《Void Emperor》Orcs I


He summoned Terry and had everyone climb him since he thought that traveling by flight would be more convenient.

The eagle was about 20 metres tall so carrying 4 people was easy to him,however he disliked them clinging on his feathers every-time they felt like they were going to fall.

The overall trip took 20 minutes,flying was really really convenient.

Once they all landed he petted the giant eagle’s forehead and said to him

“Buying you was the best decision i have ever made buddy,you are good boy”

Terry made a kyaaaa sound,he seemed to be happy

“Young master,what do we do now?

Do we go for the dungeon or......?”

Just a few metres away from the museum’s entrance was a yellow portal,just from the portal’s colour he could tell that this dungeon would not be easy.

“We are not aware of the enemy’s strength and why their leader has split their forces.You can see many of them have entered the museum while the others are presumably still inside the dungeon.

I think the ones remaining inside should be the elite,so lets go for the safer option and kill the ones inside the museum first”

He ordered Terry to stand guard by the rooftop ,he was to stop anyone from trying to enter the museum and landing a sneak attack on them.

“Only fight if you know you can win,if the enemies are stronger than you ignore them,dont get yourself killed”

After all ,Terry costed a lot of money.

Losing him within an hour would be too much of a waste.

Right after they entered the museum,they were greeted by 8 orcs who seemed to be carrying some old items.

Orc SoldierLvl6 (health:60/60)

“So the lowest rank soldier is a level 6,this fight will not be as easy as the one against goblins,dont hold back”


He hit one of the orcs with a fireball and immediately went on the offensive by taking out his sword.

The orcs dropped the items that they were carrying and greeted their opponents by using their battle axes.

“Heavy Slash”

The attack cut an orc’s belly but it only did 10 dmg,iron was really not the most effective metal against an orc’s physique.

After being cut the orc did not slow down at all,on the contrary he started attacking even more vigorously.

His axe attacks were very tough to handle so Dante could only manage to evade them by making use of his passive skills “enhanced senses and evasion”

He could predict the attacks and evade them quite easily and thats why he was so happy with himself.

“Buying the passive skills was a good idea,am i a genius or what”

He kept fighting the orc while imagining he is an ancient samurai,the guy was still young after all,this whole ordeal sounded cool to him.

On the other hand the others seemed to be doing much better,Adam dashed one orc and killed him by using his fist skill,while Harley was cutting their necks with her sharp claws.

The only ones struggling were Dante and Maria,but still the latter seemed to be doing much better.

Every time the orc rushed in to attack she would block him by using ice wall and then aim for his neck with her heavy slash skill.

“Young master go for their necks ,they are vulnerable there”

He followed her advice and after attacking the orc with ice shards,he jumped and cut his neck clean.

He won 50 coins and about 70xp, he needed to kill 2 more of them in order to reach level 10.

Encouraged by it,he used Black lightning chain which killed the remaining 4 orcs.


It first hit the one who was already wounded by Adam,then the spell’s chain effect was activated .

The Lightning killed the first orc then it ricocheted in the direction of the other 3 dealing the first one 50 dmg and the other three 60/70 and 80 respectively.

Congratulations,you are now level 10.

Stat points available:5

“Looks like every 10 levels you get 5 stat points and not 3...did you hit level 10 yet?”

Maria happily responded

“Yes young master,in fact im 2 orcs away from reaching level 11”

Her cheerfulness annoyed him,but truth be told he just didn’t like that she was stronger than him.

“Master,these are the items that these beasts were carrying?Can you identify them?”

Adam picked up the old relics and presented them to Dante in all seriousness.

Artifact “King Tut’s Mask”

Can change a person’s appearance at will,maintain it through mana”

This was crazy,his worlds historical items had become game items.

“No wonder these orcs were so keen on raiding this place,this is basically a treasure trove.

Its my order,sweep this place clean”

He picked up the remaining 2 artifacts that the orcs had been carrying.

Artifact “The Baghdad Battery”

An ancient battery that can power up mechanisms for many years ,does not require mana”

Artifact “The Piri Reis Map”

Shows the location and geography of anything you want,use the Reis pen to write on it.Other tools/means of writing are ineffective “

This is amazing,there are over 20 ancient relics in this museum,if he manages to secure them all,he would have a much higher chance of survival .

“Looks like the 4 of us are not enough”

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