《An Unknown World》Chapter 6 - Existence


And there they stood. In front of the massive gates, ready to be opened as soon as the order passes through. The group’s captain, who is positioned at the front, walked out forward and looked up to the massive gates. As soon as her eyes met with one of the walls commanders, a sharp voice yelled out the command to open the gates. In an instant the gates began submerging beneath the land, almost like a mechanism was built beneath, yet no sound of working gears was produced, indicating that there is no mechanism at all.

How? How is this possible? These gates must weight tons, yet no mechanism is bringing them down. No gears are at work. Like it’s floating on air. Ward thought as he looked at the gates gently and soundlessly submerging below the land.

Feeling uneasy he averted his eyes to Fraser, only to see him frozen and silent. Just like Ward, his eyes focused on the gates. Unable to explain the phenomenon.

“Fraser. Do you have any idea how this is possible?”

“Sup'mnuh right. Dis a impossible” Fraser said as he gulped, sweat slowly drips down his forehead while his knees begin to feel weak.

In no time the gates have fully submerged into the ground, and the group began moving once again. Past the gates a small garrison is located, similar but significantly smaller gates are located at the end of the garrison, only to be opened when the wall commander approves the entrance. Not only does the garrison provide lodging for the wall guards, but it also serves as a checkpoint for all the visitors or returning hunters.

The city guards itself is a force of highly skilled woman warriors. Their armour is open, similar to the hunters, and their weapons vary between light swords, spears and bows. Unlike the hunters, their armour is not fully of golden colour, but a mixture of both silver and gold. Making them stand out and be easily recognizable.

“Captain Maxima” The wall commander said as she approached the captain.

Oh god, I forgot about her. The captain thought as she saw the wall commander approach her with a smile.

“I am glad you have safely returned. I hope the journey did not prove to be too difficult?”

“Spare the small talk Orisa. Let us through” Maxima demanded with a heavy tone

Completely ignoring Maxima, Orisa tilted her body to the right and her eyes met with Wards. Her spine shivered and her pupils widened in shock. Yet her facial expression did not change, as to show that a mere alien is not enough to scare her.

“And what is that?” She asked as her body tilted back to the original position, her face full of curiosity.

“Orisa, let us through. We have the direct orders from the Elders” Maxima said as she reached her hand out with a piece of paper with the orders. The bottom of the paper is marked with the holy seal, proving its legitimacy.

Orisa took the paper from her hand and slowly began reading it.

“You are to let us through without any checks as fast as possible.”

As Orisa’s eyes quickly scanned sentence after sentence, her face began showing a mixed emotion of disappointment and anger. One of her favourite tasks is to check all the equipment and the cargo the hunters brought back. Be it building materials or wild pets, she would want to get her hands on it. Maxima understood her anger and frustration, not being able to look through the cargo is already vexing enough for Orisa, but knowing that it is alien artefact just adds more fuel to the fire.


“All right. I see” Orisa said as she grits her teeth, her hand clenched in a fist to try and maintain all the anger.

Meanwhile, Ward and Fraser try their best to understand where they have been taken. Looking around the area and inspecting every little part of the garrison in detail.

“Ward, yuhave any idea wehwi are?” Fraser asked, his head moving from right to left, from forward to backward. Making sure his eyes inspect every little detail

“I...I don’t know. This looks like a...a checkpoint of some sort. Where they check you perhaps?”

“Man mi nuh like dis. There mussihundred of dem here” Fraser said as he looked around once again.

Multiple humanoid guards are staring at them from above, visually inspecting them and preparing their weapons in the case of any shown aggression. Their heavy glare only added onto Fraser’s stress, while Ward did not seem to care. He knows for a fact that if he stays calm and collective no blood will be spilt. Fraser however, is yet to realize that.

“Well. Now we know for sure we can’t escape” Ward mumbled under his breath

“Open the gates!” Orisa shouted with clear anger in her voice. As soon as her command was heard the small gates instantly began submerging beneath the land, just like the large gates behind them.

As the gates slowly sank into the ground, Orisa walked up closer to Maxima, and began whispering next to her ear, making sure no one else hears her.

“You better keep these aliens under control, or I will personally send out my unit to take them out”

Maxima gazed back at Orisa with a grin

“Point taken”

“Good” Orisa added before walking to the stairs that lead to the wall walk.


“Yes captain?”

“Keep an extra eye on the aliens. We are now entering the holy city. Make sure they behave themselves and keep quiet. The citizens will already be disturbed with their presence, I don’t want anything else to happen”

“Of course captain”

“Good. Prepare to move out!” Orisa yelled out, informing the whole group that they need to stand ready.

“Yes ma’am!” The hunters yelled all at once, their formation did not change when they entered the garrison as the captain did not give the order. All though it is safe within the garrison walls, hunters will never let their guard down.

And so, yet another pair of gates sank into the ground. This time however, Ward and Fraser saw something none of them expected. A small and prosperous city the middle of a jungle, guarded by a massive wall that surrounds the town. The houses are made out of stone with pieces of cut wood that serve as doors. The windows are identical to the ones on earth, while large jungle trees erupt from the centre of the houses. Giving the idea that the houses were built around the trees and not cut down.

Many aliens are walking the street, enjoying the sunny day while they run their errands. Their appearance is very similar to the hunters, mixture of wooden and stone skin that varies in colour. Children are running around, playing their games and annoying their parents, while shop owners try and sell their goods as they shout about the latest deals, trying their best to attract customers. This is something neither Ward or Fraser expected. To see a city full of life.

A large golden temple is also present in the middle of the city, its golden colour shines everywhere as the light reflects from it. Due to the sun, you could spot the temple even a hundred miles away, serving as a beacon of hope and prosperity.


The temple serves as a religious place where the aliens can come and worship the gods, it is also a place where sacrifices are taken places and where Ward and Fraser are currently being taken. But most importantly, it is where the elders reside.Where they rule out the laws and perform trials. For aliens this temple is the most sacred place. Said to be built by the gods themselves, it allows the chosen ones to communicate with them and find out what they desire.

“What...What is this?”

“A city full of aliens. Mi nuhkno there suh many of dem”

“We have discovered, an intelligent race. Able to build communities and communicate with one another. We have made an accidental discovery; we have discovered an intellectual life that humans tried to discover for hundreds of years.”

Ward almost feels proud about the discovery. Although very horrible circumstances caused him to be here in the first place, Ward can only feel fulfilment. His whole life he wanted to explore a planet with alien life, and now he has the opportunity. To discover what humanityis seeking for so long. He does not care about money or fame, instead, he wants to be a part of human history. The first man to discover intellectual beings outside of earth.

“Accidental discoveryyuhsey? Cum wi hope dis discovery winuh end up wi being dead” Fraser said as he looked at Ward, his bottom lip shaking while the sweat on from his forehead now drips down his cheeks.

And so the group slowly made their way through the town. The city guard has also joined the group and began escorting them through the streets. All of the eyes are mainly focused on Ward and Fraser, judging every single move they make. The children hide behind their parents while the whole street is silent. Only sounds of loud footsteps echoing through the large streets.

Come on people, it’s just a bunch of aliens. Don’t need to laser them with your eyes. Zara thought as she looked around the busy street. Hating the fact that Ward and Fraser are on a public display for everyone to see.Like they are an exotic item in the local bazaar.

“Fascinating isn’t it?” Ward said as he looked around


“Based on their reaction. We are the first life they have met outside this planet. Wherever they are taking us must be a place where they can investigate us in detail.”

“Investigate ow?”

“Well, most likely how we investigate other life. They will see our behaviour first and how we socialize, then they will look what’s beneath our skin”

Fraser gulped as his whole body began feeling weak.

“Ward wi need fi find a way of getting outta here”

“We will.Just need to find an opportunity. But for now, keep calm and do not try anything stupid”

“Okay. Kip calm annuh panic” Fraser reassured himself, seeing Ward so calm is both calming and frightening. Yet he is the only person who keeps Fraser from going into a tantrum.

Ward once again looked around the silent street, his eyes focused on different types of aliens. Examining them in detail and comparing to the others.

Hmm. These look different from the ones in this group. A mixture of what I assume to be female and males. This escort group seems to be solely made out of females, while some of these aliens on the street look like males. Of course, they are taller and stronger, but the similarities to us humans are extraordinary. Frightening even.

Upon a better inspection of the alien race, Ward’s eyes met with one of the child's. The child quickly looked away and hid behind their parents. Frightened by Ward’s gaze.

Interesting. The child is frightened by me, that means they can feel fear. Even though I can almost guarantee they have enough power to kill me, they are still not smart enough to understand that they are physically stronger. Just like on earth, children's brain develops as they grow up. This once again confirms my theory...Or I am just an idiot trying to play scientist.

Ward facepalmed in exhaustion. His mind tired even more than his body, these past few days have been a rollercoaster for him and Fraser. Yet he is still baffled that he was able to survive all of it, fate or perhaps just dumb luck. The only thing keeping him from losing it all is the aliens, Ward is determined to find out more and let everyone know about the discovery.

A few moments later Ward averted his attention to a large temple in the middle of the city. The group is facing it and seems to make their way there.

That must be where they are taking us. It looks like a Mayan temple, the only difference being the enormous size and the golden colour. Must be a special place for them or where the leader resides.

“Captain” Zara ran up to Maxima who is leading the group through the street.

“I have a question if you do not mind”

“Of course Zara, we do not need to be on such a high alert anymore. The city guard is here and the aliens seem to behave nicely. Don’t know what you did to them but I have not seen them try anything stupid.”

I didn’t do anything to them as I have been saying. They know not to act aggressively; they know we have an upper hand and they know we will be able to catch them no matter what they try and do. We know this land inside out, while this is a new place for them

“I have my ways captain” Zara replied with a chuckle

“Now what is it you wanted to ask?”

“Oh, I was wondering what the elders want to do with them. The initial plan was to sacrifice them but I assume the elders have a better idea?”

“To be honest I do not know. All I did was sent a messenger to inform the elders about alien life. They sent my messenger back with the order to bring the aliens to them as soon as possible. That’s all I know. But I am sure the elders will have a good use of them; we should not question their judgement.”

“Of course. I just wanted to know if they came to a decision.”

Through their short journey together, Zara got attached to Ward and Fraser. The idea of sacrificing them to the gods fled away as she realized they are more valuable alive. She realized that she could learn so much if she is able to communicate with them. All of the potential here would go to waste if they are just killed to help the crops grow.

“How is your energy training by the way?”

“Its...Okay, I haven’t been able to focus as much lately.”

“Bad trainer?”

“I wouldn’t say bad, just don’t feel like he is the right one you know”

“Have you considered changing?”

“Actually, Faryeha said she can train me. I would prefer her as well as we are friends”

“Oh Faryeha, yeah she had the similar problem to yours when she started out. If she was able to figure it out, it will probably for the best to have her as your mentor”

“If you don’t mind me asking, how did were you able to overcome it? Especially at such a young age”

“I just felt that I knew what to do. I learned how to control it at a young age, so when the energy level increased, my ability to control it got a lot better. And by the time I was a full adult, I was able to control large amounts of energy flawlessly. For you, it’s way harder as you have discovered it recently, not including the fact your energy level is through the roof. Something you don’t see everyday”

“I see”

“But that does not mean you will not be able to control it. With enough practice and dedication, you will be able to do it”

From an early age, Zara did not possess any type of energy. A very uncommon defect that happens to a very small percentage of children. When a child is born without energy, they tend to live a short life and will not be able to use their body to its full capability. There is only one treatment to the solution, and that is to be submerged in the well of life. Where gods will decide the child's fate, to lend the child powers or to let it die. If the gods see potential, they will let the child live, if not, the child dies and becomes one with the planet and its nature.

That’s the treatment Zara had to undergo, and lucky for her, gods saw an opportunity in her and let her live. The one consequence of being granted a second lifeis the lack of control of the amount of energy the gods gave.

Zara has been struggling with it for years, changing from mentor to mentor, she was not able to master it. The elders even appointed her in the hunter's squad, hoping that she will be able to learn from them but so far it has proven to have no effect.

“Thank you Orisa, I mean captain”

“Orisa is fine, don’t worry”

Zara let out a warm smile and returned to her original position, standing close to Ward and Fraser.

“Wi suh fucked bredda” Fraser said as he once again looked around, his face now covered in sweat while his legs refuse to walk.

“What did I say about staying calm, don’t worry”

“Y-You nuhknowehdem taking wi. Wah eff dem a guh kill wi?”


“Wah mi asking? Mi knodemwi kill wi! But before datdemwidissectwi an luk at fi wi insides”

“I swear Fraser, shut the fuck up. If you want them to kill us right now, keep being a dumbass”


“Just shut up, and keep calm. Unless your ass wants to die right now”

“Wah di point? Wi a guh dead anyways”

“The point is that we don’t know what they might do to us”

“Yuh say it yuhselfdemwi cut wi open”

“Yes I did, but I am not a hundred percent sure that they will do that. They are different fromus”


“Yes I did say that they are similar, but not entirely like us. They may spare us, who knows. Just sit tight and be calm.”

Fraser closed his eyes and slowly began breathing in and out, trying his best to calm down his nerves.

“All right But mi naahguh dung without a fight”

“Trust me, neither am I"

And there they stood. In front of the large golden temple. Its vivid colour almost blinds the eyes while multiple sentinelsare stationed all around, guarding the perimeter. These sentinels are not equipped with the same open armour as the hunters and the city guards. Instead, their whole bodies are covered with silver armour, noweak points to be seen. Their weapons differ from person to person, but females usually carry two light swords, while most males hold large shields with spears.

The temple itself is surrounded by a tall wall, not as tall as the garrisons, but still large enough to stop anyone from entering the temple premises. Same as the garrison, multiple sentinels walk the wall, guarding the area and ensuring the wall is not being breached.

The group now stands in front of the temple gates, waiting for the command that will open the gates. While Ward and Fraser prepare themselves to attack whatever is inside head on.

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