《Void Emperor》Crazy idea


“Master,the mini map is showing 3 other dungeons ,one is of high difficulty and the other 2 are of easy difficulty”

He checked out the mini map and the details became visible,however the higher difficulty one was located in neighbouring country.

“That ones too far,besides i doubt we could get there in time even if we tried”

Those were the only dungeons whose location had no red dots,the red dots were the current awakeners trying to clear it.

“There is no other choice,go occupy the next 2 easy difficulty dungeons that will spawn,i will look for the other one myself”

“But what if other people get there first?”

He looked at him calmly and said

“Kill them”

Everyone got to work and Dante was left alone,since he now had free time he decided to check out his profession tablet.

“!.?? Spiritualist”

Learning conditions:Refine 3 monster spirits over the 15 level and consume them.

Current sprits consumed:0/3

“I already have the eyeball cyclop spirit and the spider queen ,what I now need is to refine one more monster over level 15.

I guess im going dungeon hunting again”

He bought a bunch of potions and went out to look for dungeons ,using his eagle pet Terry would make things faster so he wasn’t worried about wasting time.

From clearing out dungeons he already had over 15000 cosmic coins, but he decided to save them and only use them before crossing to the other world.

He needed to buy a few things and make a few preparations,what caught his eyes was the new slaves that you could buy once you reached level 25.

“Professional Slaves”

Just like the cringe name implies,they were much stronger than ordinary slaves who were without levels or profession,these guys had military experience , combat training and they also had information about all sorts of things.


In short,if you had enough money you could form your own army and dominate current earth.

Even though he had been flying for over 2 hours,all he managed to find were a couple of easy difficulty dungeons,most of them were either occupied or had already been cleared.

When a dungeon was cleared,the one who clears it can choose to either destroy the dungeon or reset it,but most people choose to destroy it since it granted more levels and rewards from the system.

At first,Dante had a few ideas on how to monopolise dungeons and make it so that people have to pay entrance fees in order to enter one,but he would be leaving for the other world soon so such business idea did not mean much to him anymore.

“Well ,lets hope that world has dungeons too”

Those were the last words he said the last time he had this idea.

“Hey Terry,we have been looking for a dungeon that would serve my purpose but we haven’t managed to find one,however I just got an even better idea”

Terry saw an evil smile forming on his lips and got mad terrified,he knew that every time Dante got like that he was about to follow an insane plan.

“I have noticed that every time you fly,it’s on a certain height” his evil smile got even worse,if Terry could speak right now he would have said :

“Shit,I dont like where this is going”,but unfortunately for him,he could not speak,so he had to bare the stupidity of his master who continued :

“And the system explained to me how below eagles,its hawk’s territory.

Above eagles there are gryphons,and above gryphons is wyverns and dragons territory”

Terry’s face panicked and started making a strange bird noise which probably meant


“You just had to go there,you retarded master”

He tried calming the crazed bird by touching his feathers

“Comon buddy,just fly me straight to their leader’s nest and get inside the pet space until I kill him,it wont take long I promise.

I have become very strong”

The plan was to go take down creatures who had already left the dungeons and created their own natural habitats on earth....such feat would surely grant him a lot of fate and rewards.

After a lot of convincing from Dante,Terry finally decided to fly higher into their territory,it took less than 15 minutes to get to that height and Dante could feel the guy shaking during the entire trip...Just how strong were these gryphons to make Terry this terrified.

What Dante did not know was “bloodline suppression”,no matter how strong a monster was the moment it comes near a baby dragon they will shit themselves quite literally!

An inferior race will be treated as such even in the monster world,such was the cruel reality.

“Are we here already?Amazing,the air pressure up here is insane.

If my clothes are this much torn out,imagine how difficult it must be living as high up as the wyverns and dragons.

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