《Demon Artificer》2: POWER SLIDE


Autor here:

After long thoughts I made my decision...

I will not erase this chapter.

Readers who were disappointed by this flabby writhing of mine, can very well treat this work to be more of some trolling from my side...

The only thing I can give in my defense is that I was suffering from sleep deprivation.



Ok, when I mentioned earlier that the shit has hit the fan, I meant it literally...

I had woken up in a sticky pile of goo.

In other words, my VR unit was, smeared everywhere with the "fruit of my labor"...


In the next couple of a hours I had to clean up that mess...


Nope, that wasn't any supernatural power, or a real life "game like event"...

That was me just trying to humor myself.

Yep! Sometimes it 's just better to go with the flow...

And when I say "with the flow", you know what kind of flow...

- OK, enough of that shit. I'll better check if everything is in order with that damn device.

Surprisingly, it was. Only the air filters got collateral damage.

- Fuck it! I can always use my pod without upper cover.

I opened the special options menu and, used the full synoptic scan.

- Better safe than sorry.

Did I mention that I don't have health insurance?

- Well the life of a "Dark Gamer" is not an easy one...

I said to myself while my V.R. unit was checking the state of my neural functions...

My unit's neural scan showed me only elevated level of stress.

- Yeah, figures...

Did you notice that I'm talking to myself?

Well, when you are a "shut in" like me, that lives for the game and by the game...


You know where I'm going with this?

Trust me, you don't want to know any more details...

- OK, time to login.

If I've died, I would have had some notification earlier.

- Maybe it was some kind of a confusion effect, or some other equally confusing shit. Well, whatever...





First thing I notice after my awakening, was this big man hulking over me.

- Boy! What happened to ya?! (The Hulk)

- Eresdflklkhhhfffff... Fuck! (Me)

I tried to tell him, that his employee had fucked things up. But all things that came from my mouth were

nothing more than useless babble.


Something just hit my face, painful like hell.

- ARGHT! (Me)

The pain was so intense that it distrupted my vision.

- Watch your mouth boy, or do ya want me to smack ya again?! (The Hulk)

Holly shit, what was that?!

- OK, one more time, just to be sure... (The Hulk)

- Nnnooo... (Me)



- OK boy, when ya get yourself together, it would be wise from ya to clean up this mess! (The Hulk)

Holly Mother of all Dark Gamers, what the fuck? The pain level is...

I quickly tried to stand up, but my wobbly legs didn't want to cooperate.

Before I had noticed, they gave in, and I sank to the floor.

- Something's wrong, something's very wrong... (Me)

- Yeah Boy! You did shit all over the place! THAT'S WHAT'S WRONG!!! (The Hulk)


Voosh* (sound of sliding)



- Fuck! (Me)

And yet, again before I had noticed anything, his powerful blow (combined with my "dark matter" that added a nice slide to the punch) made me hit the nearest wall.

Did somebody turn off the light, or did I just lost my consciousness for the second time that day?


After the comforting darkness embraced me, the sharpness of my mind came back to me rather quickly this


I found myself standing in the dark room, surrounded by an unnatural silence.

- OK, at least this fucking day can't go any wo...

Before I had finished my sentence, bright red light blinded me, and loud screeching laughter filled the room.

- Kukaku... Kekekekekekekeke....

Suddenly strange sounds pierced my ears.

I couldn't see clearly, the light was too bright, and my eyes started to burn painfully from the struggle.

It was like looking directly at the Sun. So as black dots swirled in my vision I was forced to shut my eyes


- Now, how does it feel to be a bitch?

That rather particular question made me look again into the menacing glow.

- Who da' fuck are you?

I asked with a sore throat.

- Oh, that's right, we've never met each other. Not in person that is. But I know you pretty well, you little

prick. Kekekekekekekeke....

Said the owner of that convulsing laughter. Yet again attacking me with this ear bleeding screech.

In a few seconds this strange figure has suppress his or her, well fuck... It's glow to a more tolerable level.

So I was able to take a more precise look at this annoying fucker.

The tall figure that was standing before me, was wearing full plate armor, ornamented with complicated red glowing runes.

Something in this being was strangely familiar, like I've seen this before...

My mind started to tingle (spidey sense activated).

In shock, I quickly leapt a few steps backwards.

- Wait a minute... I know you... You are that...

- Exactly mortal! Kukaku... I am... The great goddess of war and justice, unmatched both in strength and beauty. The everlasting goddess Athena. Now, mortal, kneel before me...

- Like fuck I will, you, you... (Me)

- Yes? (Athena)

- You outdated bitch!!!


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