《Truck-chan VS. Reincarnation》Truck-chan vs the forest fire!


Truck-chan vs the forest fire!

System Memo

From: The Goddess System a priori alpha version.00257643

To: Mr. Spickles, low level managerial department of reincarnation.

Sudject: Daily report, reincarnations are down /

Average volume of souls today!

128,892 souls reincarnated. 128,892 infatuations. I’m working beautifully. ^_^

Food, she thought, her stomach growled.

She had the bear rip off a hind leg of the deer it had brought for food. Animal instincts as they were, it desperately wanted to fight the fire, or run. She had it cowering fearfully by the stream, while she attempted to cook the deer leg in the conflagration. The fire had begun to get quite hot, and the smoke started to overwhelm her senses. She persevered, in order to get something to eat, while she waited out the disaster. It just had to run out of fuel in order to die out, how bad could it be.

She cooked the deer leg, fur and all, because she had no common sense, or a knife to skin it with. It burned and smelled like burnt hair. It was charred and cooked thoroughly. Once it started to smell slightly like a cheeseburger, she took a bite. It was mostly ash covered charred meat, and quite gamey and stringy. Seeing how she didn’t know the first thing about how to cut or dress her meat it was full of gristle and muscle. Which tasted nasty, but she did get a good bite of the hindquarters, which wasn’t bad. The bear was somewhat jealous, while cowering in fear by the stream. She tried to enjoy her meat, by the conflagration, but it was getting hot.

Using the bear for cover, she sat on one of the burnt trees, in the stream, doing her best to enjoy her stringy deer hindquarters.


Halfway through her meal, a soul got trapped inside her ghost truck, and another, and another and another. Soul fire was virtually flowing into her, increasing her power tenfold, an unexpected windfall from the forest fire that she had started. More and more soul fire entered her mind, where the ghost truck rested. Filling it further and further until she was bursting with power.

She was too full. She couldn’t hold any more power. Some of the soul fire escaped into the void, overflowing into the great darkness. She was too full, but she needed more power. The power to escape this awful world. The power to break through the walls of reality, and destroy the goddess that had trapped her here. Truck-chan needed the power of a GOD!

So she looked deep inside herself for a way to hold more soul fire. The mist in her mind formed her old form. A semi delivery truck. But, it was bursting with soul fire, it couldn’t hold anymore. So she made another truck, and another, and another, she made every truck she could think of.

Her old driver Ralph, had been trucking for a long time. So he knew all the different sizes and shapes, models and builds. She made them all, she wasn’t just one truck now. Now she was every truck. A representation of truck kind, truck nation, and truck world. She was all trucks and all trucks were her power. She was Truck-chan, the deliverer of souls and packages. Her business was getting from one place to another. Reality bent to her will. Except as the smoke continued to rise into the night, and the soul fire streamed inside of her, she felt it for the first time, the bounds of reality. The wall she had to break in order to pass through this life into another. It was her power, but at the moment, she still wasn’t powerful enough.


As the night passed, and a new day dawned, the soul fire went down to a trickle. She stayed in the river all day, concentrating on her gains and her growth. Ruminating on the power inside her mind. With her acceptance of all of truck kind, she had changed. Truck-chan was no longer a singular existence, now she was a representative. Not just of truck kind, but also of those who desperately desired to escape, into another world.

The forest fire was an unexpected windfall of power. But, to reach the heights to fight the gods, she’d need more power still. The forest fire had given her an idea. Why kill one, when you could kill many. The more soul fire the better. The more death and destruction the more powerful she would become. So she needed a target, and civilization was the biggest target of all.

As darkness fell, and the second night in a new world started. Ominous clouds formed above the burning forest. Lighting creating crooked passageways between mighty clouds. Rain fell on the forest, drowning out the last remnants of the great fire. Truck-chan slept dreaming of ultimate conquest. She would rule the world, or it would bow before her feet. She would conquer the earth, and then conquer the heavens. Conquer man, and then conquer the gods. She would…… massive snores echoed throughout the clearing, at the center of a charred forest, as the rain fell, quenching the last of the fire, But, it could not quench the disastrous dreams of a lone woman cuddled up to a massive bear, soundly and peacefully asleep.

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