《Existara: the RRD. Book two》Preparations
“I’m leaving.” Culebra announces.
“Did something happen?”
“I’m not getting any younger. I don’t have that kind of a time to be wasting, waiting for you to regain your powers.”
“I see.” Breeze pauses. “Is there anything else I can do for you in exchange?”
“Die.” The Mancer hisses. I take up a stance. “Relax.” She tells me. “My beef is with her, not you.”
“Wrong. Her problems are mine to deal with.” I stare at the woman. I feel a touch on my arm. I ease up.
“Yes, I do understand that would be the perfect gift for you. However. I have something to look forward to now.” Breeze stands up with the other hand on her belly. “I don’t intend on dying anytime soon. So, I’ll ask again. Is there anything else I can do for you in exchange?”
The Mancer thinks about it. “Provisions.”
“Not a problem. Take whatever you need. There are extra bags in the closet.” Breeze says. I keep my glare locked on the caster.
“Anything else?” I ask.
“No.” Culebra leaves the kitchen. Marcus and Laira walk in.
“What just happened?” Marcus asks.
“It appears Culebra will be leaving us.” Breeze answers sitting back down to finish her tea.
“We got that much...” Laira sits down too. “Is it because of what happened last night?”
“Possibly.” Breeze nods. “Then again. If I can’t fight her then there is no reason for her to stick around anymore. If anything, I can always go seek her out in the Nightmare Island, where she lives, to finish our duel, after the child is born.”
“Yeah, you think that.” I take her hand.
“Oh well. Can’t be helped.” Marcus breaks the left-over tension.
“Good morning, everyone.” Enter Percival.
“Good morning, how are you feeling?” Laira asks the boy.
“Much better, thank you. It was nice to take a break. I believe I’ll get back to work today.”
“Are you sure?” Breeze questions the Cleanser.
“I think so. There are a few things on my mind, I couldn’t rest anyways.” He answers avoiding eye contact.
“I guess there’s no helping your curious mind.” Breeze sighs.
“Sorry.” Percy blushes and lowers his gaze again. “By the way, miss. Have you had a chance to speak with the King about the RRD yet?”
“No. I was going to do so after we arrange everything for the trip first.” Laira answers without turning around.
“If it would be possible, I’d like for us to get permission for the RRD before we leave for Noxanda.” Percival says.
“What’s the difference?” Marcus asks.
“Because that way we could ask Repperi to provide us with a team to help navigate the Great Archives. From what I know, the Archives are like a giant maze. Several stories high with miles of book shelves, full of scrolls and such, so the locals would know their way around better than anyone from Aranuem.” The boy explains. “Also, I figured that way there would be less of a risk for the happy couple, as we wouldn’t be taking anyone from here. I mean, we are trying to keep Lady Breeze a secret...”
“The happy couple?” I look at the kid.
“Did I say that out loud?” Percival pops his eyes out at me. Marcus roars first. Then Breeze, with Laira and myself right behind her.
“It’s ok, don’t worry about it. I’m happy you have a sense of humor.” I tell the boy, ruffing up his bed hair even more.
“Anyways, I’m surprised you thought that far ahead.” Breeze praises the boy.
“Oh, you don’t even know THE HALF of it.” Laira turns around for the first time since Percy got here.
“Does that mean you’ve been at the Archives before?” Marcus asks the kid setting down some plates.
“No, my friend Cartus at the Palace library told me that.” Why does that name sound familiar? “Apparently, not just anyone can work at the Archives. Memorizing the layout is difficult enough, on top of that you need to familiarize yourself with the filing system too. Which isn’t any less of a challenge. Primerians have a knack for hording, especially when it comes to information and because we tend to get side tracked, we are terrible at combing through the knowledge, keeping only the most useful items. So, the Archives only keep expanding. What’s worse is that every so often the books and the scrolls need re-writing as the ink tends to fade with time. Making it the busiest part of Repperi. It reminds me of an anthill. The work never stops. That’s why I figured that asking for help directly would make it easier to coordinate the whole thing, but for that we would need the King’s blessing first. I mean, Rebirth is all of our problem, not just Araneum’s...”
“Good point. I like that.” I agree with the kid.
“Very well.” Laira sets the last plates. “I shall ask for an audience with the King first thing today.”
“Smells good.” Rixa enters the kitchen through the back door. The Ram is right behind him.
“Oh, there you two are. I figured you weren’t even up yet.” Laira sits down.
“Nah, we were out training a bit.” Rixa quickly washes his hands over the dirty dishes.
“What’s today’s topic?” Jack asks. Following the CC’s lead.
“Our trip to Noxanda.” Percy beats me to it.
“When are you leaving?” The Ram asks again.
“No clue, that depends how quickly the preparations can be done.” Breeze answers.
“Let me know once you figure it out.”
“Oh?” I look at the Ram.
“I’ll come with.” He says in his usual calm tone.
“Any particular reason?” I ask.
“No. Just wanna go home. I think I had enough of here.”
“Aw, you’re leaving me?” Rixa pouts.
“Shut it.” The Ram doesn’t even bother looking at the Warr.
“Somehow, I’m not surprised you two are leaving.” Marcus joins in.
“Two?” Rixa glances over at the Mage.
“Culebra’s packing her bags right now.” I explain.
“Good riddance.” The CC lets out a sigh of relief.
“Hey.” Breeze sets her bite down. “Despite her attitude, she did agree to put her life on the line.”
“Yeah, but still.” The Warr averts his gaze elsewhere, mumbling something behind his glass.
“In any case, we’ll try to see what can be done about the RRD and a ship.” Laira changes the tune again quickly.
“Try talking to Glen, he mentioned he worked at the docks most of his time.” Breeze says. “Oh wait, I...”
“He made it.” Laira jumps ahead. “He’s been checking in once in a while.”
“I’m glad.” Breeze smiles.
“Thank you for the meal, that was delicious as always.” Percival’s the first to clear his plate. “Can I quickly use the bathroom? If nobody else will?”
“Go for it. I’m in no rush.” Jack waves to the boy.
“Same here.” Rixa seconds.
“Take your time.” Marcus agrees.
“Thank you.” The Cleanser nods and leaves the kitchen.
To my surprise the King agreed to see us on the same day.
“It’s probably because you mentioned the Rebirth.” I whisper to Laira as the three of us stand there.
“I figured he’d be paying more attention that way.” She answers.
“I’m about to pass out.” Percival’s looking like a ghost.
“Breath. You’ll be fine.” I tell him.
“Miss Evergreen, I hear you wish to speak with me?” The King enters, staring us down.
“Yes, your Majesty, we wish to speak to you.”
“I’m listening.” He waves at us, sitting down in the throne.
“We ask you to sanction a Rebirth Research Division. We believe that there’s much to be done in regards to the Castle of Despair, which perhaps, our predecessors have overlooked. Having established such a division would aid greatly in eradicating the Rebirth.” Laira goes straight to the point.
“How so?” The King is unfazed.
“Over the years we have gathered more than enough information about the Rebirth, yet we fail to find the means to stop it still. We believe that is because we failed to dig deeper into this. Perhaps there is something that we missed, of which we are not even aware.” Laira keeps her tone strong and calm.
“Like what for instance?” The King gives us a suspicious look.
“Like the fact that we are able to influence a part of the Castle." Percival steps forward holding a vial with the dark liquid inside of it.
“What am I looking at here?” The King steps down his throne.
“This is a sample I have brought back with us from the battle. I have been able to determine that part of this foul liquid is poison which I am able to control in the same manner as a Temeros would.”
“And the significance of this is?” The King walks closer to us.
“I have been going through the reports from the previous battles, as much as my duties here at the Palace allow me to.” The kid holds his ground. “So far, I have not been able to detect a single shred of evidence that anyone else has made such a discovery.” Nice. “Which leads me to believe, there could be more vital pieces of information hidden within the vast collection of knowledge that we have. However. I am but only one person, your Majesty.” Go Percival!
“And it has taken you over half a year to come up with this idea?” The King glares at us.
“Unfortunately, yes.” I step in. “As much as we would like to dig deeper, our hands are tied. The Palace life is quite demanding. Because there is no official order to look into the Rebirth, we are only able to do so on our days off and with only a handful of us – it has proven itself to be quite the challenge.” I build on the groundwork Percy laid out for us a moment ago.
“And who do you suggest will be working on this research?” The King’s being purposely difficult.
“Anyone capable of reading and writing. The Royal City is filled with scholars who are bored out of their minds.” Laira answers. “With an official order to research the Rebirth you would be creating job openings, I am sure, your Majesty is aware of the lack of work in the City, despite it being at its peak. That would also increase the morale of the people here even more. Especially if it helps to get rid of a major problem such as the destruction of our world.” Atta girl!
“I would need to discuss this with the Congress. The budget is not for me alone to do with it as I please, after all.” The King says, sitting back into his throne. Yeah right...
“We understand.” Laira nods.
“Very well. Is there anything else?” The King’s tone seems rather calm now.
“Yes.” Percival takes a step forward. “Should your Highness decide in favor of our proposal I would ask for your aid in coordinating with Repperi, back in Primerias, for their assistance in the matter as well.”
“Elaborate.” The King orders.
“There is a possibility that The Great Archives hold information predating the 200 Years of Darkness, when Aranuem was destroyed. It may be so that there too lies information that could aid our cause. I believe it would be in our best interest to go down there and see what we can find.”
“I assume you expect me to cover the costs of this expedition?”
“Not at all, your Majesty.” Percival continues calmly. “Thanks to my current standing with the Royal City I have managed to save enough to cover the expenses for the trip, as I alone would be enough to go.”
“Oh? Aren’t you confident?” The King leans forward in his throne. Mocking our Cleanser.
“Do not misunderstand me. There are certain rules that need to be followed when entering the Great Archives. One of which is that an official pass needs to be given out by the Officials in charge. My status alone would not be enough. However, if the King of Concord were to make such a request, I am certain that would capture their attention. Scholars have a tendency to be slow to respond...” I’m amazed. For someone who was about to drop to the floor, Percival is standing strong. I steal a glance at Laira. Her eyes sparkle with pride.
“Also;” the kid continues; “because of the complex system of the Archives, you would only be asking them to help me navigate. Not a single copper coin would need to be spent on man power. The Archives have people working there constantly. Working as guides is part of their responsibilities, which, to my understanding is included in their standard pay.” Brilliant.
“And how will you get the records out of there? Should you find anything worthwhile?” The King narrows his eyes. Damn it!
“As part of the Archive system, it is required to make copies of anything that one wishes to take back with them. There are Scribes working constantly there on the spot, just for that. Again, since they are always there, they too get paid for their work as it is their job, after all. PERCIVAL! YOU ARE A GENIUS!! I can barely contain my excitement.
“Of course, I should mention that there is an entrance fee. I doubt it would be much. If his Majesty would be kind to cover that, then that would be all I would ask. The seal of Concord would serve as a precaution, to prove that the request is legit, as the King is the only one allowed to wear it.” Percy points to the ring on the King’s right hand. Wow. He’s good...
“I see you have thought this through quite well.” The King leans back in his throne. “And what does Shadowkill have to say to all of this?” He’s testing us…
“No clue.” I answer. “We haven’t had contact with him since he retired months ago.”
“Percival is the brains behind the RRD.” Laira takes over. “He came to me asking for help in establishing the research division.”
“Is that so?” The King mocks us lightly.
“Yes. He has proven himself to be quite intelligent, despite his young age.” Laira stands next to Percy.
“So, it seems...” The King hesitates. “Very well, I shall contact you when we will reach a decision. If luck shall have it – the next Congress meeting will focus on the, what was it you called it again?”
“The Rebirth Research Division.” I line up with the rest of them. “RRD for short, your Highness.”
“Ah yes. The RRD. I shall see what can be done. Is that all then?”
“Yes. Thank you for your time, your Majesty.” Laira answers. We take a knee and leave the throne room. We walk a bit further away before I jump Percival.
“That was brilliant!” I tell him throwing my arm around his shoulders and pulling him to me.
“I am absolutely in awe.” Laira says.
“I thought I was going to lose consciousness...” Percival staggers a bit.
“You did great! It seemed like you were doing this for years! How old are you again?” I grab him by the shoulders and stare him down.
“Nineteen. I joined the Army about two years ago...”
“You look sixteen at best!” Laira proclaims loudly.
“I get that a lot...” The boy blushes.
“What you’ve been doing here for two years? People seem to barely know you?” I wonder.
“I’ve been so low on the food chain that nobody ever paid attention to me... I guess that’s why they didn’t hesitate throwing me onto the ship to Crepitus that time either. Although, that turned out to be the best thing that happened to me.” He straightens himself out and smiles.
“Glad we met.” Laira hugs the boy.
“For sure.” I agree and put my hand on his head.
“Thank you, I’m glad I get to be part of the team too.” He nods. “By the way, since you asked, how old are the two of you, if you don’t mind me asking?” Percival’s eyes dot around as he raises the question. I laugh.
“I’ll be 32 this year.” I answer.
“And the miss?” He carefully glances over at Laira.
“Oh, don’t bother, I’m waaaay older than I look...”
“I meant no disrespect.” The kid bows.
“Don’t worry about it. We have that confusing trait about us. All Noxians are unreadable in the age department.”
“What about Jack then?” I ponder.
“I believe he’s 29?” Laira answers. “I treated his hand so I had to ask a bunch of medical questions.”
“No way! I was sure he’s older. He doesn’t look it.”
“I was surprised as well.” Laira nods. “Are you coming with us to the docks?” She asks our Cleanser.
“No, I need to read up on a few things. I’ll see you later.” He nods and leaves us.
“See you round!” I tell his back. Well then, should we get going to the docks?
"Might as well. I doubt we’ll get an answer any time soon."
"Wanna stop on the way?" I slide my hand down Laira’s back.
"Is there anything else you think of? Ever?" She rolls her eyes at me with a smile.
"Nope." I blatantly confess with a smirk.
"Fine. But make it quick." She tells me with a glide over my crotch.
"Yes ma’am." I throw her leg on my hip, forcing a quiet giggle out of her.
"Excuse me? Where can we find Glen?" I ask a sailor at our usual meeting spot.
"He’ll be here in a minute." The Cornutese answers me.
"Should have taken my sweet time…" I pout.
"Did you say something?" Laira comes over with snacks in hand. "Want some?" I open my mouth. She puts the octopus ball in. I pull her fingers in with my mouth and lick them clean off.
"Did you just do that solely to tease me?" She squints at me.
"Absolutely." I wink at her.
"Sorry, I got caught up a bit there!!" Glen is trying his best to run over to us through the sea of people.
"No trouble." Laira shakes her head. Maybe a little…
"You wanted to speak to me?" Glen catches his breath. "Sir." He nods to me.
"Marcus. Glen. It’s Marcus." I tease him friendly.
"Marcus, sir." The boy straightens out. I drag my palm across my face. Ugh. Nevermind…
"Yes, Glen, we need to know if it is possible to get to Noxanda without stopping at Snake Port or Crepitus."
"Of course." It simply takes longer to prepare everything. "Why? Did something happen?"
"No, not yet. We simply need to know how long it would take to get a ship and the crew ready."
"When do you need them?" The kid asks.
"When’s the soonest you can deliver?" I answer.
"I would need a few weeks to see if I can get enough people for everything… A trip like that, without stopping to restock…"
"If the money is the issue, we’ll cover the expenses." Laira tells the Druid.
"No. It’s not that. We simply need time to gather everything up. How many in the party?"
"Three, no wait, four. Four people are going to Ravenna." I answer.
"That makes it easy. I’ll need to find some more sailor Ice Mages... " Glen mumbles something. "How long will you stay there?"
"Indefinitely." Laira says. The kid’s face rearranges itself into a puzzled look.
"So your party of four is going one way?" Glen’s gaze turns suspicious… We nod.
"Is that a problem?" I question…
"Well yes and no…" The kid hesitates. "We can’t take a small ship, even if there aren’t many travelers, solely for the reason of stocking up provisions needed for the duration of the trip. Since you do not wish to stop at any of the other ports, it means we need to have enough food and everything to last the crew one way. Now if the party in question is staying at their destination, that means we would need to either a, find other people who would need a ship to somewhere, which could become a drag, or b, find some who would want to go one way only. It wouldn’t be much of a problem if it was a short trip but all the way to Noxanda… I will definitely need at least a few weeks to see if I can gather up a crew of capable sailors…" The kid lowers his gaze to his feet. "We can always sell the ship once we get to Ravenna. Or keep it docked just in case. Hiring someone to look after it – shouldn’t be difficult." He looks back at us. "May I ask who is in your party?"
"Breeze, Crile, Percy and Jack." Laira uses the stone. Glen’s eyes widen.
"Give me a week. There are plenty of people who want to go home back to the Old Continent. I’ll let you know then how soon we can leave."
"Appreciated." Laira hands the Druid a pouch of coins. "Feel free to ask for more."
"Much obliged." The kid bows.
"Perfect. We’ll keep in touch." I nod to the kid.
"How did it go?" Breeze asks us.
"Percival was incredible! The kid pulled off a top-notch performance!" I proclaim proudly.
"He was indeed, nothing short of amazing." Laira agrees. "I doubt we’ll get our answers soon but I have a newly found adoration for our little Cleanser."
"Well I’m not surprised. The kid is bright." Crile says.
"Did you know he’s nineteen?" Laira adds.
"Oh? I had no clue. He looks sixteen at best." Breeze moves over, giving me access to the cellar.
"That’s what she said!" I call out going down the stairs for a keg of beer. "By the way, what was that about that newly found adoration you mentioned?" I glare at my girl, putting the keg down.
"Nothing you need to worry about." She winks at me. Hmm…
"Did you manage to speak with Glen?" Crile cuts off my silent pouting.
"He said he needs a week to start with. He’ll let us know then how long it will be before you can set sail."
"Can’t be helped. We are asking a lot…" Breeze agrees.
"Did you tell him who is going?" The Assassin asks our backs.
"I did." Laira turns around. "He knew about Breeze. Was I wrong to?" I glance quickly over my shoulder. I see Crile shake his head.
"No, it’s better this way. He’ll know how to pick his crew better now."
"You scared me there for a moment..." My girl lets out a sigh of relief and so do I…
Two months later.
We leave the cabin as soon as it gets dark. Breeze and I take Meteor. Percival and Jack get on Storm with Laira and Marcus riding Sky. We leave Rixa behind. He’s not going anyways. Good riddance. We get to the docks. I help Breeze get of my dragon, he seems to be aware of the changes in her body, as he too, has that “be careful” look on his scaled face. I pat the dragon one last time and press my forehead to his. I don’t say anything. Breeze does the same goodbye with Storm…
"Kid, what the hell did you pack? Bricks?" The Ram helps Percival with his bags. Our Cleanser’s grip slips and one bag ends up falling open to the ground.
"They’re books". Marcus picks up a few.
"Brand new too." Laira flips trough one. "These must have cost a fortune."
"Why did you bring so many?" I ask the boy.
"They are supposed to be gifts to you and the Lady. I thought maybe you could use them later when… the child…" He quickly shuts up. "I’m sorry!" He blurs out bowing. "I should have asked…"
"Percival, don’t." Breeze puts her hand on the kid’s shoulder. "Don’t ever lower your head in front of us." Percy looks back up. "You are on equal ground with us, you have no need to bow."
"We’ll be more than happy to take any help we can get. The Heavens know we have no clue about anything." I calm the boy.
"We have two months at sea, we’ll be sure to learn from you as much as we can." Breeze seconds me.
"Alright." Our Cleanser nods.
"Commander." Glen approaches us and begins kneeling next to us.
"Don’t you dare." Breeze tells the boy. "No need for that." He hesitates but stands up right.
"I’m happy to see you well." He says.
"Thank you. We appreciate your hard work on this." Breeze bows her head lightly.
"How’s the crew?" I ask getting our and Percy’s bags.
"A mix of the recruits who went with us and some old timers who want to get back home to the Old Continent." Glen explains.
"I can’t believe we need to say goodbye, again." Laira hugs Breeze.
"It won’t be forever this time." She answers. "You’ll come to visit once the child is born?"
"Of course!" Marcus says. "We’re looking forward to it!"
"One way or another we’ll have to come round to pick this one up. Or he’ll never get out of the Archives." Laira pats Percy on the head.
"Speaking of which;" Breeze starts; "should you finish earlier, feel free to come round to Astri."
"Oh, I think I should use up the four months to research as much as possible. Wouldn’t want to miss anything." The kid mumbles.
"Why four?" Jack finally speaks again.
"Commander should be around 22 weeks into the pregnancy when we’ll reach The Land of Race, about half way, so that will give me roughly about four months of research."
"Make that six." Marcus says. "Two more till we reach Astri."
"Oh, right. Then six. That should be enough time." Percy makes the adjustment. I see the look on Laira’s face. So does Breeze.
"See you in half a year."
"See you in half a year." Laira nods, tears glistening in the moonlight. Marcus and I shake hands. Jack too. With Percival getting a ruffing on his hair. The Mage laughs as the Cleanser fixes himself up.
"Safe travels." Marcus wishes us.
"May the Stars shine upon you." Laira tells us four an old Noxian saying, wishing best of luck with a blessing, as we board the ship. We watch five figures get slowly away from us, bit by bit, with the ship sailing further off into the night.
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