《Trials of a Babysitter》8. Adventurer’s Guild


Zaria returned a few hours after we had woken up, surprised to see band-aids all over her restaurant, but otherwise accommodating. She gave us something similar to oatmeal for breakfast and I found that my [Basic Translation: Xamxa] skill was extremely useful. I had to ask her to slow down a few times, but as long as Zaria spoke slowly and clearly I was able to understand her.

We told Zaria the truth while keeping out a few details. We said that we were from far off, trying to find Elsie’s brother, who went out alone a while ago, and a locator spell led us here yesterday.

“Have you seen anyone like that around here? Do you know where we could get information?” I finally ended.

“I did see a kid matching your description and species come in here a few days ago. He was asking about some kind of quest, so I assume someone pointed him to the adventurers guild. It is two streets down; you will see it on your left. It has a lot of images of people fighting monsters on it and it is pretty big, so it is hard to miss,” Zaria enunciated everything clearly for me, relieved as I was at the easier communication today.

“Thank you very much Miss Zaria. We are indebted to you,” I held out my hand for a handshake which caused her to tilt her head in confusion. “Oh, sorry, that is a customary greeting in our culture. How does your culture say goodbye or express gratitude?”

“Ah, interesting. We simply bow our heads,” she smiled and bowed her head. “It was nice meeting you. Please take care.”

With that, we set out once again. Just like Zaria said, the enormous glowing building depicting battles and monsters was hard to miss.


Walking inside, I expected to see some sort of a pub from adventure stories, but instead the inside was reminiscent of a bougie hotel lobby from earth. Red carpet covered the floor, couches and comfy chairs interspersed across it with rough-looking people of various races holding weapons seated in them.

We walked up to what seemed to be the front desk, which was manned by a blue humanoid half-submerged in water with hair that resembled seaweed and blue skin.

“Hello, how may I help you?” The—woman?— smiled to reveal double rows of pointed teeth, resembling those of a shark, and a serpentine tongue. Her voice came out as a hiss.

“Hi, we are looking for information. Elsie here lost her brother, Carter, and we heard you may have spotted him. He is also human, a blonde 7 year old boy with green eyes. He should be traveling alone.”

“One minute,” she smiled, and then her eyes seemed to zone out. “Ah yes I have some information. That will be one kevale.”

Oh shit this again.

“Um, we actually have no money… but we are willing to work for the information! Do you perhaps need any help here…?”

“Are you registered adventurers?”

“Uh… no.”

“Then no, sorry,” her smile turned dark and her eyes narrowed. “Please exit the premises.”

“Uh, wait! Elsie here is a god you know! She created this world!”

The fish-woman looked me dead in the eyes with a face that said if we don’t leave now I am going to be shark bait. I started backing up.

“Oh ma’am! I am a registered adventurer!” Elsie piped in at the last moment. The woman’s expression immediately went back to a polite smile, as if a murderous aura had not been emanating a moment before.


“Ah, why didn’t you say so! What is your name and rank,” the woman smiled.

“Elizabeth Lee, platinum,” Elsie smiled. The woman’s face turned to shock.

“One moment,”’ she said and her eyes zoned out again. When she again came back to reality her blue skin became pale, “ah. Would you place your hand here to verify your identity?”

She pulled out a white rectangle from the desk in front of her fish tank and set it down before us. The pad turned light green when Elsie placed her hand upon it, and the woman looked even more shocked, if possible.

“Please pardon my earlier rudeness, Ms. Lee. You have been presumed dead for centuries, so I did not expect you to show up in our humble guild hall. As a token of apology, I will freely give you the information regarding the boy.”

“Thank you,” Elsie smiled, oblivious to the sudden silent shock that had descended upon the guild hall.

“It seems the boy was recently here for a pause on his journey. He was selling off monster parts and talking about some king’s quest he was undertaking. He asked about the goblin lands, so I presume he went there, but I have no information on what the details of his quest were. You may have to travel to Farchester and meet with His Majesty to discover that. I apologize for the lack of information there.”

“Don’t worry, that is good enough for us. Do you by any chance have directions or a means of transportation to this ‘Farchester?’” I asked, hopeful. The woman’s eyes narrowed again as she remembered I was there, but due to Elsie’s presence she nodded.

“Here is the map. You will have to travel along the road to Rie and past Crimson City to reach Farchester, which would take about a week walking. There are nearly always merchants traveling about the road, however, which would reduce the journey to two days, however you will need coin for that. Miss Lee can take some jobs here for coin if you wish. The request board is over there.”

She pointed to the opposite wall, and Elsie promptly started over there without another word.

“If that is all..?” the woman said with a strained smile.

“Ah, yes. Thank you.” I turned to walk away.

“Be wary, traveling with a child like that. She has been dormant for centuries, but her enemies still run rampant for her blood.” The woman warned, and sank underwater.

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