《As Above So Below》Ghost in The Yearbook
Roman pushed the heavy wooden library doors open with his hip, his hands preoccupied with a donut and coffee. As per usual, the library was mostly empty, the only people even sitting at the tables were Fletcher and Sam while Ellis stared deeply into one of the shelves. Roman gave a quick wave to the librarian as he walked over. It wasn’t the normal table, Roman guessed the choice was due to the proximity to the books Ellis was gawking at. Setting his coffee down, he looked over the stacks of yearbooks Fletcher had pulled out and placed neatly into four piles.
“Would you look at that. Roman has arrived.” Sam said with a cheeky grin as he flipped through a yearbook from the 80’s.
“I have a few questions. First and foremost, it’s 9:00 am, Roman. Do you really need a sprinkle donut? Secondly, why was I needed for this?” Ellis pulled his nose from the book shelf and placed his palms on the table. “Pretty sure that’s all the yearbooks that the school still has.”
“We didn’t need you. We wanted Roman but he is chronically late and really only shows up if you’re around so we figured it was a sort of a two for one deal.” Sam explained while Fletcher bobbed his head along.
Nevermore was Roman offended by something that was entirely true. It wasn’t that he wanted to be around Ellis but more so that he would throw a fit if Roman refused to meet up. Sam and Fletcher were far easier to ignore.
Fletcher pushed a stack of yearbooks towards Roman while Ellis eyed his donut with disgust. Without hesitation Roman broke the donut in half and offered it to Ellis. Before Ellis could get an insult out, Sam launched forward and grabbed the donut.
“Ignoring that...” Ellis said with a disdainful look directed toward Sam “Tunnels tonight? Or are we going to wait until spring break?” It was only a week away from spring break but there was an urgency that Ellis didn’t seem to understand. Roman would guess it was something to do with Davis having very little interest in killing him.
“I’m grounded currently but I could sneak out.” Roman offered.
“What for?”
“Long story.” Roman replied, grabbing the top book off the pile. Ellis squinted at Roman and moved into the seat beside him. “What are you look-” Before Roman had a chance to finish his sentence, Ellis grabbed his tongue, pulling at his newly minted tongue piercing.
“Why did you do that? That’s going to mess up your teeth.” Ellis paused but kept his grip on Roman’s tongue. “And it is against the dress code.”
“Can I have my tongue back?” Roman spoke very slowly and carefully. Ellis released his grip and tilted his head back waiting for an explanation. “Warren and I had a bet, I lost. Bet was mildly illegal so I will not disclose what it was. At least while Fletcher is here.”
“And who did you get to agree to give a minor a piercing without parental consent?” Sam sounded far more amused than Ellis.
“Oh, Warren did it for me.”
Ellis facepalmed and in a rare moment was lost for words. Calmly, he grabbed a 1990 yearbook and started to flip through it. Roman scanned around and noticed all the boys with their heads driven into group pictures. Fletcher traces his finger over faces, squinting so hard Roman wasn’t sure he could even see. After waiting a few minutes, Roman still couldn’t figure out why they were looking at the yearbooks nor did he remember what Sam told him.
“So....What are we doing?” Roman asked cautiously, preparing for Ellis to smack him.
“Looking for Fletcher’s stalker.” Ellis answered as he flipped past the graduate portraits. “Is this where you learned fashion?”
Ellis pointed at a student in poorly matched casual clothes that were three sizes too big. Sam tossed his head back laughing while Fletcher nodded in agreement. With a huff, Roman grabbed a new book to flip through with zero knowledge of what he was looking for besides the fact the ghost was a child. After a few pages Roman decided the modern era was far too boring and snatched an older yearbook out of Sam’s pile.
A few pages in Roman noticed a particularly lanky blonde boy labeled as the class president. Although the photo was black and white and the boy lacked glasses, he was almost identical to Ellis. Flipping the book around, Roman said,
“Looks like you”
“Yeah.” Ellis tapped the name under the portrait. “Maybe when you learn to read, you’ll notice the name. That’s my grandfather. In fact, I was named after him.”
Roman rolled his eyes and continued looking through the book halfheartedly. He wasn’t entirely sure how long they ended up looking through the book but most of the time was filled with Sam occasionally questioning Fletcher on anything that could signify the decade the boy was alive during. The study period was almost over by the time Sam spun the 1966 yearbook around and pointed out the third-grade class photo. The school uniform seemed to line up with what Fletcher had told Roman about the boy. Fletcher leaned himself over the picture, scanning it until he forcefully tapped on a black-haired boy with a cheeky grin.
“That’s him.” Fletcher stated softly.
“Henry Miller.” Sam read over his shoulder. “Wonder how he died.”
“We ought to check the archives. Should have a record of him.” Fletcher added.
“I’m so down to ditch class.”
“Yeah, preferable next period so I don’t have to go to culinary.” Roman added.
Culinary was becoming an absolute point of misery in his life. Unlike most of his classmates, Roman knew how to cook and clean. His father refused to raise kids who couldn’t take care of themselves so between his parents he learned most life skills but that did not come with the grace of patience. If he had to explain to one more person how an oven worked, he was going to lose it.
“Nah, I can go on my own. It’s not exactly anyone else's problem.” Fletcher said as the bell rang.
“I got the yearbooks; you guys should go to class.” Sam replied before grabbing a small stack and wandering off to wherever he must have found them.
Roman grabbed his bag before draping his arm over Ellis as they headed towards the door. Ellis tolerated the physical contact but continued to berate Roman for the piercing. Roman didn’t even really like it but he could click the tip of the metal ball against his teeth which was bound to drive anyone insane. Just as they reached the old oak door, Fletcher called out,
“Roman, can you hang back for a minute? I just want to talk.” Fletcher asked awkwardly.
“Last time you wanted to speak with me in private you pushed me into a wall. Whatever you want to say, I’m sure Ellis wouldn’t care about it.” It was meant as a joke but it sounded defensive.
“Okay...Can you ease up on Beck?”
“I am being perfectly behaved considering the circumstances. You can forgive her all you want. I don’t have to.”
In Roman’s opinion Fletcher was an idiot in many ways. His blind faith and devotion to Beck was admirable before she cheated but now it was sad. It was easy to say Fletcher deserved better than her; He deserved better than the hand life had dealt him. Roman’s sympathy for Fletcher’s situation didn’t change that he wouldn’t play along with Fletcher’s perfect relationship ruse. Roman turned around and grabbed the door handle. Ellis tilted his head in confusion.
“Please?” Fletcher’s voice cracked.
“I have very little respect for cheaters.” Roman replied.
“Dude, you cheated on the bio exam, isn’t that a bit hypo-” Ellis took in a sharp breath and faced Fletcher. “She cheated on you.”
“Yes. We’ve worked past it and I would like to leave it at that.” Fletcher glared at Roman for a moment before his expression shifted to melancholy. “Please, Roman. I’m not asking you to be nice, just civil.”
“Fine, whatever.” Roman couldn’t say no to the pout. “We’re going to be late.”
“Give me a minute, I want to talk to Fletcher.” Ellis said.
Roman gave a halfhearted sign before finally swinging the library door open. Heading out into the hall, he made a mental note that he would ease up on Beck for a few days, just enough to appease Fletcher. With a quick flick of the wrist, he noticed he was already late, his watch reading nearly ten minutes past the second bell. There was little difference in between being ten minutes late and fifteen besides the fact Roman would have to run to class and he would do no such thing. Not for a class he detested nor for a class he enjoyed.
Leisurely, Roman made his way to the culinary class. As per usual the kitchen area was already a disaster. Kids were rushing around the room with panic expressions and a thick coat of flour on their aprons. He paid them no mind as he weaved between the group of students to reach his desk. Tossing his blazer onto the back of his chair, he noticed his apron already sitting on the desk in front of him. He pulled the apron around his waist and tied it at the front due to the oddly long apron strings. Although he wasn’t entirely sure what was going on, he didn’t particularly care, instead preferring to grab his phone and search the web. Half certain a Holloway student going missing would have made the news, he started to read into exactly who Henry Miller was. Ellis rushed in shortly after him and immediately took off his blazer and rolled up his sleeves. Roman always found Ellis doing anything mildly domestic as amusing.
“Hey Roman, can you come here?” Beck said sickeningly sweet.
Begrudgingly, Roman dragged his feet as he made his way to their kitchen station. Beck stared up at him with a thick recipe book in hand and started to explain the cake they were making and how complex it was. The moment she made it sound complicated, Roman tuned out. Cake was cake, it wasn’t hard to make. He watched as she tilted her head left to right, bobbling like those hula dancer car ornaments. During her little dancing explanation, she dropped her book. Slowly, she knelt down, gripping one hand on Roman’s thigh for balance.
“Sorry about that.” She said looking up at him.
“What do you want me to do?” Roman asked, refusing to look at her.
“If you could-”
“Can you stand up and talk to me?
“Oh, yeah.” She laughed as she stood back up. “I have the batter already made, so if you could get the pans out, that would be super.”
“Sure.” Roman replied immediately, pulling his phone back out and leaning against the counter.
Ignoring her request, Roman started his hunt for Henry Miller. It was a surprisingly common name even when narrowed down to just the state. He kept his focus half on his phone and half on Beck and the baking process. He found an article from the 60’s called ‘The Missing Boys of Holloway’. Roman deemed it to be relevant enough to show Ellis. Stepping across the kitchen, Beck stopped him with a gentle hand pressed to his chest.
“Uh.” Roman looked down at her hand before slowly taking it off of him. Between Beck’s deliberate flirting and her thinly veiled excuses to touch him, he was agitated and the fact she’d been doing it since the start of the new semester was waning on him. “Do you want something?”
“Try the batter.” She smiled holding a spoon dipped in chocolate batter up to his face. Roman had to crane his neck back just to avoid it. Taking the spoon from her, he took a quick lick. “How is it?”
“It’s fine.” Roman tried to cross the room again but Beck’s hand quickly returned to his chest.
“Could you make some icing? I have the recipe already-”
“Sure.” He replied once again, starting to walk away.
“Now?” Her hand moved to his bicep.
With a quiet frustration Roman nodded and turned back to the counter. Icing was easy enough; he didn’t need a recipe for it. With a loud plop, he dropped the butter into a bowl then poured sugar in until it felt like the right amount. Estimating the amount he needed was a skill he’d learned over the years of baking with Evelyn. As he poured a bit of milk in, he could sense Beck watching him.
“Did you look at the-”
“Yes.” Roman lied as he added the final ingredients.
As he finished whipping the icing Beck got even closer than before. Hoving over his shoulder, she waited until he set the bowl down. Slowly, she dragged her finger through the icing and made intense eye contact as she licked it off her finger. Civil, you just have to be civil, Roman thought to himself. He took a deep breath in and said,
“That’s a health code violation.”
“Good catch, Mr. Davenport.” Mrs. O’Hara shouted over the room. “Utensils only, Everyone!”
Pushing the contaminated icing to the side, Roman started again. Beck once again swiped her finger in the icing and started licking it. Ignoring her, he continued working until she gently pushed back on his shoulder forcing him to face her. Beck was absolutely exhausting. Roman was unsure how Fletcher ever put up with her with grandiose displays of affection. Holding a bit of icing on the tip of her finger, she pouted.
“Look, Fletcher told me to be nice and I’m really trying here-” Roman got cut off by her high pitch giggle before she tapped the tip of his nose with the icing. “Stop goofing around.”
“Trying to lighten the mood.” Beck excused.
“Don’t care, don’t touch me.” Roman was about to pull away when her hand made its way back to his arm.
Roman was well aware that he often came off as an affectionate person. It was the way he would hang off of his friends, or tangle his legs over them but that was different. It was on Roman’s terms. Beck’s handsy antics were done solely without reciprocation. There were not enough words in the world to describe how much he didn’t appreciate it. He could feel a heat rising through him as his already thin patience was becoming more worn down. With his fists clenched at his side, he took a step back.
“Come on, Roe.” Beck started to rub his arm. “I know you're attracted to me.”
“Move that hand before you lose it.” He spoke through gritted teeth. A small soft smile creeped it way up her face as she moved her hand to Roman's waist. Eagerly, he took his hands and shoved her back. It was admittedly harder than he should have but the heat in his chest made feeling regret difficult. “Would you fucking stop it? How much clearer do I need to be? I don’t like you as a person, let alone a friend. I am not interested in you or your bullshit!”
At the peak of his yelling, Roman noticed he was wet. His shirt was completely soaked as was everything else around him. The sprinklers went off. For a second, Roman just stared at them, unsure if he’d ever seen them activated. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. The fire alarm started blaring.
Shaking himself out of his confusion, Roman followed the rest of the class as they filed out of the room and down the hall. Weaving between his classmates, he looked for Ellis while avoiding Beck. As expected, Ellis was near the front, walking with an odd amount of confidence considering the building may have been on fire. Roman roped his hand around the back of Ellis’s shirt, pulling him back just enough so that a few students passed them.
“What happened?” Roman asked.
“Oh, I set the school on fire.” Ellis let the statement hang for a minute dripping in caustic humor. “I don’t know.” He clarified.
“We could and should ditch.”
“I don’t-”
“You and I are both soaking wet. Do you really want to bake a cake while winning a wet t-shirt contest?”
“You’d be winning.” Ellis huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.
“I’ll buy you lunch. We can get sushi.” Bribery was often the only way to get a Holloway to agree to anything.
“Fine but you’re a bad influence.”
“And yet your mom loves me.” Roman teased as they exited the front entrance of the school.
“Yeah, you want to come over, take some more dance lessons?” Ellis retorted. “I’ll meet you in the parking lot. I’ll make sure we are cover for roll call”
Roman slipped and headed into the parking lot. When he was finally in his car, he breathed a sigh of relief. He already knew Fletcher was going to ream him out about his altercation with Beck but he couldn’t stand her any longer. At least lunch with Ellis promised to be fun.
- In Serial9 Chapters
The Guild Core
The hero dreamed of ascending. The monk craved redemption.The dungeon only wished to keep things tidy.Kai was the least likely young man to ascend. Raised on his uncle’s potato farm, he began his career as an adventurer with empty pockets and little skill. But a foolish attempt to prove his bravery leads Kai to unlock hidden power within himself and acquire a most unlikely ally.Rhona is a battle-scarred soldier who’s as likely to toss a quip as she is to throw a punch. After setting aside a promising career in the army to pursue the Path of the Bleeding Tiger, she sets out to stop a war and seek atonement for a bloody past.When Bancroft the Earth Core awakens, he can’t wait to clean up his dungeon and begin building things anew. A recovered item from his past reminds him that more is at stake, however, putting an end to such pleasantries.Join The Guild Core, a small band of friends determined to restore the world to an age of dragons, heroes, and honor.The Guild Core is a novel by TJ Reynolds Fantasy LitRPG author of Eternal Online books 1-3. The Guild Core was inspired by the Divine Dungeon series, the Wheel of Time, and classic films like The Labyrinth and The Neverending Story.This story takes place in an Epic Fantasy world governed by gaming mechanics. It contains light to moderate LitRPG, Gamelit, Cultivation and Dungeon Core elements. Features realistic violence, 3 MC POVs, and more than a few quaint jokes. Language and adult content is appropriate for teen readers.
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