《Mr.Easy's adventure in One Piece》 Chapter01 Where in the world am i?


Damn it Damn it Damn it all! My head hurts! And this is by far the worst headache ever in my life, and why am I awake and not able to see anything. Cause I know I am not dreaming, haven't had a dream in a decade or so, surprisingly I can't seem to move it’s like I am paralyzed or something. My body doesn't move after trying to lift my hand or move my neck and I seem to be eh...drifting on water.

FUCK this is bad really-really bad... Why do you ask? I don't know how to swim and I am not kidding, never needed to swim just lying in a 4-feet deep pool was enough swimming for me but now I am regretting not learning how to swim who could have predicted a flood in a desert country, shit the world must really be ending at this rate and it happened while I was asleep, what could have happened to lead this event, hmm let’s think of the possibilities.

First the only time I think of the same event like this was mentioned on the internet was of Noah's myth and if that's happening I hope I get chosen for the boat or hope that right now I am on that boat, well I am fairly optimistic too much sometimes and I have a habit of talking to myself which surprisingly enough cheers me all the time when I need it. Second the whole of Antarctica just melted in a single night’s sleep(like hell that can happen) or Third someone started WW3 by throwing a nuclear bomb in an ocean nearby(fuck that idiot) chances of this happening is as much as me getting superpowers, haven't you heard of mutation by nuclear radiation, told you I was optimistic.


I think I am getting a feeling back in my body I think I can open my eyes... its night time I can see stars and the moon...."WHAT THE FUCK! (and my voice is back)what in the name of god happened while I was asleep did the moon became big or its closer to the planet" which explain this rise of water level but still at this rate that giant fucking rock is gonna collide with the earth and "so the world really is ending".

"Ah such a nice feeling, not about the world ending but being able to move my body"

never thought I will say this but "thank god for making me normal with all the bodily functions" and I don't think you will be surprised to know that I am HUNGRY "man, what can I say I am a glutton" and I have solution for this right under me (really hoping so please don't be empty) a fridge which I thought of as a boat.

"Let’s open it without drowning myself"

well, this is not my fridge as its one of those big ones from departmental stores luckily it has 2 doors so let’s just open one and see “JACKPOT” literal jackpot it has food i.e. Turkey Sausage Breakfast Bowl, Blueberry Waffles, Breakfast Burrito, FROZEN PIZZAS etc. and drinks except water.

After eating turkey and drinking some coke(it was not chilled T0T) which was still somewhat cool despite the fridge being off, I think this is because the water is pretty cold in this ocean, "you ask why am I calling this an ocean?"

"well I cannot see anything as far as I can see and if you tell me this is a flood I think you are crazy for thinking and me believing your word that I am above a fucking drowned city" and now what any normal human being would do after having his fill sleep.


++MORNING (whenever I wake up) ++

"Waking up is always such a pain and thank god for my habit of sleeping straight and not tossing around in my sleep that I am still on this raft/boat/fridge", and now to the next course of action I need to find land because if one thing I have learned from 'Man vs. Wild' that always try to reach civilization, and I don't think I will find one in the ocean, so here I am trying to row the boat with my hands in the north direction to try my luck.

++1 MONTH LATER (i love time skips) ++

My food and drinks are running low, if I don't find land soon I think I will just die on this fridge or just jump inside it and then die so to avoid being fish food as I only have like 3 days’ worth of ration, and I want to see land, never thought I would miss it so much as to be crying and willing to do anything to reach land.


"Hahahaha woohoo hahahaha I can see it, I can fucking see land" jumping on the fridge and almost falling down into the ocean and after 10 minutes of shouting and excitement I calm down and starts rowing while singing "Row, row, row your boat. Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a dream." alright I admit I might have cracked some screw(s) in my head but can you blame me I mean I was (am) stranded on the ocean for a full fucking month.


"LAND HO" I have officially gone crazy as I shout after seeing an old harbor and a lot of old style boats with sails, I think the world really got flooded huh and people have made boats like these in a months’ time that's impressive even if its old style, after reaching the harbor I walk towards the nearest person I could found to ask just which place I landed, that person seems a little more friendly as he is the only one who is not looking at me suspiciously heck that guy is even smiling at me.

As I reach closer the man stands up from the crate he was sitting and starts the talk.

Unknown person-

Thank god they are speaking in English at least I can communicate


Unknown person-

Now after introduction time for asking some important stuff here it goes.


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