《Evolution to GOD》Nooo!!! It Cant be true


With my Intelligence increased, I can feel that I am the smartest person on this earth, I can't help but think of my future, 'where I will crack some supreme jokes Hehehe'

But that damn System voice has woke me up

"Host, A new task is available"

"Is it" I was filled with expectation

I recalled the task option in my mind

I saw the same screen with a new task written on it

"What the Fuck !!!!! What the hell is this..." I shouted

This task will get me killed, are they playing with me, I mean to say how awesome I can do this thing, I have to skip it, I can't do it.

"Uhhh, Miss System!!, Can I skip this task"

"Affirmative Host, but there is a penalty for skipping it"

"What is the penalty?" I have a bad feeling about this.

"Host will lose 2 stats points from each of your stat, and will not receive any task for 2 years"

WTF!!! GOD has decided fuck me. What the hell is this penalty, bloody that Female monkeys will eat me like a weak chicken, where will I show my face.

"System, you said I ....." I don't even know what to say.

My life is wasted in this world, why did I become greedy, I was happy with my beauties there

Eve, Sandra, Rebecca, I miss all of you.

I suddenly feel like crying, I didn't even cry when my parents passed away. I don't have anyone with me.

"Host are you sure you want to skip it"

Fuck!!!! It can't even let me think

"No!!!! Don't, I will complete the task" I can't be a monkey jumping here and there for 2 years because of this fucking task.

Now you guys would be wondering why Alan was so depressed, we have to go a few minutes back, when Alan saw the task.


When Task Screen Appeared, the task that was written was.

'Task 2: Flirt with a Female Ape'

Now Alan who is so awesome, how can he go flirt with a female gorilla...

Alan was sulking here, Where he will go and find the Ape?

After Roaming and hiding in the jungle for half a day, he saw two apes mating with each other

Alan was like (;*_*)

"She will suck me dry once she sees me, how the fuck am I going to flirt with her"

"Nooo!!! It Cant be true, my image of 28 years will be gone"

Alan wanted to cry, but his tears were also crying, he had nowhere to vent out.

Our Alan was so depressed, he wanted to jump in front of a Female Gorilla to die.

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