《Immutable》Chapter 4


After taking his time to read through his status, his attention comes back to his surroundings. Everything around him is gone. He is inside a big earthen crater, so large he can't see the edges clearly.

“Oh God,” he says, falling to his knees. “Are all those people..dead?”

“Please tell me I didn’t do this, oh please let it be true.

“What happened? Was it my experiment? No it couldn't be, I was just doing the same thing everyone else starts with.

“Did the fabric of reality become stressed over the years? I think that actually sounds more plausible. I am only alive because I am always alive, no matter what happens to me.

“It seems that even reality breaking can't end me.”

After he is done freaking out a bit he pulls himself together and picks a direction to try to find the edge of the crater.

After walking for about an hour, he was starting to realize the crater was much bigger than it had seemed. The edge didn't really look much closer. So he kept walking on.

Eventually he reached the edge after a few more hours. He estimated to have walked about 6 or 7 miles. Meaning that all of Geneva and the surrounding area had disappeared. As high as the crater edge was, it looked like a mountain. The explosion must have gone at least 10 miles in all directions. Meaning the bottom of the crater was miles deep.

Being that he was walking west, he assumed that he would see mountains anyway. After climbing the side of the crater, he finally reached the top, and saw that the mountains were very close. Almost the entire valley the city had been situated in had disappeared.

Trying not to think of the almost 200,000 people that no longer existed, he had to make a plan to get back to civilization, and see how the rest of the world was doing.


After traversing through the mountains for a day and night, he finally made it to a town, and from there caught a ride to the airport, where he would then fly back to Chicago, and his apartment there.

It didn't seem like the announcement had made that big of an impact quite yet. Some people could be overheard talking about it, but so far no big scenes were being made as of yet.

After he arrived at his apartment he had a message from his only friend at the University, Genie.

She answered very quickly. “Jeremy! Where are you? Are you ok? It’s all over the news how Geneva just disappeared in a flash of light.”

“Yes, I'm fine, '' he said quickly, thinking of a lie. “I was hiking in the mountains, and I saw a flash and heard a big boom. When I got back to the valley entrance everything was gone.”

“Oh my god, I'm so glad you’re ok,” she said breathlessly.

“Yes I am fine, but I think everybody I worked with is gone now.”

“Oh Jeremy, I'm so sorry. I’m on my way over. I don't know whats going on and I’m scared,”

“Sure Genie, come on over, you are always welcome here,” he says trying to reassure her.

“Thank you, I'm on the way.”

As he waits for Genie to come over, he turns on the news, while looking on the internet for news about the announcement. It looks like everybody is mostly taking things pretty calmly.

While there are a few riots in some parts of the world, and some people claiming its one religious significance or another, mostly everyone is just going about life as usual.

“Wow, I guess if it doesn't have an immediate impact on a person's life, most people just seem to not really care,” he says while shaking his head.


Having an idea, he starts searching for information about status screens. What he finds leaves him confused at first. “So, 10 in any attribute means that that attribute is on the top end for the human average? Wow, I guess having lived so long must have pushed my body beyond human limits.”

Just then there is a knock on his door.

“Come in!” he yells, still looking at the forums.

Genies comes in with a pizza. “I noticed that you got here pretty quickly after everything happened, so I figured you were hungry.”

“Oh , I didn't even realize I was so hungry, thank you,” he says with a smile.

“Well, someone has to look out for you. I know how you get when you work or study, so i imagine is the same at other times,” she teases with a grin

“Yeah well, I get focused,” he mumbles while blushing.

“I know, I'm just teasing.”

She looks over his shoulder at the computer. “What's that?”

“Oh, '' he says, turning back around, “I’m looking for information on the system. I’m trying to get an idea of what to expect.

“Nobody seems to be taking it very seriously, but it hasn't had any major effect yet, so I don't know what will happen in the future.”

“What do you mean?’ she asks.

“I don't know if you have looked at your status, but we have defined attributes, affinities, whatever that means, skills, and there is even a class section. I don't know what all this means, but it seems important for the future, because it's so prominently displayed,” he shrugs. “I dont know.”

“I uh, haven't even looked at mine,” she says blushing. “I was worried about you, after I heard about Geneva.”

“Oh, well go ahead and take a look. Like I said, I'm not sure what any of it really means, but it kind of looks like a game interface.”

“Ok, status,” she says, then her eyes widen for a second before she starts reading.

“Ok so i see the same stuff you told me about, and from what I see on that forum, I'm just about average for everything. Although, my agility, willpower and intelligence are a little higher. But that makes sense, I am pretty smart, and I did gymnastics when I was small.”

“Yeah, that makes sense. I'm about the same, but closer to the higher end of average, because I stay in pretty good shape,” he replies.

She sticks out her tongue. “Show off.”

“Anyway, from what I have gathered it seems that our stats and stuff resemble the same as most popular Role-Playing Games. I don't know what that means for the system, and everything that comes with it, but I don't know what to think.

“I have the feeling that soon things will be getting dangerous. I don't have any data to back that up, just a feeling.”

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