《Re:Light》Chapter 5: Unforeseeable Battle Prowess


Chapter 5: Unforeseeable Battle Prowess

"What?" asked everyone in surprised. "What just happened?"

Everyone at the scene watching could not comprehend what happened. Tymol just got somersaulted.

They could understand that Tymol got somersaulted, that would still surprise them if that happened to Tymol, but that would at least be understandable to some extent.

And that would only happen if his opponent was stronger than him.

But that was not what happened.

His opponent wasn't stronger than him, he couldn't be.

His opponent was Mitchiel. The person that somersaulted Tymol was none other than the useless leaching bug that everyone felt disgust for.

It was none other than Mitchiel. The no-good useless son of a rich influential household.

The shock reverberates throughout the neighborhood. All those watching lets out awe sounds and started murmuring in disbelief. They could not understand this. They were all in shock.

"Is this all you guys have?" asked Mitchiel, not letting his momentum drop.

"What did you just say punk?" asked a follower of Tymol [from Tymol's group]. "That was just some stupid ass fluke. Try to do it again, huh? Maybe that will add some weight to what you say, douchebag"

"Seems that someone here want to get somersaulted" pressured Mitchiel, to all of Tymol's followers.

Before any more action could start, Tymol got back to his feet.

This time he was mad.

Before, when he was picking on Mitchiel, he was just doing that to pass time and to entertain himself.

But now, now, he was pissed off.

He would not allow some no-good trash like Mitchiel to discriminate him to such a level.

He was going to break that stupid smug off Mitchiel's face and leave him in a bloody trashy state like he deserves.

With all that anger in his eyes, Tymol stood back up with blood-shot eyes.


This was going to get bloody.

Having stood up, Tymol would not use the basics anymore with Mitchiel, he will go all out from the start.

He activated his internal mana control and started to use Martial Arts Hand Seal and did the signs of the eagle, the tiger, the cheetah, as well as lightning.

This was the [lightning piercing strike Attack].


The eagle sign gives one the ability to see clearly even in darkness. It gives one the ability to see from far away and to see even the most minuscule of movements.

The tiger sign gives one the ability to attack by using the least amount of energy, to conserve energy, patience, and to regulate one's breathing.

The cheetah sign gives one the ability to attack fast and in a timely manner. It gives one the ability of speed and fast kicks, the claws, leg strength, arm strength and the animal instincts of the cheetah.

The lightning aspect of the technique is the most complicated and hardest to use. The lightning aspect is not a magic spell, but it is quite similar.

In the human body, it is believed that a warrior [even one with no knowledge of magic] with a very long battle record and an extreme amount of experiences and practice will develop certain characteristics of their weapons, movements, battle formation, etc.

Since the human body and the mind mimic the weapon and battle formation and special moves learn, the body will naturally be able to take on certain characteristics of the weapon.

For example, a person that uses a sword every day, their arm will become as slender as the sword and as fast as they strike.

Even without the sword, a sword master might still be able to cut down a tree with a single arm strike.


Of course, most of those stories are stuff of legends and speculation, but it is seriously believed that the Supreme Four are indeed capable of such feats.

Taking that into consideration, Martial Arts Skills were invented 400 years ago, as a way to practice certain set of movements under certain set of harsh environments to produce an imitation of the said power in the human body itself without the uses of weapons.

So, thanks to that, Martial Arts Masters can now fight using only their bodies as if their bodies' were weapons itself.


Having activated the [lightning Piercing Strike Attack], a wide grin passes by Tymol's face. He was happy.

He could feel the overwhelming power coursing through his body.

He could feel the merit of his accomplishments and it was all worth the harsh training.

To be able to attain this power, to be able to get powerful. It was a waste to use it on someone as lowly as Mitchiel, but so be it.

Taking one glance at Mitchiel's face, he appears behind him and with his fastest speed strike Mitchiel in the back using his left claw.

Mitchiel dodge.

Tymol getting angry, does a nonstop multiple claw attacks at Mitchiel. Mitchiel still dodged each and every attack.

Mitchiel was untouchable. None of the attacks reached him.

If one Tymol's attack were to even touch a strand of hair of Mitchiel's, it would cause an electrical shock to course through Mitchiel's body and cause massive amount of damage.

That is one of the reasons, the lightning aspect in [Lightning Piercing Strike Attack] is essential. It causes massive amount of damage and multiple blood vessel rupture on the opponent even if it was a mere touch. With only a touch, a world of pain was waiting.

That's exactly what Tymol was aiming for. He wanted Mitchiel to bleed and suffer.

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