《The Usual VRRPG》Chapter 8 - Don't Try Prank Your Boss


At the field training.

Zakar stands behind me while Nomad, Rosalind, and one middle age... Maybe late twenty women who maybe,... one of the General soldiers.

" If you want to become the vanguard or the tank that you speak about, there is one thing you must have. Because the role is not too different to have enemy attention, this skill absolutely has the basis of the role. "

I wait for the next word but the atmosphere is really strange.

" Provoke. " Zakar said

" First, try to Provoke them. " Zakar said.

Hey hey hey the one that I must provoke is a high-level one. What are you talking about? Do you want me to die and game over?

" Every method is passable? " I ask.

" In the art of Provoke? everything is Welcome. "

Is it okay? Is it okay right? I won't die right ?. A lot of worries running on a circle in my mind.

" I'm sorry first if my word offends all of you. " I say that. I don't want to die even it just a game.

" The more you offend them, the more their attention to you," Zakar said.

But ....they are High-level one. One sneeze and I will die.

F*ck for this, I just do it.

I stab the lance to the ground, my shield in front of me with the low part of the shield touches the ground and then I make an arrogant face with my eyes looking down at Rozalin. And I said a magical word.

" Bicth. "

After that, I see the sky and the notification.

[ - 424 ]




Shit, I almost die. What the fuck is that. Just leave me 1 Point in my HP. Are you mocking me?

" A nice try newbie you got my attention. " Zakar said.

He helps me up but I see my lance still intact with the ground. Just what happens?

" Hold your power Rozalin he might die. " Zakar said

She the one who attacks me that BITCH !!!

" Tch. " oy whats that... Mocking me, are you picking on me !!!

" Okay Rozalin out. try to Provoke one of the two of them. "


Hey, my HP still at 1... Hmmm, back up to 425 I have a super regeneration? Hell yeah, come hit me I welcome it. I'm Immortal.

I walk to the two of them. And I see the old General see me training in the mansion. Back to Provoke.


" It's that... "

I see something, The woman eyes, She looks at the old general But that eyes...


" I' 'm so sorry Hippocrates I must break the oath and using my knowledge to do the evil thing ... But I still not take the oath so ... I'm out of punishment. "

" May I ask your name lady? "

" Liana Sir Jon and Thank you for saving Harry. "

Seeing this, my heart at the point of complicated. With that body language 100%, I confident.

" Miss Liana ... " I Hit my Lance with my Shield few times so the lance will stab deeper to the ground. The lance stab deep enough and I used the lance to lean my back also one of my right legs folded and step the lance.

" I pity you... You have one side of love... " Her faces change.

" Well... With your face... Nah ... The best thing you can do now is Give Up. " Her face became angry.

" Oy oy oy this is training so please calm down Liana. "I said in my mind.

" do I have to tell you ... Well ... "

" Hey don't... " I heard the word but it's too little too late.

" The Gen ... " this time I see the ground with the additional lance is right beside my head also I just have 1 point in my HP and Liana is right on the top of my body... My back. Her head moves to the side of my ear.

" If you said anything I will kill you. "

What the ...

Hey, that scary ...

Zakar can you stop this I still want to become normal. I just take my training in the wilderness.

" Yup like the general said your name is fit enough with your mouth. " Zakar said while helping me up.

" Zakar can we just stop it? " I said.


" Nope. The last one. Nomad is most calm from all of us. If you can provoke him I will give you my shield. " Zakar said.

" I Do not need your shield just... let stop it. "

" No can do. The general word in my ears is absolute so,... sorry. "

Damn you Zakar. Shit, I don't care about anything else I just go for it.

This time I just go without the shield and my lance. I just stand at the front of nomad and let my fighter aura to spread. I put my right hand in front of me and my left hand... I change to become a fist, let it up just until my chest. My right hand open up and the finger dancing letting out some gesture

" Come... Old Virgin. " And then I Passed Out.

When I wake up, I already in some room with high decoration and I lay in the bed. The first thing I see is that the notification.

[ Congratulations you gain a skill Provoke Novice 1 ]

[ Because Reading The Weakest Psychology Spot Of The Enemy, Your Provoke Novice 1 Change To Psychological Harassment Novice 1 ]

Psychological Harassment Novice 1 ( Passive )

Your mouth is your tiger. When you talk, there is a chance to provoke the enemy. When you play with their mind, the change rise. When you found the enemy weakest psychological spot, you will have 500% Threat.

10% change while Talking 30% With mind playing

30% change while Shouting 50% with mind playing

50% change while Cursing 70% with mind playing

500% change while founding the enemy weakest psychological spot.

No SP or MP use.

This skill has On and Off Mode. Becarefull and remember your mouth is your tiger.

What the hell is this? this not right. I just saying not reading their mental spot. I read it a bit but,... You f*cking game are you really going to do this?. I see the other notification may be the yesterday notification. Found new information.

" Let's see. "

[ Congratulations You Gain The Skill Cavalry Charge ]

Cavalry Charge Novice 1 ( Active )

When the skill activated you will move with a straight line you can't turn or stop until the skill stopped or there is a thing that can stop your charge.

200% horse speed and will reduce by 10% every time your trust weapon hit something.

200% Physical damage and will reduce by 10% every time your trust weapon hit something.

50% defence raise and will reduce every time you got hit

50% evade projectile, throwing, throwing type magic.

Note: This skill only can be used when you riding a horse.

This is cool but why all of my active skills is about the charge?

The last notification is something that I wait for but there is something unexpected.

[ Congratulations You Reach The Specification To Change The Class " Lancer Knight " ]

Lancer Knight Lancer Knight is the only Knight in the Knight tree class that has the power to break the enemy line. But the risk to break the enemy line is that the one behind you can follow you or not. The Lancer Knight sometimes found themselves alone in the middle of the enemy formation. That why this class has the lowest member of the knight tree class. but one thing for sure, all of them is about quality and never average.

Class Buff: Charge Skill damage and effect doubled. Trust attack raise by 10%. A change to Ignore Crowd Control Skill ( CC ) when using a charge skill by 25%

[ Do You Want To Take The Trial and Change The Class ? ]

The class description ...

This class is like a trap. You charge but no one following you that's a trap but If they success following the change to victory will be raised.

I curious about this class system but the trap is definitely 100%.

" Yes " Hey hey hey why I said that.

[ The Trial Will Begin In 5.., 4... ]

No no no no no cancel it but why I speak in my mind speak on the mouth, You Bad Jon.

[ 1.. ]

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