《Strings Of The Orchestrator》Ch4 - System Welcome


Inside the purple and white space tunnel, moments after they were sucked up, Rupert and his wife Veronica were hugging each other. Rupert was the more dominant hugging force between the two, kissing his wife on the forehead.

"Dear, I got you, I won't let you go. I promise. I won't ever let you go again."

The magic space tunnel was freaking them both out, but they used the other's company as a way to stay calm. At first, they thought the air shaking was insane, but this was off the wall crazy. They needed to do something quickly before they reached wherever this tunnel was taking them, fearing the path ahead.

Rupert started looking around them at their situation, wondering what the hell was going on. All he could see was the endless purple and white sands of the tunnel. These sands would quickly be recognized as the highest level of long-distance teleportation magic among the humans sucked up.

They slid along the tunnel for a bit, accumulating cuts and scrapes; with some black lightning that infiltrated their bodies. They didn't notice the injuries, only the strange split in the tunnel ahead of them. It was slight at first, but the two began to feel a prying force.

"Rupert? Are you letting go? It's getting harder to hold on."

Rupert could feel his wife slipping through his fingers. As they neared the split, this force only got larger. In his mind, Rupert was scared shitless, but he held it together.

"Veronica. I want you to just focus on my eyes. Remember Atlanta? I want you to trust me right now as much as you trusted me then."

Veronica nodded her head in approval.

The couple arrived before the split. Rupert's arms were about to give out from exhaustion, so he focused every shred of will on keeping them running.

Since they had yet to split, they slammed into the diverger. Rupert had his back shredded by the razor-sharp sands, accumulating more black lightning. The structure cracked but held for a split second. It was at that moment that Rupert acted. He pulled his wife into his chest and rolled to the side, going into one tube of the split.


Once they were both far enough to the right, the pulling force faded and allowed them both to continue. The left tunnel filled itself with the endless grains of purple and white, accepting the denial.

The outside system was notified.

Additional Variant Detected

1,022 + 1 Varients

Merits Adjusted

Veronica held her husband in her arms with worry as they moved forward. he had exhausted himself into unconsciousness. It was difficult to betray space magic with the sheer force of human muscles; difficult, but clearly not impossible.

She ran her hand through his black hair, stroking the sides of his face. She kissed him on the lips and bringing him into a hug. Whatever they would face, they would do it together. She promised herself that.

Veronica had no idea how long they would be in the strange sand space, but she found her answer: not much longer. She could see a light at the end of the tunnel, one that exited into a verdant forest.

She ducked her head to her chest and held Rupert upright. This way, they wouldn't smash their heads on the ground when they got out. To her surprise, once they reached the light, they simply popped into existence in the forest. It was as if they were carefully placed there.

Veronica didn't even have a moment to look at her surroundings when a screen popped up in front of her.

Hello Veronica Vance!

Welcome to the Integrated Universe, a coalition of a hundred thousand worlds and growing!

You have been moved from your old planet to this one, a bumpy process, but this allows you to meet the thousands of other races that exist in the universe.

I am the SYSTEM, a tool used by all the intelligent races on the Integrated Worlds.

My singular purpose is to help you repel the enemies that threaten this universe; dark forces, monsters of unimaginable ferocity and savagery.

You will use me to grow in power, better able to defeat these enemies that threaten us all and survive.

So find the one thing that motivates you, the one thing you want to protect, and become strong enough to protect it.


May your power grow, and your wisdom prosper.

[Welcome Gift To The Integrated Universe]

[Commands: {Status} and {Inspect}]

[Say the commands in your mind or out loud to bring them forth]


[Veronica Vance: Lvl 0]

[Class: None]

[Hp: 30]

[Mp: 70]

[Strength: 3]

[Agility: 5]

[Intellegence: 7]

[Three free classes available: |Warrior|, |Rouge|, and |Mage|]


[Free Items: Iron Sword, Iron Chestplate, Rations]

[+4 Strength, +2 Agility, and +2 Intelligence per level]


[Free Items: Iron Dagger, Leather Chestpiece, Rations]

[+2 Strength, +4 Agility, and +2 Intelligence per level]


[Free Items: Staff Wood Wand, Mage Robe, Rations]

[+1 Strength, +1 Agility, and +6 Intelligence per level]

Veronica looked at the information given and the three options laid before her. This entire situation was beyond her. The announcement had ripped her attention away, making her momentarily forget her husband's condition. She went to the side of her husband and made sure he was breathing, lifting his head into her lap.

The one thing I want to protect...

Veronica looked down at Rupert. His face had its first few wrinkles on them, marking his age. It was an older face, yet as she looked at it, all she could see was the kid from the back of her math class. That shy boy who turned out to be the smartest man in her life.

"We've been together for so long. I... I just... I'm sorry for how I've been recently."

It was easier to get the words out now while he wasn't listening. He couldn't retort, or interrupt, or miss the point. It was purely for her own benefit.

Veronica looked back at the classes menu.

"You never were the confrontational type. I will bear that burden for you. I will protect you as much as I can. For better or worse, right?"

[Class: Warrior Selected]

[Skills: \Slash\, \Tank Shot\, and \Distract\ gained]

[Passive: \Sword Apprentice\ gained]

[Free Items obtained: Iron Sword, Iron Chestplate, Rations]

The air around Veronica swirled. Through the small section of the forest they were in, a fast breeze raced through. The sudden wind scared the woman, fearful of the unknown presented before her.

Thin tendrils of white light drew themselves out of the turbulent area. They were initially few in number but quickly picked up in quantity. They were like sewing thread, but much more fine and much more luminous.

They arranged themselves into delicate patterns, forming on the surface of Veronica's body. The first object formed was her chest plate, forming perfectly around her torso. The familiar shine of normal, regular, human, iron put her at ease.

Her bosom was accounted for and left her enough breathing room; something many forget when it comes to armoring women. You can't simply squeeze boobs into a tighter space, it made the experience very uncomfortable, and therefore impractical.

To her left side, a sword wove itself into existence. Once again, the familiar sight of iron. The grip on the hilt perfectly fit her dominant left hand, allowing her to immediately feel connected to it. The grip was made from some kind of non-slip leather, letting the user achieve more powerful swings without losing their weapon.


[Iron Sword]

[lvl 5]

[Stats: None]

[Enchants: None]

[A beginner system-generated sword. Made from iron]

[Iron Chestplate]

[lvl 5]

[Stats: None]

[Enchants: None]

[A beginner system-generated chest plate. Made from iron]

As she inspected her two items, a leather strap backpack filled with dry rations and a canteen of water formed from the threads. It looked like two weeks' worth of food, though Veronica had no idea how far that would get them.

With all of her items granted to her, the remaining threads disappeared and the wind died down. The small clearing they were in returned to normal; an overbearing silence after such a display.


"What has the world become? Things appearing out of thin air? And we're supposed to fight enemies from another universe?"

Rupert remained unconscious, his extreme exhaustion keeping him asleep for his own safety.

"No matter what. No matter how. No matter why or where, I will be your wife. I know it's a bit cheesy, but I will be the shield that protects you; like I always have been."

I'll make it up to him. I have to.

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