《The legend of Aila (dropped fiction)》The calm before the storm


Vornir’s POV

It had been three days since the young girl that saved me departed to her city and around two days and a half since we were too far for telepathic communication.

I think she was called Aila Aewi...Aewa...whatever. Anyway, she would soon be 20 years old and had long red hairs and green eyes, she was also quite big for a human with her height of 1.72 meter. And, even if I have no interest for such thing as a fenrir, I can guess that she would be considered rather beautiful by human standard, especially due to her attitude that seemed like childish charm.

But In truth, I knew all along that it was nothing but an act. When she wasn’t taking care of my wounds or resting, she would often wear a depressed smile on her face. Folding her knee in a fetal position and holding them with her arms, she would stare at nothing with empty eyes, lost in thought that seemed anything but pleasant. It was hard to tell but in truth, she was only a depressed girl constantly trying to cheer herself up.

In fact I could probably tell only because I was in a similar situation. For fenrir, the shame of defeat was considered worse than death itself but in the face of death I couldn't muster any courage and instead ran like a coward. In fact, I was not banished, I merely feared the moment I would have to return to my pack and face the reaction of those I once loved and protected.

Yet, she soon gave me hope when I was at my weakest. Should I, stronger than ever before, defeat singlehandedly all the warriors that would aim for my life at my return, I would then get a chance to defeat the new leader and wash my honor, regaining the chance of living a life among my own kind.


If someday she can truly give me enough power to get rid of my twisted fate, I shall pledge to serve her till the day I die, protecting her even at the cost of my own life.

And as I laughed sarcastically at myself for relying on a mere human, I finally noticed a presence that I should have noticed way before. Right outside the cave, a fully equipped group of 4 adventurer was staring at me, shivering to their very core. I immediately stood up, thinking only to get rid of any witnesses of my existence. But after only a few step, tremendous pain appeared at the back of my head as the group scattered in the surrounding forest.

The pain then quickly faded as I cursed the contract I had sealed with Aila and I then rushed out of the cave. Very soon, numerous adventurers would swarm the 4th floor in order to defeat me.

Author's note :

Believe me or not but shit is about to go down guys, ready your pants as the real adventure finaly begins ^^

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