《The Brothers of Haltria》Cutting it Kind of Close


Lorenth had arrived back at the castle with time to spare, and prepared for the banquet. In about fifteen minutes he would be escorted to the top of the castle’s out wall where his father and brother would be arriving to announce the celebration’s commencement. From there, they would retreat to the great hall for entertainment, dancing, and finally the celebratory banquet.

He adjusted his collar. The blasted things always felt too tight. They were nearly as uncomfortable as the political bandying that would occur the rest of the evening. Lorenth despised the discomfort, though he grudgingly admitted it was probably necessary for the good of the kingdom.

A knock sounded at his door, ‘Ah. That will be the escorts. I suppose I may as well get this over with.’ He tightened the ceremonial sword around his waist, took a quick gulp of water from a glass sitting on the stand next to his bed, and then opened the door.

A small group of soldiers in ceremonial garb waited for him, “Your majesty, it is time to begin the ceremony. Would you please honor us by accompanying us?”

“Certainly. Umm… Captain Krint, is it?” Lorenth struggled to remember the guard’s name. There were a number of soldiers spread throughout the castle and city.

“Yes, your highness. I’m pleased you remembered. I’ve just returned with your brother.”

Lorenth nodded, “Very well. Thank you for your service. Let’s depart.”

Krint gave a salute, stepped back and to the side. The other soldiers did the same and opened a path for the prince. He would lead them.

Lorenth strode out of the room and closed the door behind himself, spun on his heel and walked smartly down the hall towards the door that would lead across the yard and onto the battlements.


Kae’lo and Brandus arrived back in the city uneventfully before the festival began at noon. After some brief discussion, Kae’lo set about making arrangements for their departure, and Brandus went to the town square to check on the progress of Treg and Marten. The festival would begin in a little under a bell now, and he had no doubt that all he would need to do is set up his wares at this point.

The square was beginning to fill with people by the time he arrived. They were scouting out the best shops they’d be interested in visiting once the celebration was in full swing.

He smiled, there was his tent prepared as promised, and right in position across from the orphanage and adjacent to the castle gates. At least he’d get in some quick profit this year prior to their anxiety inducing journey.


“Uncle! Over here!” Treg was standing on the seat of the cart and waiving to him above the crowds. Brandus made his way through the crowds, and saw Marten putting the finishing touches on laying out wares in front of the tent. The tent was mostly used for storage during the sales, though one or two of the more valuable items would be inside the tent.

Jewelry from foreign countries sparkles in the light through the glass of a viewing case, rolled lush carpets in crates off to the side, a few daggers and weapons were laid out on the counter, shelves with rows of books ranging from tomes on metalworking, religious texts, and cook books were set to each side of the tent flap. There were even some pans made through a process called “casting” hanging off the frame of the awning above the awning.

Marten looked up, “Uncle! We’ve got big news! Come over here!”

Brandus raised an eyebrow, “What’s going on, you two?”

Treg was bouncing up and down from the news he was so excited to share. “Can I tell him Marten?”

Marten smiled, “Sure, go ahead.”

“Uncle, look at this!” Treg held out an open hand containing the coin he had been given earlier.

“Oh my!” said Brandus, “Is that what I think it is?” He took the proffered coin and looked at it closely. Sure enough, it was a royal invite. Incredible! “How did this happen?”

Marten spoke up, “A man came by while we were handing out the apples to the orphans as instructed. He questioned why we were letting them ‘steal’ the apples, and we explained the game to them. That’s when he gave us the coin!”

“Dear me, we’ve little time then. Whoever it was will expect an immediate response. I must pack and go! Quickly now, go in the tent and grab the three red chests with the silver handles and put them in my cart. Hitch the horses.”

Treg and Marten ran to follow his instructions. The red chests contained his finest wares, and typically remained unopened. Most couldn’t afford their contents, but royalty… well, they might be willing to purchase an item or two should they catch their fancy. If he was lucky, he might even be able to sell all of it. The contents totaled enough to buy a small nobility, land, and a trading caravan of his own.

Brandus pulled a small book out of his pocket that contained his inventory, and looked at the stall and tent. He’d have to let Treg and Marten run the stall, but they had proven themselves to be shrewd enough traders that he wasn’t too concerned. In fact, even if he failed to sell anything he currently had with him in the tent or on display- something not likely to occur- for a profit, but managed to sell an item or two from those chests, he would have enough money to live comfortably for years to come.


Once the horses were hitched, Brandus called Treg and Marten over, “Boys, I’m going to have to let you run the stall this year. I have to go to the castle. I’ve no doubt you’ll do fine after helping the past years. Can you handle it?”

Both boys nodded wide-eyed.

“Alright then. I must be off.” Brandus glanced at the sun in the sky. “Dear me, less than a quarter of a bell until the start. I must hurry.” He looked up at the castle wall above the square, already there were soldiers visible in ceremonial armor. “Good luck, boys!”

Brandus hurriedly climbed up onto the cart seat and snapped the reigns. It would be a close call to make it to the castle in time for the start of the celebration, especially with the crowds in the way.

Thankfully, as the cart moved forward across the street toward the castle, most people were eager enough to clear a path. He got the occasional sour look from someone that was overly stubborn in giving up their place in the market, but nothing happened other than that.

The gate was soon right in front of him. The guards were oddly few in number for the event, but stood smartly as the cart approached. They lowered their pikes and braced them on the street while commanding him to halt.

One of the guards in slightly more ornate armor than the rest called out, “Halt. What business do you have within the castle?”

Prepared with the coin, Brandus held out his hand and gave it to the officer. “I’ve been summoned, sir.”

The officer raised an eyebrow at him, “Cutting it kind of short on time aren’t you?”

“Yes, sir, but I was engaged in other business and didn’t receive the coin until only moments ago.”

“Fine, fine, let’s see where you need to go.” He peered closely at the coin. “Ah. Prince Lorenth. You there!” He called to the soldier nearest to him. “Search the cart carefully, and then bring him to the western courtyard. Once there, find some servants to assist him with his wears. He can set the up in the foyer of the Prince’s chambers.”

The soldier snapped a salute and hurried to follow the instructions. A clarion call sounded from the ramparts above them. And the officer raised his head, “Hurry now, you know the rules, no one through the gates while the celebration is under way.”

The soldier quickly completed his search, and motioned to the guards manning the portcullis from within the castle. They immediately set to work raising it. Brandus looked behind the cart, people by the hundreds had stopped what they were doing and were beginning to congregate for the official start of the festivities. Brandus could hear the troops getting into position above him on the barbican. The King and the Princes were likely already in position to be announced.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the portcullis was high enough for the cart to pass through.

The soldier who was to be his escort climb up next to him. “Alrighty, in we go!”

Brandus nodded and snapped the reigns, and entered into the castle grounds, and just in time too.

Behind him another clarion call sounded as the portcullis rumbled back to the ground and locked in place. A herald could then be heard saying, “Now presenting his royal majesty, King Rayas. Ruler of Gandon, Monarch of the Silver Throne, and Lord of all these lands! Be still and hear his proclamation!”

The King’s voice now spoke up, his age was obvious, as was the weariness in his voice, but it was still clear enough to be heard in the silence. “My people, I bear much good news today. First, my younger son Prince Valith as returned victorious. Our lands are safer, and I’ve received reports of his courage and valor. Secondly, I’m pleased to announce the celebration of the Princes’ birthday party! Join with us in our revelry! Thirdly…” He paused for dramatic effect. In past years, the second announcement had been the final one announcing the celebration’s start. The tension in the crowd was even palpable to Brandus inside the castle, what was the third announcement?

“Finally, I’m pleased to announce that today is the day I’ve made my decision official, not more than one bell ago I signed the documents proclaiming that Lorenth is the official heir to all of Gandon!” There was a brief moment’s silence, and then all of a sudden an unbelievable roar of cheers and rejoicing vibrated even the ground under Brandus’ feet. “Let the celebrations begin!”

And so the Princes’ birthday party began… and more, the kingdom officially had an heir.

Brandus smiled and then froze. Wait a moment… the heir was Prince Lorenth? The very same one that had summoned him!? A huge smile spread across his face. Well now, this was turning out to be a very promising day indeed!

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