《Void Emperor》Snow elf assasin


“I still have over 700 cosmic coins so if i buy one more combat slave i might still be able to save a few money just in case we cant handle the orc lord”

He entered the cosmic market and tried searching for an archer.

“Adam,which race is most known for archery skills?

They would definitely need someone who can sneak up to people and take care of assassinations.

“That would be elves or dark elves,however ratmen and vampires would be as good at it if not better”

He followed his advice and started looking into it,but what caught his eye was neither a dark elf or a vampire.

Name:Zecharis - Snow Elf

Gender Male (40 years old)

Health( 70/70)

Strength 15 stamina 35 mana 20

Skills:Minor Stealth and precise thrust

Passive skill:Basic Dagger mastery,Basic archery

Inner spirit:None

Price:130 cosmic Coins

“This one is cheap but isn’t all that strong.It doesn’t matter anyway,i can nurture him myself “

His meaning was that he planned on giving him the dark viper inner spirit.

He paid the money and just like Harley and Adam he appeared out of nothing.

Once in his new master’s presence he slammed his head on the ground and knelt.

“I have seen the master”

The elf in front of him looked about 15 years old ,however to a dweeb like Dante the fact that elves dont age was no secret.

“You can call me young master...”

He looked at him for a moment before handing him the inner spirit.

“I want you to integrate with this spirit,do you think you can do it?”

He accepted and swallowed the little sphere without hesitation.

Dark Viper inner spirit

+50 strength +20 stamina +20 mana

+13% critical chance when fighting in the shadows


Skills:Poison Smoke,shadow steps and shadow binding.

Magic skills:Blood healing (can heal himself by absorbing blood)

Transformation:Dark Serpent (unlocked)

Can transform himself into a 10 metre long serpent and can use certain skills during transformation

Can currently maintain it for only 10 seconds

Bloodlust(locked) IceStare (locked) strangle(unlocked)

Meditation technique:shade of the Thanatos scythe

+1 strength +1 stamina when meditating on winter nights

Notification:As the first human to have spent over 2000 cosmic coins you are awarded with a C rank slave token and a random weapon!Choose

“Dwarlind long Blade”

An Emerald blade that was forged by dwarven mastery

+70 attack(durability 100/100)

Skills:Cherry crescent

“Nordic long-hammer”

Attack:120(durability 200/200)

Skills:Mighty Crush

“Staff of Light”

+100 Mana (durability 50/50)

Skill:Purify evil

“What do I do here?The long hammer has super strength however i doubt that even Adam would he able to wield it.

The staff adds 50 mana so it is quite tempting however i really want the long blade”

Maria was the first to give her opinion

“The young master should go for the staff.

As long as you have more mana you can face the enemies from range without being at life’s risk”

Her answer was not surprising,since protecting Dante was all she could think of.

“I think master should go for the long blade”

As soon as he saw Maria’s deadly stare Adam added

“Of course i want the young master to remain safe but your ambition and pride will not let you hide behind your servants”

Yeah right,like i got a stupid pride like that.

Thats what he thought but he still let him speak

“Master gave me and the rest of his servants inner spirits,but he himself doesn’t have one.At first I thought that master wants to get us strong so he could use us and slack off however i now think differently.


I think that master is waiting for a unique or powerful spirit that suits him,and that shows that you have ambition”

Dante did not know that these seemingly robotic and obeying slaves had been observing him like this.

“I agree with him,with the young master’s talent learning both magic and swordsmanship should be like a walk in the park”

The seemingly cold and quiet Harley was the one to speak,her compliment and her rosy aura made him blush a little.

“Okay okay i have made my choice “

He decided to pick the long blade.

He inspected the skill:Cherry crescent

Releases a crescent shaped attack in the direction of your enemy.


Cooldown:1 minute

Happy with his choice,he decided to give the orders and go get himself some artifacts

“We have already wasted enough time.....Zecharis was it?”

“Yes master” the snow elf humbly responded

“I want you to merge with the snake spirit right now,Harley will stay hidden to protect you.

I forbid you to die,i want you to successfully conduct integration.

Once you are done,the both of you will go explore the left corridor in search of similar relics and artifacts “

He showed him the 3 artifacts that he took from the orcs

“I want no mistakes,these items are useful to me so you better find them all.

Adam and Maria will come exploring the right corridor with me.

Once we are all finished we will meet near the dungeon portal that is also being guarded by Terry”

All of them replied in unison

“We obey”

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