” I roll my eyes… Hate it when he calls me that…
Zarri laughs. “Seeing you like this always reminds me of the good old days.”
“Gorgeous.” He strokes her hair. “You have a whole lot of good days ahead of you to look forward to.” He puts his hand on her belly.
“I’m scared.” She tells him.
“Don’t be. You have absolutely nothing to fear. We’re here for you. We won’t let you go through this by yourself. Heck, you even have that idiot by your side.” He points to me.
“What kind of a father belittles his son every time they see each other?”
“The kind that wants you to never stop advancing and improving. I only hit you because I know you can take it.” Ira finally graces me with a glance. I open my mouth but Zarri jumps in front of me.
“Joins us for dinner.”
“With pleasure.” Ira offers Breeze his elbow. She gladly takes it. “So then, did my wedding invitation get lost in the mail?” Say what now? Zarri freezes in her tracks.
“We didn’t.” I answer.
“I see. I assumed, since…”
“No, this was not planned…” Breeze blushes lightly, remembering how and where “this” happened…
“Well then, shall we have your wedding here then? Along with your coronation?” Ira asks. Now I freeze in my tracks.
“I’d like that. It would be a wonderful occasion and a day to remember in our nation’s history.” Lady Devona meets us at the entrance to the Palace from the training grounds.
“I guess there’s no helping it. Then how about tomorrow?” Breeze suggests.
“There’s no rush, you should take some time to rest.” Ira makes the suggestion now.
“I’d rather not wait any longer.” Zarri stops. “I kept our people waiting long enough.” She stares her mother right in the eye.
“We’ll make the announcement tomorrow evening, we can have a nice family dinner after that, it will be enough.” Priestess says.
“How about we make a bonfire and make a feast for the people – anyone who wishes is welcome to enjoy some food and wine?” Breeze pitches the idea. Ira laughs out loud.
“Spoken like your father.” He gives her a quick peck on the side of her head.
“A feast for the people and dinner for us.” Lady Devona agrees.
“Sounds great.” I take Zarri away from Ira.
Breeze walks out of the other room, dressed in a deep, dark red, flowy, silk gown... The layers of the dress make her appear as if she is floating… The light refracting from the fabric is mesmerizing... The color accentuates Breeze's azure skin, somehow making her royal blue hair even bluer... The loose waves drape down nicely down her shoulders, back and chest... The entire image leaves me breathless... I see Zarri’s lips move yet no sound reaches me... I stare at the Goddess in front of me...
“Strip.” I hear a sound, vaguely resembling my own voice. My body gets of the bed and walks over to Breeze. I see the dress fall to the floor in one fluid motion, surrounding her in a pool of blood... I feel the clothes fly off my skin as I close the distance between us. I take my woman into my arms. Her body trembles, I tighten my embrace. I lock my lips on hers and her legs on my hips...
“Of all the times to be late!” Devona's pacing again.
“You waited half a century, a few more minutes won't make a difference.”
“That is not the point!” She turns to me. “Has that child no respect for others? I'd like to think she had learned that much!” I open my mouth and leave it gapping open. I see the two of them walking down the corridor... Well well... I grin.
“You'll know all the thirteen reasons why they're late in a moment.” Devona stops and notices the kids... I see the look change in her eyes.
“She's as gorgeous as her mother...” I whisper in her ear... “I raised the boy right...” I continue with no rush... “Consider yourself lucky that he was generous enough to contain himself long enough to make this happen...”
“Sorry we’re late.” Zarri and Cri take a quick bow.
“Shall we?” I offer my hand to the girl. She takes it. Devona walks over to his daughter.
“It’s moments like these I regret not having your father here to see how beautiful you are…” As do I… Zarri only manages to smile. Devona takes her daughter’s hand and they walk out onto the balcony. Cri and I follow them. The cheers hit us before we can take up our positions. Cri next to the ladies, with me watching from the shadows. Devona gives the people a few moments.
“My brothers, sisters, it is with greatest pleasure that I stand here before you today.” Devona begins her speech. “At long last, Noxanda has a King and a Queen once more!” The cheers pick up again. Zarri and Cri take front row center.
“My dearest, fellow Noxians;” Zarri speaks to the crowd. “WE stand before you as the new King and Queen of our land. We ask for your blessings and I ask for your forgiveness!” Zarri lays down her upper half on the stone ledge. The people die down. We wait.
“I ask to forgive the fool for abandoning her duties and responsibilities! I ask to forgive the selfish child, who took a lifetime to grow up, before she was ready to lead you all! I ask to forgive the idiot, who wasted your patience and respect! I ask you to forgive the brat that neglected you all in times of need, all because I was a weakling and a coward!” Zarri continues. “I ask that you lend me your strength! Show me the way to your hearts! I ask for a chance to redeem myself in front of you all!” She pauses as the crowd down below stands in total silence.
“I am well aware that I ask for the impossible of you! But know this, my fellow Noxians!” Her voice picks up power. “In return, I vow, upon the unborn second-generation heir, to earn back your trust! Your respect! And your love! Now that I am here, I will prove myself worthy of my place here! Before you all! When that day comes! I ask that you stand tall together with me!” The crowd roars again.
“My fellow Noxians!” The boy speaks to the nation. “As your King, I pledge to you, to protect you with my life! All of you! This land! My child and my wife! I will not let anyone or anything get in the way of our nation’s happiness! I pity the fools who dare to stand against us!” Ha! That was all so he could make a display out of his feelings for his woman… The moron… They both just publicly confirmed that Zarri is with a child. That got the people riled up more than anything they just said… A subtle diversion… I smile. It takes a strong woman to stand at the top and it takes even a stronger man to stand before her, with his back to her, and the nation, facing the world… Wykren, my old friend, you were right…
“Join us! As we walk through life! I invite you to walk alongside with us!” My my, guess all that time in Araneum paid off…
“We promise you!” The both of them call out. “WE will lead you all into a better future!!” The kids hold hands and raise them into the air. The people cheer again. Well done…
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"I didn't do it!" A voice is heard crying in the dark prison cell. "you need to believe me. I am innocent." ~~~~~~~~Diego Martino is a thirty year old who has spent five years in jail. He was accused of a crime he did not commit. Siara Rowland is a twenty-one year old intern at Grand's Law firm. She is studying to be a lawyer and her first client is Diego.WARNING: SUICIDE, OVERDOSE, DEPRESSION AND MORE.(I am no lawyer so my story is not like typical lawyer stories, the story focuses a lot on mental health)
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Beyond the Border
Sage has lived her entire life sheltered inside the Borderlands, free from any mythical creatures. Taught to hate their very existence, Sage has never considered the possibility that she has a mate. She doesn't even know what that means. However, all that changes when one of her good friends drags her outside the Border for a night of fun. Only, fun soon turns to turmoil when Sage realizes that her sheltered life will never go back to how it was before the notorious Theo Sloan claimed her as his.
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Malfoy v. Diggory (reader x draco malfoy x cedric diggory x reader love story)
Y/n and Draco have been friends since year one, but now they're onto year 4 and their friendship starts to grow. Could their friendship turn into something more? How will y/n's new friendship with Cedric affect their relationship with Draco.//if you're not both a cedric AND draco stan this story may not b ur cup of tea//#1 in cedric (may.6)#1 in cedric diggory fanfic (nov.1)#1 in cedric diggory fancition (nov. 2)#1 in blaise (may 31)#8 in draco (may.7)#1 in first story (jul.17)#21 in love triangle (dec. 2)#6 in blaise (feb.13)started// sep. 20, 2020finished//feb. 14, 2021
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Taming Cameron (COMPLETE)
Meet Cameron Crawford:She smokes and considers sex a sport. She doesn't have sex with one man twice, but she engages in sexual activities more than twice a week. Meet Nathaniel Caine:He is Cameron's boss, and is disgusted by her promiscuity, but what can he do? The woman is good at her 'job'. Nathaniel later wants someone to pose as his fiancée for his family reunion and his only option is Cameron.A week can be a long time for a woman like Cameron to go without sex or her cigarette, but will she be tamed by Nathaniel? "NO sex with any of my family members, and if you ruin the plan, you won't get paid." Nate smiled wickedly.Cameron cocked a brow and smiled "What about sex with you?".Find out more in "Taming Cameron Highest rank: #17 in short story!
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just pretend
Andrew is a spoiled only child who attends Whitewater Preparatory School with his girlfriend Keanu. His parents focus all their attention on their one an only son trying their best to make him perfect.Leo is a rebellious misfit who attends a local high school despite having enough money to attend Whitewater with his sister Keanu. Keanu forces her brother Leo and boyfriend Andrew to spend more time together as their families become closer in hopes that it'll straighten Leo out. However, the opposite seems to happen.-Started: January 30, 2019Finished: August 28, 2019
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Lena has hated Jace Hartley with a burning passion since kindergarten. But when everything she thought she knew about Hartley suddenly changes, will she still cling to the familiar feud between them, or will she slip and fall into something far more terrifying?*** Sarcastic rich girl Lena Montez is sure about one thing. Jace Hartley is the worst person. Ever. They've been playing a game of pranks and one-ups for over a decade, fueled by their never-ending feud and mutual burning hatred for the other. But when a car accident keeps Lena at home for months, she returns to school to find that something is different. Instead of spilling his drink over her, Jace is offering to carry her books. Instead of making rude comments about her, he is sending her pretty smiles and gentle laughs. Suddenly, Lena finds herself walking a tightrope between hate and something else.[[word count: 100,000-150,000]]
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