《Demon Artificer》4: Epic Quest


Autor here:

All credits to DemonWing my little "Dancing Penguin" for proofreading and editing this chapter.

To the people who want to ask me, where I'm going with this bizarre creation of mine.

I will be honest with you, I don't know in which direction I will go with this story...

Of course I have some vague ideas about some plots, generic storry line, and what I want from hero.

But in my head everything is currently moving and changeing, it could turnout to be better, or worse.

But one thing will remain the same. This will be my story, from beginning to its sorrowful end.

Will this be a good story perhaps?



I was in bad situation, and I needed to quickly put my shit together, to form a plan.

In this dire crisis there was one, and only one thing I could do.

I was in need of the most awesome power at my disposal...

The power of the Internet...

Don't get me wrong, true ability comes into play when you must separate all of that online bullshit from the things you actually need.

But that is also one of my skills.

First of all, crafting.

I had my own opinion why this shit didn't work, but it is better to see what other people thought about it...

After some browsing on this subject I had confirmed my assumptions.

And what do you know? Basically the root of the problem started with the temples.

Why? Because when you need new equipment you go there to obtain it.

From the beginning of this game there was a simple system.

Players hunt monsters, monsters drop "demon cores," players bring loot back to temples, and obtain suitable rewards.

Why are gods are in need of demon cores? Nobody knows, and most people don't care.


Ok back to the topic. The gear you obtain this way is pretty good, also in this game players can sell the items later on to someone else.

As a player with a fighting profession you can obtain only one crafting skill, but a non-combat class like a merchant is able to obtain two.

Not to mention if a profession is crafting related, you will even get one more crafting skill.

Some people take crafting skills, but usually only to add a little boost to their characters.

Alchemy for potions, inscription for ability scrolls, and blacksmithing for item repair, and so on.

And that is precisely why people who are dedicated to crafting in the end can't sell their shit, so you can see where I'm going with this...

You are probably also wondering, where this new obsession about crafting is coming from?

Maybe you are thinking that, a little teasing from some "whore of a goddess" got under my skin?

Well... This subject is a little more complicated.

Everything has began right after my second login to the game...

Cleaning all that mess was of course first thing I did after coming back to this pitfall of hell.

For every man there comes a time, when they need to shut their mouth, and do what they were told to do.

And that is precisely why I'm currently mopping this fucking floor!

I was about to check my stats and abilities, but...

- You really are one hardworking fellow, aren't ya? (fat woman)

- What do you need? (I asked with a surprised expression)

- Oh stop joking boy... You precisely know what kind of needs, I have right now. ( She replied with her eyes full of lust)

And this is the one, and only one, reason boy, why you were not immediately fired...


Like you were in your previous jobs. (She added with a nasty smirk)

- But what about your husband? (I asked with puppy eyes full of hope)

- Hahahahaha... Boy are you asking me? Like you didn't know this better yourself...

My pig of a husband is sleeping right now, and you know very well boy, how hard will it be to wake him up.

- But...

- No more buts, my boy!

Now come to Aunty, I have few ideas on what kind of game we gonna play today.



Quest: Fuck Aunty...

Difficulty: ???

Reward: As a reward for your hard work, you will keep your current occupation.

Time Limit: Now

Failure state: You will become a homeless person.


Ok. I know this game and whole VR technology was invented by porn industry, but what the fuck?

Screw this! I was fighting monsters bigger than this repulsive "Jabba the Slut"!

All I need to do is imagine some slim chick, and replace that image with this flabby pig.

I can do this, no I must do this...

My imagination power is over 9000!

- I will accept your challenge woman, now prepare yourself!


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