《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 9: A desperate battle


“Lady Melissa, a letter has arrived from the witch of calamity” a beastkin maid said with red wolflike ears, small fangs with loose fiery red hair. Wild and uncaring beauty with no regard for how others think of her. Meanwhile, a graceful and elegant white-haired lady accepted the letter. Her red lips pursed in annoyance and in anger.

“Don’t call me that Cellica, we’re friends” Melissa showed a bright smiled before taking a look at the letter.

“But Melissa, you’re a noble while-Cellica was interrupted as Melissa throws the letter to the ground before the wind tears it to pieces. Melissa gritted her teeth while her fist clenched until blood started dripping out. Panicked, Cellica hurriedly called the personal healer but Melissa stopped her as she grabbed Cellica’s hands.

“Don’t, i’m fine” Melissa said in a low voice

“But!” before Cellica can even talk to her, Melissa hurriedly walked out of the garden. Cellica’s ears drooped down before her red hair started flowing and floating in the wind as her eyes turned red and her fangs grow. Bloodlust emanated from her but she calmed herself down, she reminded herself that Melissa would be hurt if she sees her go berserk. Still, she’s angry at the witch of calamity. Ever since those letters started coming out, Melissa seems to be on edge and she quickly gets angry once reading inside. She was tempted on reading the letter but decided not to since Melissa has some reasons why she hides it from her. She let out a harsh breath before taking away the cups, teapots, and leftover cupcakes.

“Damn that witch, how dare she let those evil egos not only live but send them as envoys” Melissa clenched her teeth as she slams the desk with her fist.

“Those egos kill for fun, they are the vilest and evil creatures. They even killed my father” Melissa’s tears started flowing to her cheeks and into the half-destroyed desk.

“I don’t care what happens to me as long as I can kill the wielder of the cursed weapons and their ego” she sniffled before laying to her bed and covering her head with a pillow as she trembled and started shaking in sobs. A mumbled cry echoed in the room.

“Hey, wake up” a familiar voice rings inside of Isaac’s head as he slowly opens his eyes only to be greeted by the harsh sunlight. He grunted before rubbing his eyes. He gazed at Kyle before taking a look around him.

“Sheesh, if your gonna take be sleeping. Sleep in the bed and not on the ground” Kyle scratched the back of his bed

“Yeah.” Isaac nodded before standing up while taking a glance at the window before turning his head to Kyle.

“So do we start now” Isaac asked while Kyle smiled

“Let’s go”

In the forest of the doom, both Isaac and Kyle are fighting a red orc. A large 3-meter beast packed with muscles while wielding an axe. The orc swung his axe towards both Isaac and Kyle but they jumped back before Kyle dashes forward with his spear aimed at the chest of the orc. A dragon-like roar emanated from the spear before the spear embedded inside the orc’s chest. The orc roared in pain before a dragon head suddenly appeared inside the embedded speartip as it burst through, ripping the orc in half.

“Hah..hah” Kyle panted as sweat started dripping from his forehead.


“The first movement of dragon spear style, the Ripping Dragon is pretty powerful right?” Kyle asked with a tired smile

“How many movements are there in the dragon spear style?”

“About 5, i only learned this one after training for hours”

“Let’s rest” Kyle sits down in a shade while Isaac started chopping the orc’s carcass with the jagged katana as more blood coated the ground and grass.

“What are you doing?” Kyle asked

“I’m letting the blood escape so i can start experimenting, maybe i’ll create some defensive spells. Like coating my body in blood or something like that” Isaac said without taking his eyes off the carcass.

“Yeah, i wouldn’t really do that” Kyle gave a helpless smile as the wolves around the forest howled.

“Oh” Isaac glanced around him to see 4 fire wolves. He revealed the bloodied katana before his muscles started heating up.

“Body technique: Scorching Blood” Isaac muttered as he consciously chose the agility to get improved. A familiar blue hologram appeared in front of him before vanishing.

The user’s agility has temporarily increased by a rank

His body felt lighter as the blood around him started condensing and spinning

“Blood Magic: Blood Spike” Isaac said before the blood from the ground floated and started to become spikes of blood as Isaac dashes forward to the fire wolves. It was too fast for the wolves to react as Isaac slashed forward as the blood spikes moved towards the rest of the fire wolves. His katana sliced the first fire wolf before being pierced by the blood spike. The blood of the wolf turned into blood spikes as Isaac moved to the second one. He continued this pattern of slashing the wolf in the snout or chest before letting the blood spike pierce all around the body as the blood that was splashed or drips will turn to a new blood spike for him to use.

This continued for 25 minutes and all 4 fire wolves and the 30 different types of wolves who appeared all died from his combination of technique and skills. There were times where he was about to get bitten but the fiery sense allowed him to control the blood spikes to either block or misdirect the fangs of the wolf. The fiery sense also allowed him to take a look around and plan ahead where to swing his katana or move his body to avoid taking any injuries. Still, there are scratches and burn marks all around his body. His white shirt is tattered and full of dirt, but he can’t throw it. He doesn’t have any other clothes besides these. Although the maid brings plenty of types of food, she never really brings any clothes. Isaac sighed while gazing around him. The smell of blood is starting to become familiar to him and being injured is normal. It was really different on Earth still, living here was never boring.

“That was awesome, sometimes your eyes darted like a madman but other than that. Your control of the blood spikes was fantastic. We should find you a sword style. You’re depending too much on your blood spikes to finish the work. You swing your sword like a child swinging a bat” Kyle said seriously with a heavy tone

“But before that, we should leave first. The other beast and monsters would get attracted by the smell of blood.” Kyle said before standing up. The both of them left where the carcasses are and headed deeper to the forest of doom. Seeing that there are no monsters around, they started to walk slowly.


“Did you level up?” Kyle asked

“Once” Isaac replied

“Oh, you see. I leveled up twice” Kyle revealed a cheeky smile

“When you are busy killing those wolves, i was fighting two orcs simultaneously so when i killed them. Some wolves chased me, so i led them towards you” Kyle laughed but Isaac silently glared at him

“Why are you angry? I was forced to use the first movement of the dragon spear art so i didn’t want to deal with it. Besides, you smiled like a crazy person every time your katana hits the flesh of the wolves” Kyle smiled at Isaac

“I smiled?” Isaac asked with a confused tone like he can’t believe it

“Yup, it seems that you’re a complete battle maniac. That’s why you suggested fighting the maid because you want to know how powerful she is, right?”

“I..don’t know”

“It’s alright, in our world. Fighting is a rare occurrence so most people never discover that they like the adrenaline of battle unlike here where battles to the death are common. So don’t be ashamed of what you are and what you want” Kyle said to Isaac

“So let’s find a place to recover and rest, it will be a long day ahead of us” Kyle continued as he smiled while putting his spear on his shoulder.

Suddenly, a red orc charged forward. Kicking the ground below him, Kyle was able to jump in an insane height to be able to dodge the charge. A lightning bolt followed through but Kyle crouched to the ground and avoiding it. An axe flew towards Isaac but he jumped sideways only to bump into a red orc looking down on him. The orc swung his axe downward towards Isaac’s head as Isaac can only use his katana to block the attack. The force behind the attack was so strong that Isaac’s feet dug to the ground. He spits some of his blood from receiving a shock in his internal organs. The violet blood burned the grass before he controls it to make a small blood spike and stabbing it towards the hand of the orc. The orc loosened the grip of the axe as Isaac parried it to the side, the violet blood spike drilled inside its hand as the orc screamed in pain. The violet spike started eating and rotting the orc’s hand turning it into a blistering violet-colored hand. The orc falls to its knees in pain but Isaac merely glances at it before slashing the katana forward as the head of the orc rolls to the ground. A fireball rushes towards him followed by a similar lightning bolt as he jumped sideways and letting it hit the tree.

“Body Technique: Searing blood” Isaac muttered as his muscles started heating up once again and picking the agility stat to improve. His speed almost doubled as he advances towards the group of fire wolves and lightning wolves.

Meanwhile, Kyle was fighting 4 red orcs at the same time. His spear extended before sweeping the orc who is throwing axes to the ground. Another orc swings its axe downwards but Kyle jumped back before twisting his body sideways to pull back the spear before thrusting the spear forward and towards the chest of the creature.

“Chaos Magic: Dark Sweep” Kyle dropped his spear and extended his hands with his palm open side to side as the orcs encircled around him. With a chant of the spell, a black ring surrounded his body before the ring expanded quickly like a fast swing of a sharp sword and cutting the bodies of the orcs in half. The blood rained on him before the blood started turning into blood spikes and moving towards where Isaac is eviscerating the wolves with his jagged katana and stabbing them with the blood spikes. Seeing the other orcs dashing towards him, Kyle can only sigh before grabbing his spear.

Isaac continued swinging his katana while controlling the blood spikes around him. He can’t use blood explosion because Kyle and himself might get hit so he chooses to use his katana while letting the blood spikes finish the wolves. With a swing of his hand, another wolf was pierced with blood spikes before a wolf bites his arms. He stabs the head of the wolf before kicking it away. He was surrounded by wolves, as he dashes forward once again. He has created a dozen shields made of blood but not one can even block a fireball or a lightning bolt coming from the wolves. His body was partially burned while some of his muscles are numbed from the barrage by both fireball and lightning bolt while countless scratches and wounds surround his arms and legs. 5 fire wolves started rushing towards him but he gathered all the blood around him as he covered himself from head to toe made of compressed blood. A blue screen appeared in front of him


You obtained the secret defensive spell of the vampires

Crimson Knight’s Protection

His body was surrounded with a crimson red knight-like armor full of spikes at the back and in the shoulder blades with 6 devil-like horns forming a crown. The katana was coated with blood as it grows bigger and wider, becoming a red claymore made with blood. Isaac was surprised by this as he looked at himself. The wolf tried biting him, only for a spike coming from the armor to stab the wolf through the mouth. The rest of the wolves started unleashing fireballs and lightning bolts to no effect. Seeing this, Isaac swung the large claymore towards the wolf. Creating a red wave that sliced the wolves in half. That was so powerful that even the tress and the orcs behind the wolves were also cut in half.

After that swing, his mind started to hurt as the world around him started spinning. He coughs up blood as he sees that the armor is starting to dissolve before the armor and the claymore vanish into thin air. He falls to the ground coughing more blood before feeling his eyelids becoming heavier. He’s started to get unconscious and sleepy. His eyes continued opening and closing before his arms and legs started giving up as he lays to the ground. He bits his lips but his body feels numbed and lifeless. He tried getting up but his body won’t listen. In a last desperate measure, he tried shouting while pushing himself but only a quiet cough emanated from him.

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