《Kiss of Tragedy》Prince of Curses
Seth’s printed face disappeared in front of Juliet’s eyes as she slid her closet door open. The poster slid neatly between the two doors, remaining hidden behind the blank door. No one would be the wiser, especially not Seth, who she was expecting at any second.
She wanted to do something special since this was his first night visiting her room. She thought of changing into something prettier, but that seemed like going overboard. Then she considered ordering food, but he had warned her not to try to cook for him, he hated everything. So, she carefully selected some music to play and got a couple of chocolate bars out of the vending machine. Surely he liked chocolate.
It was three-thirty when Seth’s gentle tap on the door roused her. She hadn’t been sleeping. Juliet shut her laptop and turned on some music before going to the door.
“It’s me,” she heard Seth whisper.
Opening the door, she invited him in. “Welcome.”
Looking around the room, Juliet felt confident and she was no longer embarrassed to have him in her room. There was nothing there to be ashamed of. The bed was spread with a white duvet without a cover on it. Her pillowcases and the rug in front of her bed were still purple but now appeared tasteful because they weren’t augmented by stuffed animals. The only picture that was left on the wall was a monstrous poster of a red moon with a white feather in front of it.
“I’m glad you’re still awake,” Seth said as he entered the room. “That’s lucky. I thought you would have passed out by now. What time is it?”
Juliet took his coat and discarded it in a corner. “Three-thirty. Is last call at the bars really not until three in the morning?”
“No. It’s at two. I apologize, but I had a little fight with Nixie. She didn’t want me to come here and settling her down took some time. We normally close up shop at three. Plus, she was a little afraid to go home alone.”
“Do you normally walk her home?” Juliet asked, remarkably without the slightest hint of jealousy.
Seth nodded. “Yeah.”
“So, tonight you let her go home alone?”
“Don’t look so horrified. Like I would do that. I called her father and asked him to come get her.”
Juliet smiled. “Then she’s taken care of.”
“Yes,” Seth said, rolling his eyes. “Taken care of.”
“What do you mean by that?”
Seth shrugged. “It’s nothing. She’s just not particularly fond of her dad, even though he’s the type that will come to pick her up at three-thirty in the morning without complaint.”
“She’s lucky to have such a cool-headed father. My parents would drive me home, but I’d get an earful. I guess since she’s working at Safewalk and not out clubbing he wouldn’t be mad. So, he’s normal, right?”
“I don’t know.”
“What? Wouldn’t your parents come get you in that situation?” Juliet pressed.
He sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall. “No. I didn’t grow up with the crayon drawing of a mom and a dad and a house and a dog.” His voice trailed off and he began examining the room more carefully.
Juliet sat down on the bed and waited for him to elaborate. She knew he didn’t want to talk about his past, but if he volunteered anything she wouldn’t discourage him.
Finally, he turned his eyes toward hers and said, “I like your room. It’s pleasant. And what are we listening to? It’s mellow.” Then he stretched out his legs and changed the topic. “Well, I have to keep my end of the bargain if I expect you to keep your promise to stay out of trouble. Vampires,” he said in a melodramatic tone and then suddenly stopped.
Juliet arched an eyebrow. “I really don’t need all this bravado.”
He laughed, “All right. I couldn’t help myself. After all, a little dramatic flair never hurt anyone, right? Anyway, there are lots of cursed humans in this world. Vampires are one of the lowest, partly because of how common they are, so it’s not completely unlikely that you might run into one.”
“You said they followed different rules. Care to explain?”
“Sunlight doesn’t hurt them, but they would never be seen in the light of day.”
“They’re dead. Their flesh is as cold as the fish you watched me eat. They are not beautiful or sexy. They are foul, loathsome creatures that feed off human blood to keep themselves animated. If they stop, they will fall off that precipice of life and death and that’ll be the end. That’s their curse.”
“But they’re fast, right? And strong?”
“No. They are ordinary people that are dead. Their limbs hang on by mere threads. They move in the darkest parts of night so their victims don’t notice that they are off-balance, that they’re not normal.”
Juliet felt a chill come over her. Somewhere in her mind, she had been prepared for him to tell her about vampires like her interest in them was ridiculous. That was what Rylan had done earlier with the crop circles, but Seth did not sound like he was joking. The way he spoke was serious. Either he meant what he said or he was the most talented liar she’d ever met.
He continued. “The most beautiful thing about them is their voices. They sound lovely—beguiling.”
“You saw one on campus?”
“From a distance. He was at the bar a couple nights ago. I don’t think he knew me, but those monsters have incredible noses for danger. He bugged out, and I’ve sensed him around a time or two since then, but he won’t come into the dorms. There are too many lights that never turn off. You have nothing to worry about here.”
“What was he like?”
“Mostly bald, with a few braids in the back,” Seth said reflectively. “His eyes were lifeless, almost like he had no soul. But he has one. I know he does. It may be mutilated with age and spilled blood, but it’s there.”
Juliet waited for him to finish, but he stared at her computer desk with his jaw clenched. When it seemed like he wasn’t going to go on, she got up the courage to ask her next question. “What were his fangs like?”
“Blunt. Vampires don’t have fangs. They have teeth just like yours. Like I said, they’re human beings. The only special thing about them is the curse that keeps them animated even though they’re dead. They don’t even have the power to turn someone else into a vampire. All they do is murder.”
“And what do you have to do with it?”
Seth snorted. “Honestly, nothing. If he recognized me, he would run, and if I got my hands on him, I would kill him.”
Juliet suddenly made a sickening connection as she compared the way he spoke of a vampire’s flesh and the fish he ate at the pub. She swallowed a hard lump in her throat. “You don’t eat vampires, do you?”
He raised his eyebrows like he was considering her question and then he smiled; his lips spread enough for Juliet to see his razor-sharp canines. His expression was a snarl. “I don’t think so,” he said heartlessly. “However, the idea isn’t without its charm. In fact, it makes my mouth water.” He swallowed.
The chill that had begun spreading across Juliet’s body curled its way down her legs and arms. She was breaking out in goosebumps. She told herself she was merely cold and cuddled a purple pillow in her arms.
“What are you?” she whispered.
He licked his bottom lip and grinned. “I’m not like them.”
“Are you a vampire hunter then, since you want to kill them?”
“You misunderstand me. I don’t want to kill them especially. Let me see if I can come up with a good comparison. Hmm... I got one. If a mosquito landed on your arm, what would be your reaction?”
“I would kill it,” she said slowly, trying to understand his logic.
“Yet, even though you would kill it if it landed on you, you aren’t a mosquito hunter. See?”
“I think so.”
“They’re just disgusting. That’s all.”
Juliet took a deep breath. “So, why do you have fangs?”
Seth chuckled and for a moment, Juliet thought he looked smug. “Ah, but that wasn’t part of our bargain. I promised that I would tell you about vampires, not that I would tell you about myself. Besides, I thought we covered all that. You don’t want to tell me about yourself, so you acted like it was all right if I didn’t either. Remember?”
Juliet recalled their conversation in the pub. “I guess so,” she mumbled. “Regardless,” she continued, her enthusiasm picking up. “I still want to unravel your mysteries.”
He nodded. “I feel that way about you, too. You have your secrets. As a matter of fact, I think I have revealed a lot more about myself than you have. Sly little devil, aren’t you? Tricking me!”
“I’m not trying to be sly. I know it’s probably more fun if I play a little hard to get, but I want the playing field between us to be fair, so you can ask me any question you want and I’ll answer it.”
“Are you sure you want to do that?” Seth asked, surprised. “I always feel more comfortable in a relationship when I’m at a disadvantage. It makes me feel like a gentleman... if such a thing were possible.”
“No. I’m fine with it. Ask me anything you want.”
Seth rested his chin on his knuckles and peered at her face as he formulated the perfect question. His focus moved contemplatively from the gravity of her eyes down her throat and down the length of her arm. He seemed to be lost in the labyrinth of his own mind and, even though she was the subject of his reverie, she had no idea what he was formulating, not to mention how uncomfortable she felt with him looking her over so carefully. It wasn’t like there was anything much to see. Even though she felt like she had seen the door to womanhood, she knew she still hadn’t crossed the threshold, so there wasn’t anything there for him to explore. He was right about her. She really was a blank sheet of paper.
She sighed.
Seth’s eyes met hers as though he suddenly remembered what it was he was supposed to be doing. “There’s only one question. I wanted to come up with a different one, but there is only one question I would ever want to ask you. Why are you so innocent?”
Heat flooded Juliet’s face and she threw her hands in the air. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t see how I could be so much more innocent than your average eighteen-year-old.”
“I see,” Seth said calmly. “I asked my question in an overbearing way. Let me rephrase. Have you ever been tempted to do something that you know is wrong and done it anyway?”
She ran a hand through her hair and ruffled it. “You’re here, aren’t you?”
He laughed. “I know I’m wrong for you, but I don’t mean that. I mean before we met. Have you ever been so tempted to do something that was wrong that you couldn’t resist? Didn’t resist?”
“Like told a lie or stolen something?”
“There was never any room for that sort of thing before. In the life I lived before I came to university there was no reason to lie and no reason to steal. You don’t know my parents. It was the hardest thing in the world for them to let me come here and live in dorms. I never even went on a sleepover before this. That’s a story and a half.”
“Ah, that’s the story you’re trying not to tell?”
She shrugged and shifted so she was face down on the bed. “Overprotective would be a gentle way of putting it.”
“Then I guess that’s it. Mommy and Daddy kept you locked up at home?”
Juliet groaned.
“And now you’re away from them at university. What would they say if they could see you now?”
“They would take one look at you and Rylan and feel sure I had gone straight to the devil.” She laughed.
“Wait. You’re still hanging out with Rylan?” Seth asked abruptly.
“Yeah. You picked me up from my Occult’s Addict meeting tonight. Didn’t you realize? Friday night after midnight at the library? What else would I have been doing?”
Seth gawked. “You should really give that up.”
“I already said. That guy, Rylan, is not normal.”
“What do you mean? Surely he’s not the vampire.”
Seth moved from his position on the floor and knelt beside her bed. He smoothed her hair and looked into her eyes gently as he spoke. “No, that guy isn’t a vamp. It’s been bothering me. I wish I knew what he was, but I have no idea. I even talked to my brother about him and he’s at a loss, too. Granted, whatever he is might not be a big deal, but it might be a huge deal. He could be more dangerous than a vamp.”
“What could be worse?” Juliet scoffed. “Besides how bad could a vamp be if I’m with you? You’ve already compared them to blood-sucking insects. Let me see, if they’re like mosquitoes to you, how dangerous must you be?”
Seth ignored her question and said thoughtfully, “Actually, there may be a way to guarantee that the vampire will stay away from you. I should have thought of it sooner.”
“If you have my scent all over you, he may simply mistake you for me and take off. You know?”
Juliet took a deep breath. Seth smelled just like the card at the department store. “I can’t smell like Euphoria for Men. All the girls will be staring at me in the hall wondering why they got such a hot-man vibe when I walked by. I’d get hit on by the girls, I promise.”
“‘Euphoria,’” Seth repeated, looking skeptical. “What are you talking about? I don’t wear cologne.”
Juliet rolled her eyes. “Fine. Aftershave?”
Seth jerked his head back and put some distance between them. “Why are we having this conversation? It’s bizarre. I was trying to steer the conversation to one of those delicious moments where I could kiss you and all you do is start asking me irrelevant questions about my personal hygiene?” He got to his feet and headed for the door. “It’s late. Since I’m not staying over, I should really get going.”
“Hey,” Juliet gawked, staring after him and jumping to her feet. “I didn’t mean to chase you away, but you do smell exactly like Euphoria. It’s a scent based on pomegranates.”
He suddenly turned around and leaned against the door. He folded his arms across his chest and let his coat dangle from one hand. “So you were researching me at the mall,” he said with satisfaction.
“Not exactly,” Juliet deflected. “No. I was just looking for a scent that was based on pomegranates and when I asked for one, they showed me Euphoria, but after I smelled it, I couldn’t buy it. It already smelled like you.”
Seth dropped his coat on the floor. “And why would you go looking for a perfume that smelled like pomegranates.”
“Well,” Juliet fumbled. “It’s the only thing I know you like.”
“Really? After what you said last Saturday, it sounded like you were afraid I would bite you and drink your blood.” He began taking slow steady steps toward her, forcing her back.
Juliet stuttered, “You keep saying you’re not a vampire, and what you’ve said tonight makes it sound like you’re nothing like them, so…”
“So?” he encouraged when she faltered.
Hot sweat was breaking out on Juliet’s back. He was advancing on her like a one-man army. His sherry-colored eyes had been eclipsed by the eyes of the man who wrote about how he would ruin the woman he loved. His stare was so intense she could hardly meet his eyes. She had to look away.
His fingers curled around her chin and he brought her face up to meet his. “So?” he said again.
“So, why shouldn’t I smell like something you like? You’re my boyfriend,” she choked.
When she gathered enough courage to look at him again, he seemed unreal. The slant of his eyes was menacing and a sinister fire seemed to be glowing behind his irises. Whatever he was thinking, his mind had gone to a place Juliet had never been before. As he said, she was innocent.
“Are you my girlfriend?” he whispered, not taking his eyes off hers.
“We decided that last week,” she stuttered.
“I remember, but... this is an awkward situation, Juliet. Really awkward. There’s this delightful little catch in our relationship that constantly contradicts itself. Would you like to know what it is?”
She simply stared.
He licked his lips. As his mouth opened, his fangs extended until they were resting on his pale bottom lip. Juliet stared spellbound at his mouth. She had never seen anything so mesmerizing in her entire life. Her mind registered no thought of danger. The only thing she knew was that she didn’t want this moment to end. Whatever he was, he was the most fascinating creature that had ever existed.
His voice was deep and smooth as he said, “You want a relationship with a vampire, but you don’t want to get bitten. You want to lose your innocence, but in actual fact, you don’t want to sin.” Juliet tried to interrupt, but Seth stopped her words with his. “Then there’s me, and I’m the exact opposite. I want a relationship with you, an innocent girl, but I don’t want to pollute you, even though it’s unavoidable if you stay with me. I want to stop sinning, but I can’t. Like I said, I’m not like those vampires. It’s true they’re cursed, but not like me. I’m the prince of curses.”
Juliet opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out.
“Hold still,” Seth said, turning her around so her back was against his chest. The heat from him swept through her body like a hurricane. His lips were by her ear and his hot breath trickled down her neck. “Do you trust me?”
“To do what?” she mumbled. She couldn’t focus on what he was saying since his hand had slid around her waist.
“Protect you,” he said softly, his tongue smacking lightly on his teeth.
“I trust you,” she mouthed, but she made no sound.
“Then you have to stay conscious to the end. You need to smell exactly like me if you’re going to be safe.”
Even with everything Seth had said, Juliet still expected him to move in on her throat. She told herself he was going to bite her, even though he said he wasn’t a vampire. Her mind was foggy and everything in her room felt strange, even the lighting was off-color and grotesque.
Don’t be afraid, she told herself gently, as though she was rocking a screaming child. There’s nothing to be afraid of. This is what you wanted, so relax and let it happen.
Seth shifted his position and to her amazement, he began kissing along her spine. She could feel his fangs, but the sharp points didn’t scratch her. His free hand caressed the side of her face and then moved down to her wrist. He lifted her wrist and crushed it between his palm and his mouth.
Juliet gasped.
No pain came. She opened her eyes to look, and she could see what he was doing. He was kissing her. He hadn’t broken skin.
He moved so that one of his arms was under her knees and the other supported her back. With one fluid motion, he lifted her in his arms and placed her gently on the bed.
“What are you doing?”
“Finishing up. I just have four more points to hit and then we’ll be done. You don’t mind, do you?”
At the foot of the bed, he lifted her ankle and unrolled her sock so her heel was bare. Juliet nearly squealed as he moved from one ankle to the other.
“Don’t be so jumpy,” he reproved as he bent to kiss each dent again. Then he reached and curled his fingers around her yet unkissed wrist. “Two more to go,” he said before he placed a kiss on her palm. Raising his eyes he looked into her face. “Are you ready for the last one? I’m impressed you haven’t blacked out.”
Juliet swallowed and pursed her lips.
Seth moved her palm so that it was resting over his heart. “Do you feel that? Do you feel my heart racing?”
“You’re not dead,” she responded quietly.
“No,” he said, moving his hand so that it cradled her head.
“But you’re not a normal human?”
“Would you be interested in me if I were?” he asked cynically before lowering his head and kissing her lips.
Juliet closed her eyes and sincerely tried to focus, but it was no use. It was like there was a switch inside her that he activated when their lips met and her brain left the place where she rested in Seth’s arms. She saw darkness. Slowly shapes came, and then she was somewhere else, like in a dream.
She was running through a dark hallway with high, vaulted ceilings over her. She ran past rows of stone pillars that reached to the heavens. Blue light trickled in through breaks in the ceiling like stars. Holding her shoes, the soles of her feet slapped on the stone tile. She gripped the hem of her dress and pushed her hair out of her face.
Then she became aware that a dark abyss was growing behind her as if it was chasing her down the corridor. She had to escape from it. No matter how swiftly her feet flew or how much closer she came to the gigantic double doors at the end of the hallway, the darkness didn’t stop. It was just as desperate to reach her as she was to leave it. She had to break free. She could feel cold, like metal chains sliding against her bare arms like snakes. It didn’t matter the form of what pursued her. Turning back was unthinkable. Even one false thought would plunge her into the deepest realms of darkness, but her spirit was strong and she surged through the doors like they were liquid.
The light broke in one massive wave against her body and heat finally returned to her. The dark that pursued her recoiled into the fortress and the doors slammed shut with a heart-stopping echo.
Juliet caught her breath and, tossing her shoes to the ground, she threw back her head to bask in the sunlight. The glorious white sphere hung in the sky like the purest and brightest gemstone. Clouds grew in gathering puffs like cotton. She fell back on the grass and pushed her long wet hair out of her face. She was laughing. Something amazing had just happened and the triumph of it left her glowing and victorious.
Then, from the corner of her eye, she saw something incredible. There was a white horse standing on the grass that possessed sprawling wings and feathers. It was like Pegasus. When it saw her, it snorted and lifted its wings. Leaning against its body was a young man with black hair and sherry eyes.
Though Juliet could not see herself, she could easily see him. He was wearing a burgundy vest with elaborate stitching, a white, collared shirt, and black trousers. His expression made her heart skip a beat. He looked ultimately satisfied.
He offered her his hand.
He circled his arms around her. Lifting her sent her back to her dorm room where she was lying on the bed.
She opened her eyes and looked at Seth.
“That was great,” he said softly. “It looks like you survived one kiss. Let’s see if you can make it through two.”
Juliet put her arms around his neck and drew his head toward hers. She wanted to see what else his kiss had in store for her. She felt his lips part and the heat of his breath and then everything disappeared.
Seth got up from the bed and found his coat on the floor. It turned out that Juliet hadn’t been able to make it through a second kiss and she lay completely unconscious on the bed.
“Poor girl,” he muttered to himself before he put on his coat.
He looked briefly around the room to see if there was something to cover her with since she had fallen asleep on top of her blankets. He bent down and looked under the bed and then briefly in the chest at the end of her bed. There was nothing, so he turned to the closet. There wasn’t a spare blanket on the open side. There were only clothes, so he pulled the door shut, revealing another door, the one with a poster on it.
He stared at his own face.
He unconsciously put a hand to his mouth. There he was, a black and white image, except his eyes were colored red.
“Where in the world did she get this?” he said aloud as he touched the place on the poster that showed the three sets of bite marks down his neck. His other hand immediately touched the scars on his own throat.
For a moment, he considered ripping it down and taking it with him, but he immediately discarded the idea. If she liked him so much that she had a picture of him then wasn’t that lucky? Then another idea came to him. He remembered her post about being in love with a vampire. It was him from the start. After all, there was a myth about three bites from a vampire turning you into one.
He found a blanket in the closet behind the door that had his picture and was careful to leave the doors the way he found them. Unfolding the blanket, he spread it out over Juliet. Hopefully, it would keep her warm until morning. Locking the door behind him, he found himself in the dormitory hall and then on the empty street outside. It was almost five, but the sky was still black as pitch. He could walk home before the buses started, so he took to his feet and marched along the pavement.
He needed some water.
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