《Lost Realm》Ch. 15: Calm Winds
Ch. 15: Calm Winds
“Lord! I am most impressed by this achievement. Subjugating the arach leadership could only be done by someone with an indomitable will and fierce nature.” Falth, like usual, offered no expense in his praise towards Rainier.
Rainier wasn’t one to respond well to excess flatter or lack of, but there was some truth to the elder dhampir’s words. Besides, he knew that these dhampirs only responded to cold evidence of a person’s abilities.
Right now, Rainier was back at Outpost Roseir along with Tero and Nera who accompanied him to Kochla. Rainier was now eating a meal prepared for him by the capable chef, Rasi. Next to him sat Sataska and on the opposite end of the dining table was Falth, Tero, Nera and a handful of other dhampirs.
“Did Ganel come back yet? I want to know the strength of the karkans as soon as possible to begin forming a plan to chase them off the plateau.” Rainier was more than ready to test his knowledge of ancient battlefield tactics and adapt them to a world of different races and magic. He was sure he could come up with not only a few battle plans using strategies adopted from famous generals of earth like Sun Tzu or Hannibal, but also create some new tactics of his own. Of the few videogames Rainier did play back on earth, his favorite were strategy games where he could outwit his opponents with his armies.
“Not yet, but this is good in my opinion.” Responded Falth with closed eyes.
“How so?”
“As you apparently came from another world devoid of magic, I assume you would like to be educated on how magic works in Ademptis. Not only that, but we can taste your own level in magic and see what attributes you would be suitable for.” Falth’s words made perfect sense.
Tero then spoke up while nodding his head in agreement. “That’s right, you may be quite capable in a melee battle, but you can increase your might tenfold if you learn magic and how to apply it in battle.”
Rainier realized in all his excitement of preparing for his first major conflict that he forgot about his goal in gaining enough power to be unmatched. Magic is obviously a priority if he wanted to reach a high level of power in Ademptis.
“So, how does one learn magic exactly?” Rainier then looked towards Sataska. “You should learn how to use magic too, Sataska.”
“If you wish! I suppose a queen like I shouldn’t be content with only a simple level of power gained from consuming powerful enemies. I could become even more dazzling to you if I learned magic as well to accommodate the skills I gain from eating.” Sataska rested a finger on her chin as if contemplating life itself while holding a playful grin.
“Unfortunately, I believe in Sataska’s case she will be incapable of learning magic.” Revealed Falth while grimacing.
“W-Why do you say that? I am a queen! Of course I can learn magic!” It seemed that Sataska’s ego couldn’t fathom the fact that she would be unable to learn something like magic.
Rainier was also curious about the reason Sataska could not use magic, so he inquired further. “Hm, is it perhaps because of her special ability?”
Falth stared at Rainier in surprise. He hadn’t expected the young master to be able to already understand the reason. “As you say, Lord Rainier, it is because of her natural ability. There are beings, which to the nonexistent human empire, were known as godkin…”
Rainier’s encyclopedia thrummed, once again signaling a new entry in the book.
Godkin- Beings holding strange powers gifted from the gods themselves. It was first believed that chosen heroes held these abilities and that these people were messiahs of the gods themselves. However, further evidence suggested that these special abilities were granted to those that could best utilize them. A famous godkin proved this theory when he turned his special power which allowed him to shift tectonic plates to a certain degree against the human empire, thus branding him an enemy of humans and ultimately the gods themselves.
The special powers given to godkin are usually the embodiment of a certain god’s concept. For example, the god of disease’s godkin would most likely be given the power to create a new deadly disease or change aspects of other diseases to make them more or less harmful.
“I believe that you, Sataska, are one of these godkin. Most likely under the God of Gluttony’s influence granting you the power to use the full strength of anyone’s body you completely consume. Thankfully you cannot have your current power be overwritten by a new being’s abilities unless you wish it to. I suggest you keep this evoant Skaren’s ability until you find a more powerful creature to consume.”
“See, Rainier? I told you that I am an amazing queen, now how about you properly appreciate me in private-urk!” Sataska began speaking normally but as she inched closer and closer to Rainier’s head, a palm pushed her back to her original position.
Of course that palm belonged to Rainier. “I need a restraining order or something… Well, Sataska’s power is indeed amazing as you say, but what does being a godkin have to do with her not being able to learn magic.”
“That answer is easy. A person blessed by gods already has the power to rival powerful warriors or mages provided they train their ability. A godkin’s special power completely is so amazing, that it erases any intruding weaker force, which in this case renders them unable to master even basic magic.” The elder dhampir then said something which relieved both Sataska and Rainier. “Although… Suppose Sataska consumed the corpse of a powerful mage, hm? She would of course lose her current consumed ability, but in return she would gain that mage’s full magical power and complete knowledge on how to unleash EVERY single one of his spells. That of course includes legendary magic of the exospheric level.”
Rainier raised both his eyebrows. “Wow. Well then, how do we determine my magical capabilities?”
“First we must administer a few short tests to determine your natural attribute, your soul force, and talents in other attributes. Ah, the difference between the first and third tests is that your natural attribute is someone everyone is naturally talented in using while the third test finds out your level of talent in elements other than your natural one.”
The outside of Outpost Roseir had turned from a scraggly field into something reminiscent of a noble’s mansion. It seemed that what Outpost Roseir used to look like was unqualified for someone of Rainier’s “stature” to live in, even temporarily, and thus was cleaned up and decorated. Outpost Roseir went from a ruined underground fort to something like what a dwarven fortress from a fantasy novel would look like.
There were some dhampirs keeping watch on tree branches while a few were flying in and out of the aviary section of the outpost. Along with Falth, three more dhampirs were setting up the required materials used to administer the tests Rainier was going to undertake to determine my potential in magic.
“Alright, Lord Rainier, place your dominant hand on this orb.” A dhampir named Nestor was going to be the one to oversee the tests. Falth explained that he was second to only Nestor when it came to magical ability and knowledge.
Tero was sparring with Sataska nearby, helping her to learn combat maneuvers while Nera was meditating on a nearby rock.
Rainier moved towards the orb in question. It looked like a glass sphere with sparkles inside it making it resemble a marble. The orb sat on top of a stone pedestal as stone was supposedly a substance with some of the least amount of elemental energy. The small amount of earth elemental energy the stone even had would be nowhere near enough to affect the test results.
Without further ado, Rainier placed his right hand on top of the orb. “Uh, now what?”
Nestor gazed into Rainier’s eyes. “Imagine all of the world’s energy collecting from your fingertips and gathering in your hand.”
Rainier had no clue what Nestor meant nor did he even remotely understand his words. However, Rainier tried to follow Nestor’s directions as far as he could comprehend them.
The glass orb flashed a dull grey light before disintegrating into dust where it was then carried away by the wind.
Fearing that he did something wrong, Rainier asked Nestor, “Uh, did I screw up?”
Nestor shook his head, instantly making Rainier wipe his brow in relief. “This test has twelve results which determine your natural attribute. The glass ball decomposed into mere particles, symbolizing that your natural attribute is that of the death attribute.”
Rainier was startled for a few moments. Out of all the attributes he could have possibly gained, death was not one he expected. He honestly expected something basic like fire or wind.
“When the ball starts heating up and produces some flames, it signifies the fire attribute. When it cools down and begins condensating, it is water. When it gathers dust or dirt around it from the ground or air, it is earth. When the ball begins floating and the air grows restless, it is wind or air attribute, whichever one you want to call it. When it glows yellow or white, it is light. When it becomes a shade of black, it is darkness. When it produces a warm soothing feeling, it is life. When it decomposes like you just saw, it is death. When it tries to flee the flesh of your hand towards a plant, it is wood. When it sticks to your palm, it is flesh. When it becomes magnetic despite being made of glass, it is metal. And finally, when the glass ball does nothing or has an effect not previously described, it is most likely that of the cosmic attribute.”
Rainier patiently listened and immersed himself in the information, memorizing every detail. This information may not be all that important at the moment, but who knows when even the tiniest detail comes in handy in the future.
“Now for the next test. Place your same hand on this orb.” Nestor produced another glass orb, which Rainier inquired about. “These orbs are called magic resonators. They are especially susceptible to even the faintest traces of magic and are very effective in deducing people’s magical talents. Now this test will determine your soul force.”
Rainier nodded. He placed his hand on the orb for the soul force test while asking, “What exactly is soul force?”
Soul Force- Every being with free will has a soul; it does not matter if that being is organic or inorganic in nature. Soul force is basically the level of power of one’s soul. The ranks begin from a measurement of one. Soul force levels are divided into several levels: Grounded soul is one to twenty, Mountain soul is from twenty-one to forty, Planet soul is from forty-one to sixty, Meteor soul is from sixty-one to eighty, Star soul is eighty-one to one hundred, and finally a Void soul is anything beyond one hundred (not to be confused with the cosmic attribute which is sometimes called void instead).
The soul force level is used to determine the amount of magical power a being can use as well as how far a being can go beyond their body’s limits.
Rainier read this passage in the encyclopedia later, Nestor’s explanation on soul force essentially mirrored the passage.
“Now through your arm and hand, imagine that your entire body is residing inside this glass orb.” Instructed Nestor, this was the basic procedure for the soul force test.
Rainier, like the first test, wasn’t sure what Nestor’s instructions meant exactly, but he followed them as best as he was able.
The glass orb began vibrating and spinning in place like a dreidel.
“Keep focusing for as long as you possibly can. The longer you can focus, the more accurate this test will become and the higher your soul force rank will probably be.” Explained Nestor as his mouth twisted in a wide toothy grin with ecstatic eyes.
Rainier closed his eyes and did as instructed. Minutes that felt like hours passed until Rainier, his mind exhausted, could no longer focus on the test. The glass ball slowly slowed down and the shaking stopped.
“So… Hah, geez, how did I do?”
Nestor switched his gaze from the orb and Rainier several times in sheer astonishment. “Your soul! It’s a v-v-YOU HAVE A VOID RANKED SOUL FORCE! I never thought I would see one… Ever! Never ever in my immortal lifetime!”
Rainier remembered the explanation on soul force. If what Nestor said was true, then his soul force is incredibly high, on the highest of levels. “That’s… That is much better than I expected.”
“You’re so amazing Rainier! As expected of my chosen mate!” Exclaimed Sataska from the side just before she was smacked on the cheek by the flat end of Tero’s spear.
“There is only one problem, not a bad one though. From what I understand, when someone has a void ranked soul force, it is impossible to judge the exact rank above one hundred compared to say finding out someone had a rank of forty-two ranked planet soul force. In the end, it just means your soul force is very high and you should have no trouble in casting very high leveled magic once you learn them.”
Rainier was at first worried by Nestor’s explanation but became relieved when he heard the rest of the aged dhampir’s words. “And the last test?”
“Right, since this orb wasn’t destroyed we’ll continue using it.” Nestor pulled the glass orb back up.
“Yea, sorry about that.” Rainier apologized as he remembered causing the first glass orb to decompose.
“No, don’t worry. Now this test is the same as the first, imagine the world gathering like before. The only difference is the magic I’ll be using to identify your talents in other attributes.”
Rainier went through the process of the third and final test until Nestor said he had the results.
“Alright, now for your talents in other attributes. Talent is generally divided into low, medium, high, and prodigal talent. There are minute differences in between the divisions, but it is simply easier to explain one’s talent this way. For this test, you also got a rather unique and great outcome.”
“Does that mean I graded high in a few more elemental attributes?” Asked Rainier hopefully.
“Let me tell you… Your prodigal talents are darkness and cosmic, I’m highly intrigued by this prodigal talent towards cosmic. Your high ranked talents are water and flesh. Your medium ranked talents are earth and metal. You have no low ranked talent in the other elements. What I’m most amazed besides the fact you have very good talent in several elemental attributes is the sheer fact that you have talent in not just one or two attributes, but the fact you have talent in six attributes other than your natural attribute of death!” Nestor was giddy with exhilaration and delight. It was as if he was having the most insane sugar rush a person could have.
Not only Nestor was amazed, but every person aside from Sataska who had practically no clue what was being talked about stared Rainier bewildered. Such talented individuals like Rainier were all legendary figures of history, even far beyond the formation of the human empire long ago. They all wondered if all humans from Rainier’s world were like this but quickly decided to believe that the lord they now followed was one they were meant to follow.
Even Nera could barely contain her surprise. She had looked down on Rainier initially, believing him to be a lucky amateur who just happened to unseal their coffins. However, now she could only imagine the future prospects of this man. To herself, she whispered, “Falth was right… Even the most insignificant sounding characters could be raging dragons on the inside.”
‘It is as I said, sister. This man, while he may have not made any major accomplishments yet, I firmly believe he will become the center of this world in the future.’ Tero reached over to Nera’s mind telepathically.
Nera didn’t say anything back. She simply formed an expression showing a mixture of confusion and complication.
“So I got through these tests with some pretty great results, so how do I use magic? Do you just teach me an incantation or something and I cast the spell? Do I-” Rainier was cut himself off. “Well, you’re the most capable person around to teach me magic, so I’ll follow your guidance.”
“Right, I’m rather excited to be teaching such a naturally talented individual like you, lord. When I previously taught students, the best way for one to learn spells is to start learning spells from the tropospheric level and gradually go upwards in power. However, with your talent I believe this process should be quick.” Informed Nestor with a ready grin.
“Before we start, I have one more thing to ask.” Rainier had a question he was rather curious about.
“By all means, ask away.”
“Exospheric magic is the strongest of the spell rankings, this I know. But just how powerful is exospheric magic is compared to tropospheric magic?”
Nestor’s toothy grin changed slightly to a sly smirk. “Tropospheric spells are basically magic where you hurtle various projectiles at one another or simple element manipulation. They may not be terribly dangerous, but they do have many uses both in and out of combat.” Nestor then listed off several examples of useful tropospheric magic in each of the elements. “Then we have exospheric magic… Honestly, casting even a single exospheric magic by oneself is practically suicide. Taking advantage of a ritual where you use various items of power or extra casters for the ritual decreases the risk and increases the chances of completing the magic. If you fail casting an exospheric spell, most often your soul will perish like a simple campfire being doused by an entire ocean.”
“I see. Your response implies that there has been successful casting of exospheric magic. Can you tell me what these mythical spells are capable of?”
“I’ll tell you of a few. One is Second Sun, a fire spell of exospheric rank. It doesn’t literally create a second sun in the sky, but it conjures a massive ball of fire far larger than anyone could expect. Using this as a projectile is capable of vast swathes of destruction and most likely massacre the caster or casters since even dozens of kilometers in distance aren’t capable of keeping you safe. The only occurrence of this spell being used was in order for the human empire to utterly ravish the lush harvest a rival nation had that year. It grew too hot for the farm plants to survive and they were scorched.”
“This one sounds quite unreasonable. How about an exospheric spell for my natural attribute?”
Nestor pondered the question for a moment. “Hm, an exospheric spell for death. The only one I have heard of is Army of Souls. It summons a near endless army of spirits to fight for the caster or casters. I heard of minor versions of it being cast before with mixed results, so I can only imagine what the exospheric version of it would be.”
Rainier grinned while nodding. “I like the sound of it. If I can, I want to learn this spell someday and perhaps cast it.”
“I don’t doubt it with your amazing talent, Lord Rainier. First, let’s begin at tropospheric magic, unfortunately I can only train you in magic for the darkness element which is my natural attribute and earth magic. I also know fire magic, but your talents lie in darkness and earth. Once I teach you the basics in learning magic from a specific attribute, I believe you should be able to self-teach yourself in the other attributes, and effectively considering your talent and soul force.”
And with that, Rainier finally began practicing magic after many weeks of being stranded in Ademptis.
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