《The Reborn: Book One》Chapter Eight: The Key


“Did we check the loot we got from slaying the goblins?” Chance asked Sage as he opened the first door. “No, we didn’t check anything.” She opened her inventory. “We should really get something to carry our weapons, so they don't take up spots in the inventory,” Sage said before beginning to smile.

“I agree.” Chance said as he opened his inventory and gave Sage a once over. “Why are you smiling? Did you get something good?” He asked as he scanned his inventory. “No, actually, I didn’t get anything from the goblins. But my bar hit level 0, and now I can see my class-specific abilities.” Sage leaned on the wall and gave her class and ability tree a once over, already planning what route she wanted to take. “When you selected your class, it should’ve shown you your subclass options. What subclass are you going to take?” Chances mind was spinning; he couldn’t process the options, so he ignored the menu. “I don't know yet. You?” He was hoping Sage would pick something that would make his choice easier.

“I was going to take the warrior subclass since my main class is a fighter. That is why I said I was a warrior when you asked me the other day.” Sage said as she continued looking at the options. “Since you're a cleric, I am going to go with the specialist subclass. It looks like it has options that will make it easier for me tank for you." She closed her inventory, deciding to give everything a good look after leaving the mine. "I really wish I didn't select the randomizer option." Chance swung his club lightly and looked down the hallway. "Here's to hoping we can get to level 1 by slaying more goblins.


Sage moved down the hallway; I need to practice taking point. "There are a lot of doors down here. I think they were living here." Chance said as Sage slowly opened the first door. She braced herself to be jumped and let out a relaxed sigh when nothing happened. The room was lit by a single candle. The duo moved in and searched the sleeping bags, "It looks like these were stolen from the workers." Chance told Sage as he lifted a bag. "If we use the bag to carry items, it won't take up our slots." Sage smiled and loaded the new backpack with the trinkets: This process repeated for the next two rooms. They had three extra bags by the time they were done, and Chance had no swinging arm.


"If we run into trouble, I will drop everything and join you." Chance says seriously as Sage goes to open the last door. With a grunt, Sage slammed her shoulder into the door, and when it didn't budge, she took a step back and gave it a hard kick. Chance snickered, "Want me to take care of it?" He offered. "Nope. Didn't we get lock picks from one of the rooms?" She turned and dug through the bags until she found the lock picking set. "Do you know how to use those?" Chance asked as Sage moved to the door. "No. Do you?" She turned her head to him, "Not in the slightest."

Sage started to pick the lock; it took her three tries to get it down. Once she succeeded, her hands began to glow, and a box appeared before the duo.

The skill tab has been unlocked.

Chance blinked, "Does that mean you have a lock picking skill now?" He was expecting Sage to know the answer, even though they shared this experience. "I can check after we look around this room," Sage said as she slowly moved the door open, only to be knocked backward.

"Sage!" Chance dropped the bags and took out his club; his eyes widened when the large goblin-like creature emerged from the room. "What the hell is that!?" Chance gripped his club and charged the beast. He landed one good hit on the creature’s stomach before being knocked into the wall.

Sage put her teeth together and drew her trident. I am so tired of being knocked around. She moved the trident and stabbed the creature's leg. Sage yanked the trident out as quickly as she could. The beast howled and turned its body, putting its arm up and dropping at Sage, elbow first. She tossed her body back, "Chance! Are you still with me?" Sage called as she scrambled to her feet.

Chance put a hand on his head; the room was spinning. "Sage!" He spits out before rising to his feet. Sage watched as the creature stood up and let out some kind of battle cry, though it sounded ridiculous. Chance laughed loudly, "What was that?" He teased as he swung at the creature's back. "You got a hairball or something?" Chance took another swing before taking a few broad steps back.

The creature turned its head to Chance. "Oh, look! You got its attention!" Sage rose as quickly as possible and sunk the trident into the creature's thigh. This time it didn't come out as quickly. The beast howled again and began to swing its leg. "Chance, my weapon is stuck!" Chance rushed the creature when its head turned to Sage and slammed the club off its knee. "This thing doesn't seem too smart!" Chance rose the club again only to be lifted off of the ground. "Let my weapon go!" Chance demanded.


Sage tore the trident from the creature’s thigh and watched as Chance opened his inventory; although he didn't have any free hands, she hoped he had a plan. "I am going to give you an opening!" Sage called as the creature opened his mouth, "Do not eat me!" Chance tightened his hands around the club. "Sage!" He called. Sage took her trident and drove it into the creature's foot, grimacing as the blue liquid began to pour out.

The creature howled and let Chance's club go. Chance took the opportunity to bring the club down into the creature's face. Its nose bent sideways, and the beast flailed its arms. Chance grabbed the creature's cheek as tightly as possible, so he didn't hit the floor. "I can't hold it much longer!" Sage tightened her grip on the trident to hold it in place. Dropping his club, Chance used his free hand to take out the bronze hunting dagger. He plunged the dagger into the eye of the creature and gave it a firm twist.

The creature tried to step back; it swung its arms two times and finally fell to the side. Sage let the trident go. She and her weapon brought down with the falling creature. Chance cried out as he fell and hit the floor.


"Chance!" Sage called out as she slowly rose from the floor; she turned her head to grab her weapon, only to find it broken. Just my luck. She slowly stood up, only to drop to her knees. Her body felt like it weighed a million pounds. Her arms were shaking. It feels like my body is falling apart. Sage placed her hand on the large corpse, Huh it hasn't disappeared yet. It must be because it's too big. She used the corpse to prop herself up, "Chance, answer me please." She said as she watched the creature's head rise. Sage tried to prepare herself for a fight but laughed instead when she saw Chance emerge from under the head.

"I'm okay, I think. My body is on fire, though." Chance moved the head completely and groaned as he cleaned the blue blood from his face and hair. "I am so glad you're not dead!" Sage admitted before sliding down and catching her breath. "My body is on fire too." She told Chance, who was climbing around the body searching for his club. Once he found it, he moved to sit next to Sage.

"That was nuts!" Chance laughed. "Good thinking with whatever you did!" He praised Sage, who was still laughing. "How did you kill it?" She asked as she moved to clean some blood from her arms. "I stabbed it in the eye after crushing its nose!" Chance laughed with Sage, and the two enjoyed their victory for a few minutes.


Eventually, Sage rose to her feet; Chance watched as she entered the room. "What are you looking for?" He called. "I figure, that thing must have been guarding something!" Sage said as she rummaged through the room. I can't believe we did that. I can't believe we did that and lived. Chance smiled and perked up when Sage came tumbling out of the room.

"Sage, are you okay?" Chance asked as he sat up more; he winced. His back was killing him, and his leg was still burning. "I'm fine. I found something." Sage slowly climbed over the body and slid down next to Chance. She presented the small brown box to him. The engravings were interesting to Chance. "I wish I could understand what these carvings meant." Chance mumbled as he slid his hand along the box. "We can have it looked at when we get back to town," Sage said as she opened the box.

The two blinked. They were looking at a beautiful key; neither of them could recognize the complete list of metal the key was made from. "Looks like an eagle head?" Chance mumbled. "It is for sure some kind of bird, and look at the material." Sage eyed the white metal. "We have to take this to someone to get it looked at." She mumbled.

"Yeah! We also have to go through the stuff we got. But I think for now we should rest." Chance yawned and crossed his arms. Sage closed the box and tucked it into her inventory for safekeeping. The two of them closed their eyes and took a nap, using the corpse as a pillow.

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