《Mr.Easy's adventure in One Piece》 Chapter02 this place sounds familiar.....?


Easy -

Tom -

I replied with my serious face

(Which is my regular expression?)



Why that name does sound familiar. Maybe I have heard of that place before



I replied frowning



He said with an expression "how the hell can you not know that"



(All hail the wiki XD)

"Alright I think something just clicked in my mind"


I said as I ran to find a quiet place because my mind is running at full-force as things started to get together

I saw something as I ran to the center of the town. A fucking platform which leads to all the things I have come across so far

The world has more water The moon is bigger The island name is Loguetown The world is governed by 'World Government' There is the legendary execution platform of Gol D Roger in front of me


"I realized just where the fuck is I. I am in HELL, I seriously mean it. Just think about living in a place full of pirates, revolutionary, more pirates, soldier, and soldier with guns walking around the world doing what they think is right"


I shouted as I ran back to Tom

(Crying inside)

I got back to port to look for the good guy Tom as I need to know just what time have I landed in this world. The platform looked in good health so that means Luffy has not mad it here or they just rebuilt it. To confirm this I need to see if Smoker is here or not, I stop as I see tom guiding some sailors unloading cargo on the port.



He asks me curiously

Think of an excuse fast

(Got it, man)


Hah the easiest and most believable lie


(You are a genius my boy)


He bought it

Now the most ideal answer to say at this point

(It’s fucking childish)"shut up brain!"


(Saying that out loud hurts my pride)"can't argue with that.


What did he just call me? I am 22 you jerk!

(But you look younger without your beard and you know that)

He was saying as he got interrupted by a very dry and rough voice

(Man I smell tobacco)"ah good old tobacco"

Unknown voice-

I turn towards the voice, lo behold the very man I was trying to find a walking bear named Smoker, wait I think I am forgetting something, man I just had to lie about a stupid dream of becoming a marine while this guy was here.


I said nervously (would he give me one of his cigars if I ask)"will you see the situation!"


And now I am stuck at being a marine

(it’s better than be a pirate)"not after knowing all that man but still better than I am under Smoker and not someone else"


I said as I started to follow him deep in thoughts about lying about my bio-data, I need a fake identity I mean I already gave my name at the port and asked stupid questions about World Government.

(I say let’s go with the 'I DON'T REMEMBER SHIT')

"Yup let’s go with that" but I need another excuse of joining the marines if I don't remember anything,

(Let’s just say I remember being attacked by pirates before found floating in the ocean)"genius boy"

(Need to keep that confidence huh)"got me".


Smoker said as we reach the said base, nothing different than any other building just bigger and whiter.


As we go inside the guard's salute Smoker along with everybody else inside the base that saw him.


We reach to Smoker's office and he sits in his chair and asks me the same while giving me a form to fill.

Pretty standard if I say so myself 'Name, Father's name Age, Birthplace, hobbies, etc.' like an entrance exam

(Time to lie)


Smoker just looked at me for 1 full minute to see whether I was lying or not

(All hail my poker face)


I begin saying all the excuses and after contemplating he asks some stupid questions about some events which I have no idea about and then he asks me some general knowledge questions about math, science, compass? (even I know what a compass is),etc.



His expression changes like 'if before he didn't believe me now he totally does'


I look at him grudgingly

(I swear that bastard was smirking)"at least I got food and shelter"

I will check my body's condition tomorrow

(as I am lead to the quarters to sleep)as I feel that something has changed in me, like I feel much lighter “I was 90kg with total muscles and some martial arts training on regular basis"

I feel I have a lot of stamina which was my worst (with that weight and me being lazy) and I feel stronger and.....zZzZ zZzZ zZzZ.

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