《The Usual VRRPG》Chapter 5 - Mamamia !!!


" Yosh I'm Ready "

For a whole five days, I train like a madman. Six days actually because of the fatigue system and I must take a sleep. And here my status still on the level one though.

Name : Bad Jon Race : Human Gender : Male Level : 1 Class : - HP : 475 SP : 100 MP : 50 EXP : 0% STR : 10 AGI : 5 DEX : 5 MAG : 5 MIN : 5 END : 10 VIT : 20 Free Stat Point : 0 Attack Power : 10 Magic Power : 5 Attack Speed : 5 Critical Hit : 5 ( % ) Critical Damage : 5 ( % ) Physical Defence : 15 ( % ) Magic Defense : 10 ( % ) Resistance : -

Elemental Attribute : ( Hide )

Elemental Resistance : ( Hide )

Skill Large Shield Mastery Intermediate 2 ( Passive ) Reduce the requirement for Large shield weapon by 10%. Increase the defence stat from Large shield by 1% Lance Weapon Mastery Intermediate 2 ( Passive ) Reduce The Requirement for Lance weapon by 10%. Trust Attack + 5 Full Plate Heavy Armor Mastery Intermediate 3 ( Passive ) Reduce The requirement for Full Plate Heavy Armor by 7,5%. Reduce Damage By 1%. Shield Charge Novice 7 ( Active )

A straight charge with the shield covering the body. When the shield Collide with the enemy, there is a chance to knock out the enemy.

10% Knock Out.

5% Stun.

10 Stamina.

Cooldown 60 Second

Charge Novice 7 ( Active )

A straight charge attack with trust weapon to inflict a damage

110% Physical attack.

10 Stamina

Cooldown 120 Second

How Nice My Status.

" First target completo " but before I head out I see the old soldier who greets me on the first day at the end of the field training. He really looks depressed. I must say the thanks word before setting out.

" Hello Old man "

" Oh Bad Jon, Done for the day? "

" Yup ready to set out. thanks for everything "

" it's okay be careful on the wilderness " I want to leave but the expression of the old man...

" Really? I study psychology but that's a real emotion. how the hell they make this? First, I think their smile, the way of the NPC conversation, and their body language its just a data or a program following an o...rder? I don't know how to call it...must ask the expert from this field. but ... Damn, It's like I talking to a normal person. for the second time How the hell they make this? "


" Old man... Is there something wrong? " I ask " I must find the fact first before coming to conclusion and ask Aska about this " My mind is a bit at messed up.

" Its nothing, just my second son hah " the old man sighing.

" This ... "

" I don't know how to explain this but he always depressed, sometimes hurt by himself and he always says that Herald my first son is still alive "

" Can you describe it? And how old you second son? And when he started being depressed"

" he is 25 years old. Four years ago when I still in the Royal Army there is a mission to subjugate the demon. But the mission isn't going well. "

" wait for a minute old man, you are a former Royal Army? "

" In that mission, my first son sacrifices himself for my second son make him the sole survivor of that mission. I don't know the exact detail because my son never speak about it except ' I'm Sorry' "

" Guilt "

" The first month he depressed, the next few months he trying to hurt himself, the next year he says that herald still alive. he always says that he and Herald always talking and joking "

" Guilt,... Hallucination "

" First I think is the evil spirit that posses my son "

" What The ... Isn't that a ghost? I don't believe there is a ghost but I really get scared even when to see a horror movie. "

" with my connection, I bring a bishop to see my son but she says there is no evil spirit "

" Are you a big shot old man? "

" And now, I don't know how to save him after numerous time of suicide attempts "

" Old man. " " damn can't say anything. Work my damn mind. remember the study "

" General Henry !!! " suddenly middle age soldier shout loudly.

" General Who? "

" Don't call me that title again Nomad. Now I'm just an old man who wants a peaceful life "

" WHAT !!!! " Scream my inner voice

" General, Harry is gone "

" WHAT !!! "

" Eh ... What with this situation? "

The Oldman run and I too ran following him. Shit because of my equipment, even after I training for a whole six days the penalty still there but reduced to 30%.


The old man runs to the middle of the village every player and NPC looking at us while I run with my large shield in my left hand and The lance in my right hand.

" Is this Event? " I heard one of the players said while running.

" GENERAL !!! " In the middle of running, a skinny middle age soldier comes out to intercept our run.

" Fart, " the general said

" General, Harry is run to the forest of Fur with his equipment and horse, Fanny is following him and I told Rozalin to take a horse and met us in the north gate "

"Let's Go, " The general said

In the North, there is a young woman hold 5 horse With her armour and bow.

" General " The woman speaks and salute

" Don't call me ... "

" General we have no time for that " Nomad speak

" By the way why, why I got in this situation? " my messed up mind increase

" let's go " all of us get into the horse even me and then run.

" Shit ... I don't know how to ride ".

the strange things are that I can follow them even though I suck at riding horse. Well not really sucks because I try the horse riding with Gin and Gon in their ranch.

Ah, I remember the annoying memories. Fuck for the Richman.

We got into the forest.

" Damn my butt hurts, but before that, isn't cool, me right now? A large shield, full plate armour and a lance? I must get the video of this "

I remember Aska said when he makes his fireball video.

" What he says... Ah record video on " and then a red dot can be seen in my bellow right in my sight.

" What...Bad Jon How you get here? " The General look at the back. The shocked face can be seen. He speaks while the other four looking at my side.

" Follow ...? " I answer Awkwardly

" Go back Bad Jon it's dangerous " We are still running

" No old man I must repay your kindness " Still running

" But I don't do anything " the old man answer.

" Give me the dummy doll to be trashed for a whole six day is your kindness, old man ... No General "

" But ... " The old man silence for a while

" Farewell but don't die Bad Jon You are still at level one "

" How do you...? "

" The world changes Bad Jon, numerous Children of God fall, And I Know you are one of them "

" What? Children Of God? What is it? I can't think right now. Smile just smile "

" Okay, Bad Jon are you really going to join in my fight? " The old man asked.

I hesitated because I know a little bit about the situation.

" Well...I don't know the result from this choice but every person eventually will have to choose between two choices like my dilemma that I'm facing right now Criminology or Sexology and right now I'm already exploring in the middle of unknown "

" I Absolutely Join General " Confident Answer I say. I remember some ads that say really good words but don't know the one who exactly says the word.

No Pain No Gain.

" Farewell Bad Jon, Like your name you're a Bad Son of God Jon ... " the old man back facing at the front

" Okay let's Go " The Old Man raised his war voice.

Quest Activated Rescue Harry Quest Rank??? The second son of Former General From Royal Army is missing. But one of his loyal soldier following him. The General and his loyal soldier run for the rescue. The requirement for completing: Harry safety Reward: High Affinity With Henry and his loyal soldier Failed: The General will take suicide because his only son is gone

[ You Joined The Henry Rescue Party ]

" What !!!! "

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