《The Prime》Chapter 22: The Girls in Neox, The capital


Emea, Emia, Nui, Kaguya, Feixue, Delia, Eleanor, Andrea with the addition to Luna Morningstars decided to use today to go out shopping and touring the academy, they are all dressed in kimono, a dress originated from Kaguya homeland, the Sakura empire reputed for his culture and his beautiful cherry trees. It mainly because of that they named the empire after a tree name. They kimonos vary in color, Kaguya wore blue kimono with White Obi, The twin wore white kimonos with black Obi, Nui, wore Green kimono with green Obi, Delia, Eleanor and Andrea yellow kimonos with red Obi, Feixue wore red kimono with blue Obi and lastly Luna wore black kimono with gray Obi.

They departed shortly after towards the center of the academy this time they were only nine, they were not accompanied by their maids namely Saeko and Lina. The nine firstly visited the shopping district, shopping here and there trying a variety of clothes before buying them afterward they send them back towards their rooms in the dormitory. After leaving the shopping district they decided to go on tour in the academy, but Emea suggested why not use this chance to go out visiting the capital of the first human empire, the famous capital Neox.

The girls contemplated for while, before deciding to go ask permission to go out from the academy to visit the capital but before going out they have to go change their clothes, it's not too appropriate to wears kimonos to go on tour in Neox. They managed to get the permission, going back to the dormitory they changed their clothes to all Whites before going out the academy but this time Saeko and Lina followed them first it was because they are also a girl and lastly the most important reason is that they serve another role besides being a maid, they are bodyguards don't be fooled by Lina petite size or her timidness because she is powerful, a rather special mutant possessing Gravity power don't anger her if you do not want to be reduced into poisson hachée (ground fish).

Passing through the Heaven Manor Academy giant doors they step out of the academy for the first time since the start of the new year it makes three months now, today will be their first time they truly step in the capital wanting to tour it.

Said to be the biggest capital and the most beautiful in the human continent, Neox the capital of Neon Empire is indeed beautiful firstly for his tallest architectural houses mostly painted white with paved roads everywhere. Well, it's like that in all empires. Secondly, for it, cleanliness and lastly the most important reason is how the whole capital is structured. The whole capital is divided into three parts:


✓ Outer Area: It's where the non-mutants live. After the fall of the purple asteroid, not everyone managed to awaken becoming a mutant, but everybody physically changed even lifespans increased. Worldwide mutants population is estimated to be eighty percent(80%) of the global population means that it's only twenty percent (20%) who are still not awakened making them non-mutants. To avoid any discord or blatant discrimination between the two, Neon empire adopted this strategy of separating the two because everybody knows that, there is bound to be a discord if the two were in the same area, frequently even due to this reason Neon Empire adopted this strategy which works, afterward the other empires also did the same only Sakura Empire is different because their population is rather unified between themselves which is one their quality and trading mark.

✓ Commercial Area : It's where everything related to commerce are, it's accessible to everyone and it's strictly prohibited to start to fight here if not you will be sentenced to death in the worst case, in the light case you will only pay five hundred thousand Etherns.

✓ The Central Area: It's where the biggest facilities are. Here you will see the extremely tall and majestic Neon Empire pride, The Golden Palace in the center, on his left is The Holy church headquarter, their building almost rivalries the golden palace in size. On the right of the golden palace is The Council, the world judge, their building is also tall painted in light white color.

Stood not too far from The Council is the Heaven Manor Academy occupying one-third of the central area. On the left side of the Heaven Manor Academy is a big blue building, it's the Intelligia Association headquarter, Not too far from there is the Central Bank a giant building. And lastly standing in the back of the Golden Palace is a big building painted entirely in Pure black is the Zeroth Organization headquarter, the famous assassin's organization that nobody knows who they truly are because every single of them is dressed in all black not leaving any gap to be identified. Well, they have a hundred percent job accuracy meaning they do their job even when dressed like that who care about their identity if they do their job without issues it not like you are making identity cards for them to forcibly know that. It's also where the mutants live and the big families (Nobles and Royal families).

Each one of the three zones is separated by a giant wall of thirty meters tall circling around each zone with many entrances closely guarded and the whole capital is surrounded by an extremely tall wall of fiftieth meters high.


The Eleven girls namely Emea, Emia, Nui, Kaguya, Andrea, Delia, Eleanor, Feixue, Luna, and the two maids, all of them are dressed in a white robe with the exception of the two maids dressed in their black and white maid outfit. They all decided to cover themselves to avoid attracting attention because it will become too bothersome to handle if they were seen, they're famous even outside the academy because all of them come from big families and they are all beautiful enough to cause the downfall of a nation.


They first decided to visit the Intelligia district to go to the bank to retrieve some cash that they will spend on their tour. After leaving the Council district where the academy is, they went towards the left of the academy entering Intelligia district they passed Intelligia Association headquarter a big blue building of fifty stories made entirely of glass, behind him, is the central bank, a big black building of forty stories. The eleven entered going to one of the numerous counters, To fill up documents before withdrawing their money, the operation took only a few minutes, showing the efficiency and dynamism of the bank.

Afterwards, the girls left the central bank and went towards the center of the central area where the golden palace is located. It's the tallest and the most beautiful palace of all four empires. If one were is to class all the building present in the central area by the height: the golden palace will come first with his hundred and fifty meters height, followed by the Holy Church with his hundred and twenty meters height, in the third place is the Zeroth Organization with his hundred meters height, with Intelligia Association headquarter in the fourth place and lastly in the fifth place is the Central bank.

After touring the edge of the Golden Palace they left to visit the district where the famous Zeroth Organization is because the time that was given to them when they asked the permission to go out of the academy is limited, they only have till the evening before going back because of the curfew in place at the academy.

Zeroth Organization headquarter is located behind the Golden Palace like a hawk watching his prey, The girls went up to the building of the Zeroth organization, it is completely painted in black, the district is completely desert without anyone on the horizon, observing the whole building for while not detecting anyone coming out or going in for some time they decided to go to the Commercial Area.

Leaving the Central Area in an Automatic carriage Taxis they arrived at the Commercial Area, the commercial area is where trading companies, big restaurants, Hotels, Shopping malls, and Amusement parks are. To describe the commercial area in one sentence one may say that it's a bustling place with lots of people. Every single building in the commercial area are at least ten-story building making the whole commercial area, an area filled with tall buildings. The eleven girls visited every single shopping mall trying different types of clothes and lingerie before buying after finishing they asked the clerk to wrap everything up and send it to their dormitory in the academy. They even choose and buy a lot of shoes most of them are high heels.

After leaving the shopping mall they went towards the jewelry stores also buying lots of accessories afterward they decided to take a break in the biggest restaurant of the commercial area called Heavenly Deluxe, it's twenty-story building light golden in color meaning is under the supervision of the royal family, it's one of their businesses. Entering and paying for the VIP room they are directed towards one of the top floors. The VIP room they got is entirely painted gold with the style of Sakura Empire room, Seating all on the couch around one big table waiting for their meals after ordering they start chatting amongst themselves. Emea talked first

'' Well, Everyone I have already applied for the position of president of Students Council, they accepted and said that I'm the only who came to apply, meaning that I will become automatically the next president when the previous one will retire. Thanks to all of you for not also applying. ''

'' Congratulations President, We are all with you and you know it. There's no need for thanks between friends, you welcome,'' replied Kaguya on the behalf of the rest of the girls.

Afterwards, they ordered a bottle of wine to celebrate Emea successful application to become the next president of students Council, they also celebrate another big news Delia and Feixue managing to step into the legendary tier two days ago, it's happened when the twin and Kaguya were training. Also, all of them have at least step in the early level of the Beginner Level of External Physical Cultivation with the exception of Kaguya who is at the peak Beginner Level followed by the twin at middle Beginner Level, Nui also at middle Beginner Level, all the rest are at early Beginner Level.

After chatting and eating it was already past noon approaching evening. They decided to go back to the academy, they can come another day probably after the tournament to tour the capital again. The remaining days in the one week of rest given to them must be used to rest before going back to class again next week, the tournament is already there. Arriving at their dormitory every one of them went to their respective rooms to rest.

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