《Void Emperor》Gryphon’s nest


When he slowly noticed the air pressure go away,an invisible barrier shattered and he got a system notification.

Notification:You have entered Gryphon Domain.

A gryphon or as known by earthling old folklore as griffin,are legendary creatures with body,tail and the back legs of a lion,the head and wings of an eagle and an eagle’s talons as its front feet.

In this domain,the inhabitants will view you as an invader and attack at sight.

Good luck!

The air pressure became a little lighter and he tried to calm down his breath,but in the end he could not help but feel stupid.

“Idiot,idiot,i am such an idiot.

What made me this reckless....Arrogance truly causes a man’s death”

He checked out his mini-map and the entire domain appeared as a hologram image in front of his eyes.

Gryphons set up their nests on mountain peaks,they gave birth by eggs and sexual intercourse even though they had no gender..............basically any gryphon could lay eggs.

They hunted their prey at night,and their prey were mostly hawks/eagles which proved why Terry could not stop shaking.

“You will soon get inside the pet space,dont worry about me i will get out of this situation on my own.

I will quickly kill one of them and escape as far from here as possible “

He would not deny that this place sent him shivers,after all Dante was a man who liked to keep things within control and anticipate most outcomes..the unknown and the unpredicted disturbed him a lot.

Since he now had no Terry to fly,he had to come up with some improvisation in order to be mobile in this place.

He closed his eyes and moved his void spirit,he imagined the black void liquid coming out of him and materialising in the shape of black devil wings,but such a feat wasn’t easy to accomplish.


Materialising his spirit and making it take precise form was very hard to do by the current him,you needed countless years of meditation before achieving such spirit mastery.........

After countless tries he finally managed a minor achievement,the black liquid came out from him and he started moving it as if it were his limb.

“Ahahah,they are right to say that heroes arise in difficult times,if I had not pushed myself this hard i would have never been able to form wings,i bet i look so badass right now”

Thats what he told himself after he got the liquid to materialise into bat wings shape,he probably looked like a vampire lord right now.

When his wings fully materialised he had achieved true inner calm,he could hear his heart beat clearly and even listen to the way his blood flowed.

It was such a magnificent feeling having total control of your own body,at that state he could even stop his blood circulation at will.

“Wonder if you could do it to an opponent’s body,wouldn’t that be some next level psychic power shit “

Terry finally found the excuse and got inside the pet space which led to Dante’s inner speech interruption followed by him falling with high speed.

“Nothing is better than experience gained on desperate situations,comon now you stupid wings....FLYYYYY”

The louder his shouts became the more he felt like he could do it,and that confidence did save his skin this time as well.

After falling for about 50 seconds he manage to calm himself from the air pressure and use his bat like wings to fly.

“Even though it took countless flappings i finally managed somehow,however since they are just bat wings i could only flap my wings continuously to stay up,there is no way I can float”


He was going to need a lot of practice before mastering his flight at a flying monster’s level,so for now he just had to refine an over level 15 monster and get the fuck out of here asap.

He knew that with those “totally out of place wings” of his he would stand out in this place where everyone was a gryphon so his best bet was to head for one of the mountain peaks since he would most likely just face one monster.

Monsters were very proud,no matter the race they liked having their own territory and even if their own dad trespassed it they would beat him to death.

So instead of making an enemy out of every gryphon around here,it would be better to just challenge on of the gryphons residing at one of those peaks and leave.

And so he did,he did not try to go for the highest peak because of some stupid ego or pride,he had no such stupidity this wasn’t a game or a fantasy novel....

He knew that if he f-ed this up he would be a goner,so he went for the lowest peak he spotted in hope that the gryphon residing there would be the weakest of the bunch.

After being tired off flapping his wings continuously,he landed on the smaller peak and explored the place.

Just as he predicted,it was inhabited.

At the edge of the mountain peak was a nest made of soft wood and weeds,it looked just like an eagle’s nest except for the fact that it was several metres bigger.

There were around 30 eggs inside the nest,but there was only one adult gryphon

“Gryphon lady i dont know who your boyfriend is but the dude got game.....

30 eggs in one shot?Truly monstrous “

Gryphon level 17 (health 200:200)

He immediately hit the monster with his strongest attack “flame javelin” which dealt 80 dmg.

Even though it looked easy to evade, the Gryphon tanked the attack head on.

If he had evaded it,the attack would have landed on the nest and most likely set it on fire.The Gryphon had to use his own life to protect the eggs,such mother instinct.

Mother nature truly never seizes to amaze

However,even after taking all that damage the gryphon did not back down,he quickly took to air and released a thunder beam from his mouth,but Dante had no time to play with him.

He evaded it using his footwork and shot an acid attack in the direction of his nest.

Trying to protect the eggs,the poor monster tanked the hit again and lost even more of its health.

“I know it’s despicable but i cant mess with you guys as of now,i gotta ditch”

He continuously threw attacks at the poor monster’s nest which it did protect by using its own body.

When the monster was on low health Dante used vitality absorption and refined it’s spirit.

“Time to eat”

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