《The Island of Vulengate》Journey to Andryanon


“The player has found allies… I see…”

-Andryanon, God of engineering

I introduce myself as Ash, while the elf introduces himself as Morthil and his friend, the sword wielder as Mark, and the bow wielder as Hazel. Morthil, said that they have come all the way from the city of Andryanon and are hardy explorers. He mentioned that the entered the house and fell into the cave that sprouted in the doorway. Without an easy way out, they thought that they might as well explore the cave and henceforth got ambushed by the goblins.

When I mentioned about the lone goblin that stumbled upon me, Morthil said that he was probably one of the scouts in the encampment. Going to the present, Mark approaches us and offers us some of the field rations. I gladly accept remembering that I haven’t eaten for a couple hours now. The rations are delicious and have an almost refreshing effect when I swallow them.

“Wait! d-d-don’t eat those!”

I glance up at him with questioning eyes and he answers:

“They are elven rations and can have an un-knowable effect on humans!”

An un-knowa – suddenly I’m distracted from my words as a whole-body pain goes through my body. I convulse and close my eyes shut… I feel like my body is being teared apart…

I wake up with my nostrils being flooded with new scents. They feel overwhelming but aren’t. I look around. Even though it was almost impossible to see in the cave, I can see perfectly clear. I stand up. Even though it feels like up standing full height, I’m only about a foot off the ground! I look down. Are those p-p-paws? With red fur? Suddenly, in about ten meters away I see Morthil, Mark, and Hazel all behind a barricade at the cave entrance. As I attempt to raise an eyebrow, nothing happens. So instead, I just tilt my head to the side.


I say something along the lines of “guys! I'm still alive!” and it just comes out in a series of growls and yelps. But surprisingly Hazel responds to me:

“Wait, ash, I can understand you because I’m elven!”

Mark cuts in:

“Ok, so does that mean that the un-knowable effect is that the human that consumes the food turns into a animal!?


After talking after what felt like hours me and the group decide to go to the city of Adryann and I, tag along with them. I as I would expect would be the main hunter-gatherer and scout while everyone else would-be fighters. I would still likely be a fighter since – surprisingly my abilities didn’t get blocked including magic! Wait – did I also? Gain new skills! Oh well, after deciding to spend the night in the cave I decided to explore the new skills available to me.

Fox Bite: Makes the subject bitten go wild and attack the nearest form of life

Lore: Fox bite is one of the many offensive butterfly effect spells of the fox race even though none of them have learned this spell yet. (Since you are the first ever player who is a fox)

Elder Magic: Unlocks a special skill tree of magic to the fox race

Lore: The fox is the only race of having a 100% capability to reach elder rank (past grandmaster) meaning that they have the elder magic skill tree unlocked. Elder magic is never destructive. It persuades the enemy by peace

Invisibility: Lets certain subject to be invisible (lets many subjects be invisible at high levels)

Lore: After the fox’s many centuries of being stealthy to catch prey, they obtained a ability of invisibility being able to cast it for eternity

Night Vision: Lets the fox race see in the dark (can be disabled)

Lore: Night vision comes naturally to the fox race since they are normally nocturnal hunters preferring the dark for hunting

After my long session of exploring my skills, the elder magic stood out to me the most. Because of its supposedly uses peaceful means of winning battles. But sadly, in my while of researching skills my party already got up and were getting ready for the expedition. While they started clambering up the cave, I got out and started hunting for prey

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