《Mr.Easy's adventure in One Piece》 Chapter06 Training (really?) (part I)


After getting a deal with Smoker and taking care of my habit I went out of the cabin and headed off towards the training grounds as I am not allocated any duty as of yet so I have to participate in the evening sword training "I don't care if I am talented in swordplay or not but I will learn for I am a fan of weapons whether they are cold weapons or hot weapons (I wish we had modern pistols and machine guns) so I will learn as much as I can (and be a walking arsenal) from Smoker before going to the academy. “If only I can get the Devil fruit baby 5 has that would be awesome".

Let's talk about the types of guns One piece world has to offer, well the basic type is flintlock and that's all I know (yep that's true, not a nerd or technical type) but I have seen Gatling gun in the show and revolvers so I am definitely getting those if I have the chance (dude you have only fired air pistols and rifles in your life)"stop destroying my fantasy!".

While in my fantasies I arrived at the gun range to get some basic understanding of guns (stop lying you just wanna shoot them)"would you stop destroying my own serious mental image for one second and what’s wrong with my brain talking to myself anyway, I am not goddamn Deadpool!"

After saying that I look around and try to hear something (what the hell are you doing) "trying to hear Deadpool's voice, you know he is known for his 4th wall breaking"(what is wrong with me, this must be the side effects of being alone. A modern person who is used to his phone and computer has to live a month in the middle of an ocean alone)"that's crazy"(I think I am crazy).


I go towards the guy who is sitting in front of the armory with a desk, looking like a goddamn receptionist and two guys guarding the door of the armory standing with rifles (cool)"that's my line, Awesome, better"

Easy- (are you fucking buying groceries*mental facepalm*) "oops, I forgot I have to be formal which I can't get used to in a short time! So, shut up".

Random marine #1- angrily says to Easy. Easy get a bit ticked off, well he is not a millennial for nothing and he hates loud noises


Random marine #1- shouts while standing up and getting ready to beat up this arrogant recruit {no one has talked to him like that accept his superiors since becoming a marine and getting assigned the duty in charge of the armory.

So he gets in face of Easy and points at his head and shouts Easy to apologize or he will beat Easy and Easy will never get any gun practice for life.

Easy was about to shoe this guy the martial arts of Earth and shut him up when suddenly the guys face turns stiff and he starts to sweat and his gaze is fixed behind Easy. Easy thinks that Smoker is behind him and shows no fear since he can blackmail him and bravely turns around and his face also turns stiff (what rotten luck!) by seeing Tashigi standing behind him with an angry expression.

Random marine #1- salutes her and stands at attention.

Easy- instinctually copies the marine and salutes then stands at attention.


Easy- says with an expression of someone being wronged (YOU ARE EVIL) and says in one breath. The poor Marine didn't even get a chance to explain himself and was shocked and only thinking about what just happened.

Tashigi- asks while glaring at Random marine #1.


Random marine #1-

The poor guy was not able to answer and she took his silence as agreeing to Easy's statement and tells him that he will be punished by Captain Smoker and turns toward Easy.


After listening that he has to train in Swordsmanship with a girl who very well has a sword fetish he starts cursing his luck (I have lost count how many times I have cursed my luck since coming in this world) he thinks while following Tashigi.

Random marine #1 after hearing that he will be punished by Captain Smoker feels angry and frustrated but after listening that the kid will be training with Chief Petty Officer Tashigi all his anger towards that Easy kid is gone and he even starts to pity the poor kid.

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