《Strings Of The Orchestrator》Ch3 - The Ocean



I never knew the ocean was so large. I mean, I knew it was big, but never this big. I had been kicking for a day straight and had yet to reach any sort of landmass. My thighs burned, a mix of both rash and muscle strain. I just got these legs, how can they already be broken again?

Turtley had decided to take a nap on my chest, putting his cuteness on display for me. His sheer adorable factor motivated my dying legs to keep going. My once powerful flutter kick was now more like a pitiful splashing. But the two of us pressed onward.

It was around high noon the next day that my stomach started to whine as well. It DEMANDED sustenance; water and food.

I looked down at my protruding ribs.

"Look stomach. *Mentally kneel down* I'm gonna be real with you. You've always been there for me, doing stuff like keeping me alive and all. But right now, I can't help you help me. If you hadn't noticed, we are kinda stranded. I hope to change that, yet all I see is more ocean. We could be going in circles for all I know! So if you could hold off for...like two more days? Yeah... three minutes without air, three days without water... Yeah! two days left, that's all I ask."


"How dare you say that about Turtley! I would rather die!"

I then punched my stomach right in its stupid stomach face.

*Sad Gurgle*

"That's right, know your place."

I then spat on my stomach.

With all my organs in line, I started to think about my buddy. He hadn't woken up in a dozen hours. Was he getting hungry? Was he just tired? I hadn't taken my eyes off him for a single moment since we landed here.


I gently rubbed his shell, causing him to come out and release a yawn. Thank the turtle almighty! He was just tired.

Turtley rubbed his head against my finger. My heart nearly stopped from how cute it was. After a quick punch to get it back on track, I decided to change tactics. We hadn't made any apparent progress since we landed in this turtle-less wave hell.

I softly grabbed Turtley and rotated into a doggy paddle. He was placed on top of my head, secured against my now bald scalp. I pray to Turtle Almighty that my hair grows back. My poor beautiful brown locks.

I paddled through the waves, making sure to take in the surroundings atop every wave crest. Some waves reached exceeding highs. I think I reached 10 meters at one point. Though, I curse that one afterward. It had nearly knocked off my buddy!

I spent hours looking for something, anything that proved I would find land. I would never give up, I had to find something eventually. Else the time extension on my stomach would run out.

It was hour 27 of searching when I finally found a tree. It was a single tree, waaaaay off in the distance.

"Hang on little buddy! I'm gonna kick it into overdrive!"

I put him on my back and began to furiously swim. I pushed my way against the waves that sought my failure. I felt like David Hasselhoff with Spongebob on his back, flying through the ocean at a terrific pace.

My muscular system was about to act out against me from the constant abuse, but with a firm glare, and a few placating words from the stomach, it decided to hold off on its outburst.

Every pull of my arm was one step close to my goal, how could I possibly lose hope? Turtley spun in a circle on my back and gave me motivating cheers. Everything was going great.


I kept my pace for a solid 3 hours. I would have done it in 2, but I had to quell a picket fence strike from the right arm. They tried to argue for more rest, but I struck down on them with the threat of death! They complied shortly after, allowing us to safely make it to the sandy beaches of the island.

I dragged my sorry, bare, ass up the beach and collapsed. It was only ten seconds before my stomach demanded its payment.

"Fine! You want food?"

I consumed a mouthful of sand.

"Sand is rocks, and rocks have minerals, happy now?"

My stomach tried throwing up to get rid of the sand, but I held it down. It's that bastard's problem now. I laid in the sand and simply passed out.


I awoke to the sensation of Turtely knocking on my skull and an extremely dry mouth. I coughed, hard, and got a tiny bit of spit back in my mouth.

"What is it, little buddy?"

Turtley sprinted off towards the inner island, looking backward every now and then to make sure I was following. Smart turtle. We passed through tall trees of some kind, nothing I had ever seen before. We passed odd colored rocks; a deep shade of blue. I made a note to go back to those. The walk wasn't long, only a dozen minutes, and we found ourselves in front of a waterfall.

"Stomach is going to like this."

I sit down underneath the waterfall, letting the cool water fall over me. All the sand and dried salt washed off nicely. I just had to do it, I had to. It was something entirely out of my control. I released a groan of relaxation.


I held my head up and swallowed mouthful after mouthful of water. The fresh water tasted better than anything I could get back on Earth. Maybe it was just the fact I was extremely dehydrated, but I now LOVE water.

From every corner of my body, I got thumb-ups. All systems go, ready for survival. I had escaped the entrapment of the ocean and had my relaxing reward.

Turtley sat in my lap, getting some waterfall massaging as well. The small turtle had finally warmed up to me, sitting quietly as I stoked his shell. I liked to trace my finger along the green and yellow patterns. It was like a maze I could never escape, a picture with no edges.

In the middle of my relaxation, I checked my invisible watch.

"Damn! Is it that time already?"

I carefully placed Turtley down on a rock, making sure the water wasn't too powerful for him. Then walking to the edge of the water pooling at the base of the falls; beginning to scream.




This went on for several hours.

I checked my invisible watch once again. It displayed, 'You're good mate, finish it up.' Alright watch, no need to get snippy with me. It was scheduled screaming time, how could I not make sure I got everything out?

My vocal cords were killing me, but what was new? I was trapped on an island in the middle of the ocean with a turtle. Food? Irrelevant, I just need the love of Turtley and some water. All I needed now was to find more turtles and establish the first, and bestest, turtle empire. We will thrive in this strange world!

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