《Zarath: Age of Growth》Chapter 4H: The Great Honster
A young woman hovered in the air surrounded by a ring of trees and flying objects, her eyes focused on a flying dragonfly drone. She pointed at it and pushed mana through her body, a series of complex, circular spell matrices formed at the tip of her finger. She gave it one last pulse of mana before closing her hand into a fist. The air around the drone began to blur and heat up before bursting in scorching vapor, but it was not quick enough to get the entire drone. The drone was able to move out of the sphere and get a inches away before it denoted, causing it the destabilize and slam into the floor before getting back up and flying off.
She pulls on her blond her and yelled. “Aahhh, what am I doing wrong!” she turned around and looked at her Great-grandfather. “Grandpa Hon, why can’t hit the dumb thing, I'm doing everything right!”
Hon looked at his great-granddaughter; he had seen her just fail the same spell 11 times, well she didn’t fail it, she just didn’t hit her target. “You are focusing too much on the spell. You need to practice the basic components of the spell enough to the point where you don't even have to think about their matrix, and it becomes second nature.”
He demonstrated by casting the essential water gathering and heating spell separately. A large water droplet formed over Arianda, the young fairy, and fell on her, moments after the water gently evaporated off her. This took less time than what she could do with the basic spells.
"I already mastered those spells at the academy! It's the dumb dragonfly that's too fast, it's unfair!"
"There is no such thing as mastering a spell, you can always improve it. Come on now, let's take a break you have been at it all morning." Hon knew that the dragonfly is too quick for her, but he held his family to a higher standard compared to the rest of the households.
As they were making it back to there house, Hon suddenly got a notification.
A sentient dungeon requires dungeon fairy.
Do you accept?
Yes. No.
Hon had stopped mid-conversation and stared. "Grandpa, what happened?" Hon snapped out of his daze and to address her. "I got a quest to be dungeon companion," Arianda frowned. "Didn't you tell the council that you didn't want to be bothered? They should know that you're currently on leave for a century." She was getting rather upset since she hadn't gotten much time with her grandfather.
"It wasn't from the council but the System, and it was for a sentient dungeon core."
The Hudexa Council has requested a meeting. Do you wish to accept the summon?
Yes. No.
“It seems like most of the council got the quest, they are calling for a meeting,” Hon thought for a bit, they are most likely calling a meeting to decide who to be chosen as the dungeon fairy. Since like him, they are unable to accept the quest. There are many perks to be dungeon fairy, one of which is the close relationship they have with the system, but he never thought of this possible downside.
He turned around to look at the ceiling and said, “Votim, I’ll be leaving for a bit to address a quest, take care” A small red lizard manifested itself next to the both of them. “Already?... Mmm… take care Hon. You will…...alwayssss have a home…. here” Hon smiled at Votim, “Yes, I know, and thank you. I'm sorry that I couldn't spend more time with you.”
“Arianda go ahead and tell your father, I’ll give them more details after the meeting. Also, keep practicing your magic, work on your basics.” She just rolls her eyes, “Ok, grandpa, have fun at your meeting.”
Hon accepted the summon and the dungeon mana around condense to a little spell before it connected to a much larger one, which fueled it even more to create a portal for him. He stepped through, he appeared in the middle of an ocean, he waved his hand the sea disappeared and what was revealed was a vast mountain range. Hon was located next to the most towering peak, his peak was made of large boulders with moss crawling all over them. In between the stones, there were small trees that glowed slightly with their roots deeply embedded in the rock. Hon turned around and faced the most significant peak, that held an enormous tree, the tree resembled a bonsai tree with a thick trunk that twisted off at an angle. The tree had tiers of branches that stretched to side and grew around it. They were offset at an angle going vertically, ending at a wide top. Above the tree was a clear sky, that demonstrated just how hight he was. All around the mountains and valleys were the cloud that normally flew up high.
Hon touched the small trees by the boulders as he passed by them, calming the mana within them so they could be used to summon another more quickly. He followed the ridgeline that leads to the large tree as he sped off, passing mossy stones and small trees that grew along the ridgeline.
As he got closer to the base of the trunk, he was able to see a significant amount fairies buzzing around, making it look like a beehive. He bypasses the buildings that surround the tree and went straight to the teleporter at the base of the tree, he stood in a small cove of the bonsai roots sent some mana through them and appeared in what looked like a forest with incredibly tall trees. Hon knew that he was at the very top of the Bonsai that few had access too, and the forestry was, in fact, the Bonsai’s branches, but because they were so large, they appeared like trees. With the dirt and shrubbery being things that the fairies brought or created to make it homier. He slowly flew to a small clearing that held a pond of what appeared to be water, but was actually liquid mana, all around the pond was bonsai branches that were molded to create seats. There were a total of 13 seats, each representing an elder, Hon was the 9th to takes his place.
“Ahh, Honcdan, it’s been quite some time, hasn’t it. And what an exciting way to meet again, although I don’t believe ill be winning this opportunity. But so much learning to be done.” She said with a glimmer in her eye. He knew that Yelasa had been absent from the meeting for some time, most likely deep into research. She also had a large amount of sway with her faction of research fanatics, which was currently the largest, but they both knew that this decision would never get resolved through voting, and the Eldest would actually need to interfere.
The Eldest was part of the group that either created the council or has lived so long that they had no real connection to their household. After all, how can you be connected with someone seven generations apart or more? They are also the strongest and defender of the Home Hearth Plane.
When the last council member was seated, the arguments started with each faction finding allies or trying to find the best case why they should be voted. Yesala Faction composed of 4 members, the more combat-oriented camps had 3 elders, 3 from the Flow faction which was composed of factions that believed in the nurture of the dungeon should be left to their own devices with the fairy be more hands-off. The last 2 elders weren’t part of any faction and were independent, Hon was part of this group.
At this point, Hon was getting worried that they were wasting too much time. And the dungeon was being left alone for too long. So he motions to speak, “I would like to call the Eldest to end the argument. I believe that time is of the essence.” All the elders knew that it would come to this but didn’t want to be the one to call it for many reasons. The Eldest was leaning on her branch with her eyes closed, she had a black robe on, she had a large scar across her bald head, and had distinctly no wings, unlike the rest of them.
She spoke with a raspy “Yes.. you all have been rather annoying. You all knew I would have to decide but still waited this long….. Honcdan Sweind will get this one. Honcdan will receive my book of knowledge and our full support once the dungeon matures enough to receive it. End of session.” She flicked her wrist at the pond, causing it to ripple and marking the end of the session.
Although many had figured that he would get the quest, they were still gruntled. Hon wasn't surprised since he was one of the few members that actually successfully develop a sentient dungeon himself. More so, since the system quest seems to only be sent to the Elders, which exclude any family members who have sentient dungeons or on the verge of doing so. But what made him stand out, even more, was that he was the only one with two cores that develop sentients, even if one of them was eventually destroyed by the Red Order. Hon was more shocked that he would receive the eldest book of knowledge, the book is something created alongside a fairy when they are born as a dungeon fairy. It is created with the systems help and is a vast catalog of creatures, dungeon layouts, combinations of monsters, mutations, and much more. Although it is very vague, it can be improved by the fairy over time, so all the families, regardless of size, would pass down this information down to the next generation to give them an edge. Even though fairies are mostly selfless when it comes to helping each other improve their dungeons, this is one of the few things that they hoarded. So getting the Eldest book was a huge surprise and boon.
Shortly after the meeting ended, Hon was mobbed by the Research fanatics about the possibilities of a trade deal or alliance, considering the boon he just received it was not much of a surprise that they would try to win him over. With Yesala going as far as grabbing his wrist in steel clamp grab, as she argued about all the possibilities. Hon had to use some magic to push and slow the rest of them to make his escape, using the fact that he needed to prepare for the coming journey as an excuse.
Hon had rushed home to give his family the news; as he stepped through the portal back to his family plane, he shook his head “Madness,” he said. He flew towards his family home; it was located in a large Pine tree, between large branches, with the space between branches, being filled with dirt, grass, shrubbery, smaller trees, and a large mansion. Making it a little villa with a large yard in the shape of a triangle, but to a fairy, it was a rather large home. Hon doesn’t usually stay in a mansion, he preferred creating small cabins as he traveled about in the woods, but today he needs to inform his family and make preparations.
He already sent a message of ahead of time, to round up his family in the dungeon. As he entered his family home, he saw that all his family was sitting in the living room.
Arianda was the first one to talk, “Grandpa Hon, did you get it!” Hon just smiled at her and looked around the living room his Grandson Anriul stood next to his wife. With his two sisters apparently leaving their dungeons and families to come and see him, his son wasn't here, but that didn't surprise him. He took a look at his daughter-in-law, although he still felt guilty for what happened, he knew she was strong.
“Yes, the Eldest has made me the dungeon fairy and gave me her book of knowledge.” That last part really surprised his family. “Can I see it!” Arianda immediately responded. “I don’t have it yet, and I won’t be sharing it. I’m sure the Eldest won’t have a problem delivering it to me.”
“Grandfather, will you need any artifacts?” His grandson Anriul mention. “No, I'll just take what I have on me.” After taking a few moments to address more questions and sitting some things in order before left, he was finally ready. After hugging his family and saying his goodbyes, he looked at the quest prompt.
A sentient dungeon requires dungeon fairy.
Do you accept?
Yes. No.
Reward: Book of Black
*Best of luck Honcdan*
Although he knew the Eldest would be giving him her book, he was shocked at her ability to add it as a reward to the system-generated quest. He just shook his head to clear it and took a deep breath. Clicking Yes, a portal opened, and he stepped through.
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