《Revenge By Name》Blood and Friendship
Wind whipped my face. It felt like I was falling for an eternity. It was not a pretty landing, a thud followed by a crack. Landing directly on my back. I gasp, catching my breath. It didn’t hurt, but it definitely winded me spluttering for a moment. That did not feel good, forget about stealth I guarantee people are already aware of where I am, crouched forward over myself, I look around. Buildings veiled in shadow, the smell is awful. I groan in disgust, this might be more intolerable than I thought. Standing up straight, I can faintly hear a voice coming from the alley between the buildings.
“You there! Well well well, whoever you are one unlucky individual!” A figure begins to emerge from the shadows. They’re wearing rags, and I can’t make out their face, but it's the voice of a man. “It's the unlucky truth about those upper city bastards, they throw their trash away. Well…” They brandish what looks to be a wooden bat from under their rags. “It's good for me! AHAHAHAH” he charges head on. I smile, the man swings and I dodge easily. His attack was fickle, the person is weak.
“I pity you.” I tell them, swinging again they desperately thrash towards my head, they step back, panting. Already exhausted? The person throws off his rags, unveiling a young man, not much more than skin and bone, nothing but pants. But there's something odd about his eyes, they are gray and colourless…is he blind? “How can you see me?” I ask him curiously.
“It's not gonna matter, without those rags I can move more freely and-” a rush of wind as I move so fast he can’t even understand what's going on, nothing less than 10 cm from his face. I can see my reflection in his eyes, they glow a brilliant white through the eye holes of the bag. Light streams out, it reminds me of a guy…”S-stay away from me!” he collapses to the floor,
“I believe I asked you a question.”, the fear in his eyes is so precious, he looks like he's about to cry. What filth. However I can’t kill him immediately, I need to know what spirit power is capable of vision despite his obvious blindness.”Listen man, I can do anything for you, you want money!” he pleads, guess this is a better time than any, I raise my arm and try to imitate the feeling I got from the nurse. He screams out, his body slams into the wall of the building. Cracks forming in the wall, he spits out blood, falling slump to the ground. What incredible power, telekinesis is extremely rare, only families of extraordinary bloodlines of magic can use it. However it was never conventionally used for offence; it was always to weak, but this is different. Debris falls in small portions from the spot of impact, walking slowly up to the man laying barely conscious on the floor. “P-plea-” He’s still begging.
“All I want to know is what kind of power you have. Is it really this difficult for you scum, to merely cooperate?” Placing my foot on his chest, “O..K.” he manages to blurt. My smile turns even more wicked, how vile of me. I reach down “This will help..” a green aura glows dimly on my hand, the bruising and cuts heal in seconds. Impressive. “Thank you, thank you!”
“Your welcome..” I push down harder on his chest, he sobs spitting out blood. “...Now spill, something more than just blood. You’re dirtying my shoe.”, “My spirit calls it danger sense,” He’s still breathing heavily, he is terribly injured. “At the cost of my eyes, I don’t need to see. I can feel and am aware of anything I actively want to see within an area.” blood is now slowly dripping from his nose. But he's not crying, I guess that's what it's like in the slums, they have no room for tears. I guess this man is braver than I, hahaha, how unfortunate for him, his bravery has led him nowhere, “So will you let me go…?” I stop for a second. Why am I talking like this…? I lift my foot off him, the man groans grabbing his chest. “I can’t thank you enough, if I’d known how strong you were I wouldn’t have-”, “Just stop.” He blinks for a second, his coughing continues, I look away, I can’t let him continue, why am I alright with being equal to those I want gone. “I can’t let you make a fool of yourself, the truth is we both know what I’m going to do next.” It's the true reality, as much vengeance as I want. This man really hasn’t done anything to me. Sure he is pathetic, but so am I. He stares at the ground, “A mans gotta try everything,” I look up to him. Tears are now flowing from his eyes. “I was done with this world anyway.” His eyes close, and no more tears come. As his body lays limp. Focusing my telekinesis I had crushed his heart. He did not suffer. Looking at my arm, 0.12% and I can already sense the acquisition of a new spirit. As despite the darkness my vision is clear. How unfortunate for the man, I don;t even know what family he was from. I can’t lose my sense of self. Looking down the alley, there appear to be spectators, three of them. Believing they are hidden in the shadows, they are all brandishing weapons, waiting for me to venture too far in, I look blankly at the ground. I am doing them a favour. Raising my arm, pulling my hand to me, they are thrown to the floor in front of me. They turn their heads up to me, in similar rags to the first. What a horrifying sight I must be to them. They look even weaker than the first. “W-w-who are you!” one calls out, “Just tell me what your spirit is.” I tell them coldly, “Why should I tell you?” another calls, I sigh, focusing in. “It is not wise of you to aggravate me right now.”, Their bodies crack under the pressure, they cry out, they must’ve broken bones. I can’t look at them, I am scared I'll enjoy it. “I can see in the dark!” useless… “W-well me and my brother can both purify water just by drinking it!”, what a shame. What do they even look like? Do I really want to know, is it going to matter…I raise my hand and clench my fist. Their hearts explode from their chest. Blood spills over my clothes and paints the walls. My eyes widened at my own actions, my power was raised by such a minor amount and there's this much difference? My arm now marks five and 0.15%. I can feel the tingly sensation of excitement, I can’t give in. But I still need to do what must be done, for myself, but I can’t let myself indulge in these feelings. Not if I want to beat Jason, I stand up, I turn to my right suddenly I can sense a faint aura. However it’s incredibly small. Someone with aura hiding abilities? “Come out coward, you’d be of great use to me!” I hear footsteps far away, and the aura fades quickly as I try to make chase. However it fades just as fast. Dammit, I hope they don’t spread word of my actions.
So I guess I should get back to business, exiting the alleyway.
I'm already surrounded by a group of eight.
“And who might you be? Why are you wearing that bag, and is that blood? Oh who cares, you’ll be the same when you're dead, so give us what you’ve got, before we take it.” Sighing heavily again. “I just have one question,” “And what would that be?”, “What kind of power do you all possess?” Power surges through my body and the rest feels like a blur…
Violence is a language spoken by those who feel wordless. As my body moves every swing of my hands bounces slick from the blood covering my hands. Their blood, my body was on autopilot, even if one of their swings hit it would just bounce off harmlessly, I could just kill them all in one moment. Plowing my arm straight through the stomach of one smaller of the eight. “Let us live please!”, “We told you what you wanted! Let us go!” Pulling my arm back the body drops lifeless. I stand over the person who spoke out, pulling her rags off. It’s a young girl…what a shame. “Consider this a mercy..” Raising my arm, her whole body rips itself apart. I reel back, looking at my arm. 0.21%, I used too much power. Coming back to my sense, what have I done…In the pursuit of power…I can’t do this…name guy was right I'm losing all sense of myself, I look around I can sense at least 40 people watching me, there's blood and corpses everywhere…I throw up in the brown bag. I need to go home. I make a break for it, running back where I came from, my whole body is shaking violently, it must be fatigue. I had barely been down here for 30 minutes. I leap up the wall, slamming my hand into the concrete wall as grappling points. People are staring. I’ll have to use that new ability I gained. Shadow walking, I push my hand into the shadow, I feel a strange fear as my body melds into shadow I suddenly feel weightless, pulling and gliding in any direction within the shadow. But I need to escape, my head is throbbing. All my feelings are warped up and mixed, and it feels like I'm going to faint. Reappearing at the top of the wall, my legs buckle and I spit out blood. My mask stinks and the vomit is staining the bag, my coat covered in blood. I can’t be seen in public like this, so I’ll move slowly back through the shado- the thought can’t even process, I’m so tired. Crawling in close to a nearby building. I can’t seem to concentrate, so sleepy…Did I use too much power? I couldn’t possibly move home now. I’ll just have to-
Rolling over, I stretch out. My body hurts. But it's nothing in comparison to the massive throbbing in my head. The room is pitch black, my bones creak with every movement so I lie still. It's so dark I can’t hear anything. What time is it? I have to leave, I’m not making the same mistake of going back to sleep. What was I doing before this? Images flash before me, the pain echoing through my skull makes me groan, but it doesn’t stop the thoughts and memories. Blood and pain, it was so unnecessary. How do I revoke this gift I’ve been given. It felt as If I could still feel the lightning in my veins. I felt sick and rotten, what the hell have I become. Cupping my face in my hands, tears are already running, falling onto sheets. So lost in myself again I wasn’t even aware of anything around me. Whose bed is this? Do they know what I’ve done? My heart races, the room feels as if it's falling around me, someone help me. I’m going to lose it, lose what? Who? What? My breath is out of sync, is it supposed to do that? The light suddenly turns on, the room illuminating. The room is filled with old crates and supplies. Some filled with clothes and others with old photos. A young woman stands at the entrance by the light switch,
“Are you OK?” she asks,
My mind seems to refocus on reality, as I cower into a corner of the room. Pulling up my knees into myself I can see the red splotches covering my hands and clothes, the tears I cried forming pools of blood onto the sheets.
“Who are you!” I scream out, trying to fight the urge to throw up as the blood brings back more images in my mind. She outstretched her arms, as If I was some wild animal, “Listen, my name is Trinity, I’m from the class across from you at school!” Oh no. This is probably the worst possible outcome, I need to leave quickly…should I kill her? My stomach churns, no that's not an option I’ll just have to take whatever is given. “What do you want from me!?” I demand, “I found you on the street covered in blood, I’m trying to help you ok please hear me out.”
I snicker, yeah right, I’m not so much of a fool to believe such words, maybe I should kill her just for wasting my time. No, what? Stop thinking that way Redo, get it together. “I'm serious” She exclaims, “I know how much you do for us students and I want to help you!” she pleads “please I can prove it!”She pulls out a bunch of clothing and throws it onto the bed “I even got you some new clothes!” She states boldly, is she an idiot? She won’t even come close, what trust does she think she's gaining? She fidgets a little, “Did they- Did they do that to you?” I look down at my blood covered clothing. I look at her coldly, “something like that.” Better to play the victim, especially if she truly isn’t against me. “It’s not fair on you, you know!” raising her voice, “You should stand up for yourself more!”, “I'm sure we can rally the people together!”. I scoff, “Who do you think you are?” I tell her, “You don’t know ANYTHING, the last time I tried to stand up to Jason, I almost died!” I yell back at her. “But now you have me!” She smiles confidently. I can’t believe this girl, does she know what nonsense she's spouting? “I’m quite strong, you know, Jason won’t mess with me!” That does it, she's absolutely insane. I question her “What kind of backwater family name must you possess to be so stupid?” I laugh at her, shaking my head. “Shush you!” She raises her head to try and look taller, “I belong to the honourable family of Virtus!” she points at me, “And you will be my male companion!”.
- In Serial108 Chapters
Until Death? (Refleshed Version)
Ever been a god? Well, I was! Until I died.... and got judged by the other gods! Apparently, they didn't like the whole "My Faith is the only true one!" idea. Oh, and for the record: The Apocalypse wasn't intentional, ok? In my defense, I want it to be known that my enemies threw the first stone and the whole 'Offer the other cheek' just isn't my thing. Seems like, for punishment, I get sent onto a vacation! Or so I hope? ——————————————————————————————— Reading Order of the Multiverse-Books ——————————————————————————————— Author's Comment: It's here, a rewrite? Yes! I would like to think that this version will have better grammar, better jokes, hopefully, everything better. Since it was my first work and started solely to improve my English, the grammar always caused me headaches when I looked at it. Well, and there are the plotholes which appeared with the whole multiverse thing that came with my other works... Let's just say that the first one was never written with the idea of turning it into a series. So let's get a shovel and fill-up the plot so that hapless readers won't fall into those pitch-black pits. They might break a knee! Or worse, vanish forever. And now the disclaimer everyone knows: I was asked about reading my work on other sites. The answer is simple: Currently, I am not active in any other networks than royalroadl.com. Only here, I correct mistakes and errors. If you read it anywhere else and have to pay for it or have to deal with an annoying amount of advertisement, You Are Being Betrayed. You would do good if you make other people in that network aware of it. This is a free project of mine for the purpose of having fun. And if people try to make money with it you shouldn't bother visiting their website. The only one whom I actually allowed to have my work on his website is Armaell who invested the time to compile them into pdf. (http://armaell-library.net/author/andur)
8 140 - In Serial30 Chapters
Blind | The Blind Ninja: Book I | Naruto
Disclaimer: Written in the time of my early days of Wattpad. Full of cliches and cringe. Proceed with caution if you decide to read.The Blind Ninja: Book I::"I want to prove to people that I can be a awesome shinobi of the leaf, even if I'm blind! That's my Ninja Way!"Umiko Mikami is blind. She is the twelve-tailed jinchuuriki. She has been traveling when she was 3, when her clan was wiped out and found Konoha when she was 6. There, she lives her life, makes friends with everyone, and learn secrets. But she doesn't know what's gonna happen in the future.
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Tear in my heart °vampire diaries°
Cameron Ace Gilbert. The younger sister to elana, but older sister to Jeremy. The middle child. the forgotten child. Elena and pretty much everyone else quite caring about her a long time ago. When her parents died they all assumed she was fine.Shes tired of falling into the shadows, but cant seem to find her way out. Then Salvatores show up and she discovers secrets about herself that change everything. Like, is she even human?Self-harm trigger throughout the book. It's important to the story line so if that's an issue this may not be your book #1 in damonsalvatore#1 in damon#1 in salvatore#2 in kaiparker#1 in Mikaelson#5 in klausMikaelson#1 in Tyler#1 in Kolmikaelson#1 in Elenagilbert#1 in tylerlockwood#5 in kolmikealson#2 in bonniebennet#5 in alaricsaltzman#2 in stefansalvatore#5 in bonniebennet
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Lover's Day: Izuku Midoriya x Reader x Bakugou
Valentines Day Competition! At your Hero Academia, UA, what will happen when an innocent Holiday becomes a vicious competition? Friends become rivals. Rivals remain rivals. Witness the silly high-school shenanigans unfold as your classmates battle for each other in the game of love. Warning: Pure unadulterated fluff. If you are looking for anything but fluff and dorky fun, this is not the story for you. Brief storyline: Imagine if the UA class had to compete for their Valentines. How will Midoriya try to win your heart? How will he secure your Lover's Day kiss? Who will get in his way and compete for you? Misunderstandings and drama will ensue. It's high school, remember?
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Midnight Lullabies
Perhaps someday these words will make up for the bloodshot eyes and sleepless nights. [H.R: #13 in Poetry] beautiful cover by: @-averagesky
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The Alpha's Protector
Lena has lived her entire life knowing one thing and one thing only, protect the Prince of Wolves. She is a protector, one of the few in the world set cursed with the protector genes. She protects the supernatural world of wolves from afar, but as a Vampire King plots his revenge, she's thrust into the world a lot closer than she anticipated. Tyler, the Prince and only son to Ashe and Xander Marcus, and Class-A Player. Everyone expects him to save himself for his mate, but as his 15th birthday passes by and she has not found him, he gives up hope. When the Vampire King gets closer and closer, he threatens Tyler's mate, but who is Tyler's mate?A certain little stubborn Protector. ***Spin off from The Fox and the Alpha; can be read alone.
8 198