《Evolution to GOD》Forgotten?



After killing that Rat, I now know that killing those damn insects was waste of time, Hell I was awesome when I killed that rat.

But damn I am feeling hungry again, I don't want to eat fruits again, I am seriously missing my tasty food, Damn I should have seen "inspired by Bear Grylls," it should have been useful.

I do know how to lit up the fire. At least now I can kill a rabbit or if I can find some birds or their eggs.

I recalled the menu option, to see how experience is required for reaching Lvl 5.

'Level 4: 10/500'

"Fuck, I will be dead by the time I reach level 5"

"Haih!, why am I suffering so much, my beauties would be missing me so much, I don't know how are they going to survive there" I can't help but recall the times and nights spend with them.


"Yes Host"

"Is there any chance I can travel back to my original earth?"

"Affirmed Host"

Like someone has offered me water in the desert, I was feeling like kissing the System.

"Seriously!!! Tell me, I cant wait to meet my beauties there, they would be seriously missing me, I can't wait to show the awesome me my powers"

"Host should reach the level of Demigod, to tear the space and move across the dimensions and Host must learn the Power of Space and Time to perform the task"

Like cold water has been poured on me, I can't even speak and one more bomb has been thrown at me by the system.

"Host should know that all the memories regarding your existence have been wiped out from that earth"

"What the fuck!!!! How can this happen, It's okay to incarnate me to this earth, why the fuck you have erased my existence, FUCK!!! What will happen to my beauties?"


"Host, your existence has been replaced by the similar existence in the mind of your contacts"

I was like

(o_O) ?

I was unable to process what has been told to me, I have been cheated on the GOD level.

"How can you do this to me"

"Host has accepted the terms and conditions"

"FUCK YOU!!!!!" I shouted with all my might, I was seriously angry, I have been played like a toy.

SHIT!!!, my beauties spending the night with another guy, No I can't take it.

"FUCK I will kill that guy and the all who are responsible for playing with my life"

This time these people have pissed me off, fuck them, all of these guys think I can easily be played?

"Time to show my awesomeness, they will beg me to teach them my awesomeness. Wanna play with me? Fuck, I will play with you guys to death"


Ramos eyes started itching again, he can feel the danger approaching him.

'I have to work hard, I can't wait to become GOD'

'But First of all, I will have my beauties on this earth.'

"Wanna Snatch my beauties,? I will have my beauties here"

"FUCK YOU, GOD!!! You should not have messed with my beauties, you will regret it"

From the outsider's perspective, you again can see Alan squealing and jumping all over the jungle but for the first time in both of his life, Fire of determination has been lit up in him.

As if sensing his emotions, a task screen appeared in front of him

"Task 4: Kill the Mutated King cobra and eat it.

Difficulty Level: A"

Rewards: 1) 500 EC 2) 2(+1) Stat Points ( Bonus stat point for the completion of task while being at a low level"


Time Limit: 7 Days

I was surprised but soon become ecstatic, this task alone will help me reach level 5.


"System, this Handsome will show his awesomeness"

[3rd Person POV]

From that day onwards, Alan started his hunting journey. No, he is not hunting the cobra, he started looking to hunt for the animals which are stronger than the rat. Now you can ask why he started hunting other animals while he knows that killing snake will help him reach Level 5, well you are wrong, Alan knows he is not powerful enough to kill that snake he has to kill the snake in one shot otherwise that snake will kill him on the spot if there is the slightest bit of delay. He has to work on his running if by any chance he has to run away from that snake.

His only motto is " A Dead person Can't be a Hero"

By Running and Hunting for 6 days you can see how he is more experienced in Hunting, He has the look of a professional hunter on his face.

On the 7th day, Alan was standing on the tree, staring at the hole almost 100 meters away, he knows that his target is inside that hole. Well, he found out about the Snake on the 3rd day itself when he was searching for targets, at that time he was not experienced enough to face it, but now he is more than ready to face it.


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