《Evolution to GOD》Things are going to get Serious


"Hungry, bloody I am damn Hungry"

After working his ass off for leveling up, Alan was hungry. After hunting down those insects Alan was finally Level 3, he again assigned the stat point strength.

We can now see the development of 8 pack abs on his monkey stomach, But after not having anything to eat he looked like a stick.

"This won't do, I can't eat that damn banana and fruits every time"

"See my damn skin now, where is the handsome me?"


"Yes Host"

"Can you tell me one thing?"

"Yes Host"

"Are you a beauty?"

"It depends on the definition of beauty, Host"

"Have you fallen for me?"

"Host does not qualify the minimum standard requirement"

Alan was struck speechless, 'even this awesome one does not qualify, let's see who qualifies for you?'

Alan was so Hungry that he doesn't even spare the system for his awesomeness.


"Yes Host"

"I want to get stronger as soon as possible, I want to leave this Jungle, I want my beauties"

"As per Host current rate of development, the host will take minimum 4 years to reach the level of Normal Human as per this earth standards"

Alan was dumbfounded

"What the Fuck, what is the power level of humans here?"

" All stats equals 30 averagely"

He felt chill throughout his spine, this time he understood he really is a bottom feeder.

"System, tell me how to get stronger, How can I increase the level"

"Host has to kill stronger beings in Jungle, Host will be rewarded Evolution coins based on the level of danger host has faced, the more the evolution coins the more you can purchase good items from the store which can help the host to move up the ladder"


This was the first time System has given him the detailed description

" System, why didn't I get the evolution coins till now"

"Host was being pathetic by killing the weakest being in Jungle"

Alan was depressed, he was ashamed of himself, this is not the awesomeness he wanted to show, even the system is looking down on him.

For the first time in his life, while coming to this world, he was serious, this incident has hurt his pride. Things are going to get serious.

"But first, I am Hungry, Damn Hungry"

After eating again the boring fruits, he worked his ass off increasing his level.

How? by killing insects, of course, even though he wanted to act as a protagonist, he knows he still is powerless and will be killed if he wanted to act smarter

His plan was simple, first, raise the level and increase the stats and then go for big players.

After two days of searching and killing the insects his Level raised to 4

"System, add one stat point to intelligence"

"Affirmed host, added one stat point to intelligence"

Again he felt a warm feeling in his mind, after living here for so many days, he started to know how things are working out with stat points and system, currently, his intelligence is working as a normal monkey, he is unable to think of the proper methods to deal with the danger, instinctively he is running from the danger.

That has to change otherwise he will level up very slowly, his one advantage is that he can think more than a normal monkey, but he has not utilized the benefit. By adding the stat point to intelligence his way of thinking and dealing with things has changed drastically.

Well, Alan has become Serious, These days he has hardly described himself as awesome less than 20 times, while normally it reached more than 50, but things have worked his way, he has almost adapted his life in the jungle, he knows where the dangers are and where it is not.


After leveling up it's time to move up the ladder, his strategy is the smallest mammal to big, smallest lizard to big, and so on.

After searching for quite some time he found out a rat in a jungle, the rat is quite big comparatively.

"Fuck, bloody everything here is big but I am not, GOD seriously has played with me here"

He didn't know that GOD was seriously playing with him, he almost lost his life because of the game of GOD. Luckily due to Lucia's intervention, GOD has lost control over his life, otherwise, he would be seriously played to death by GOD.

As luck by his side, he found a big juicy fruit nearby, and most probably rat wanted to eat that fruit. He slowly reached out the fruit and plucked it and moved away.

As Rat lost his target it moved back slowly to its hole. He waited for a while then moved closed to the hole.

He dug up a hole and covered it with leaves and left the fruit near the trap and slowly hid near the hole and while keeping the stone in his hand.

After some time that rat came out of the hole and started smelling the smell of the fruit as it smelled his favorite fruit, he moved towards it, but this rat has some intelligence as he can feel there was something wrong with the fruit and was moving very slowly toward it.

But his greed took over the logic and started moving faster towards the fruit but fell into the trap,

"SQUEAKKKKKKKKK" it started squeaking as if trying to call out some help and also tried to move out of the trap but Alan didn't give the chance and moved very fast to hit the rat with the stone with all his strength.

That rat let out the last sound, its blood and meat splatter around Alan.

He got the notification sound in his mind

"Congratulations host for killing the Jungle Rat, Host has earned

Exp: 10 and EC:10"

Alan was ecstatic he wanted to show his awesomeness but suddenly he felt a chill down his spine.

There was a rat as big as him was behind him and he knew it was fucking stronger than him.

"Holy Fuck, this Daddy can't even show his awesomeness" Even though he was grumbling, he ran like someone has put jet behind his back.

After getting far from the big rat, he shouted with all his might


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