《The Strongest Warrior Finally Reveals Himself.》Ch - 5 Going to The Academy


"And the winner of the first match, Rubeoso and Lucas!"

The whole stadium is shocked. They all fully expected the princess to absolutely destroy these matches and steamroll into the academy. But somehow, these two nobodies, came in and managed to take care of the princess and Eric easily. The silence is broken when Mr. Lude continues the exams, "Will the next two groups come out to the arena now!" "Wait." Everybody stops dead in their tracks as they hear the king's bellowing voice. The king moves incredibly quickly to get down to Rubeoso. He stands right infront of rubeoso and looks dead into Rubeoso's eyes. "Rubeoso, was it?" The king speaks in a calm but powerful voice. "Yes." Rubeoso stares directly into the king's eyes, not backing down. Rubeoso can feel the raw power eminating from the king, yet he stays completely calm and doesn't waver. "You have some guts, I'll give you that." Rubeoso doesn't respond, instead he simply says, "What did you come down here for?" The king chuckles, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I just want to see you with my own eyes." "Are you impressed?" The king smiles at Rubeoso's remark, he then turns his back on him, "Not yet kid, not yet." He then moves all the way back to his throne instantly. Rubeoso stares at him for a couple seconds before getting interupted by Lucas, "Mr. Rubeoso! We need to get out of the arena. The next match is going to start!" "Ah, my bad." Rubeoso and Lucas then leave the arena and head back to where Mr. Lude and the others are staying. The next couple rounds go by without much issue, many fans left, seeing as the princess' fight was the only thing they cared about. About 30 minutes later all of the fights wrap up and the winners of each match are called out to the center of the arena. Mr. Lude speaks to all the viewers in the stadium, including the king, wo stayed to watch all the other fights, "Ladies and Gentleman! Please give a round of applause to all the applicants who remain! The names I am about to list fought valiantly and overcame all odds and managed to get one of eight spots in the academy." "Lucas Manty." "Rubeoso Jaine." "Stephen Alonie." "Jack Farland" "Otto Lewiise." "Tina La Maison." "Alsie Manbury." "Ilia Hebyt. Those 8 names I just mentioned will be the newest students at King Academy #27!" The remaining watchers in the stands clap loudly. Mr. Lude then looks back at the students, "Well, new students, who wants to race to the academy." Seeing as this request came from the headmaster of the academy, the group didnt have much of a choice. They all used their best buff skills and took off. Only Rubeoso and Mr. Lude remained. Mr. Lude looks at Rubeoso, "Well? Wanna see who can get there first?" Rubeoso smiles, "Sure." Mr. Lude uses some buffs and starts sprinting. Art Activated : Rocket Legs Art : activated : 0 Gravity Art Activated : No Collision Rubeoso takes off, he has Rocket Legs for extra speed, 0 Gravity for no gravital resistance, and No Collision to make sure he doesn't need to switch routes for building or people. Add on to the fact that he has max speed stats, there was no way he was going to lose this race. The academy was 20 kilometers away and only 20 seconds Rubeoso was making inhuman progress, he had already managed to move 11 kilometers. Just another 20 seconds later he had reached the academy before any of the students and saw no one there. I knew I would win, how is a New Generation with no Arts supposed to even compare to me? "So you finally made it here." Rubeoso looks around and see's Mr. Lude sitting in a chair, "What? How did you get here before me?" Mr. Lude smiles again, "There you go again. Thinking I'm weak just because I'm a new generation." Ugh, how could I lose, sure I could have just teleported but I thought I could beat him for sure. Mr. Lude continues speaking, "Well, now that we're here, we might have to wait for a bit till the others get here. Why don't you pull up a chair." Rubeoso does so and sits next to Mr. Lude. Mr. Lude speaks first, "So, what did you think of the king?" "He was extremely strong." Mr. Lude chuckles, "He wasn't that strong before he met me." "What?" "Sorry, maybe I should have rephrased my question, 'So what did you think of my former student'?" "What, that's impossible, I felt much stronger power coming from him then you." "True power lies in being able to conceal it." "But still, you look young then the king." "Age de-buff." "That exist?" "Yup." "Well, if you really did teach the king, then I'm gonna have to spar against you soon." "Very well." They then sit in silence until the other arrive. Mr. Lude speaks to the group, "When we enter the building, initiation will begin, and you will ranked in classes, however with only 8 students, it will have to be changed a bit." Mr. Lude then leads everyone into the Academy building.

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