《An Unknown World》Chapter 5.5 - Abnormal


Mars. A place where the HQ of Eos foundation is located. An organisation that is in charge of colonizing the universe, a place where all the bright minds of the world sit together and discuss the future of humanity. Their influence grows with each day as they send out hundreds of spaceships to every corner of the Milkyway, slowly but surely colonizing planet after planet.

All though they have been very successful; Eos foundation influence is also causing some distress among the citizens. Many fear Coup d'état as the organisation's military power is substantially more powerful when compared to the international government. Some people even theorize that the government has already fallen, and Eos foundation is in control of everything, but those are just wild rumours and theories among many.

Despite all the rumours and speculations, people dream to work there. The first time in human history humans have a chance of expanding its borders beyond their solar system, and everyone wants to take part in it. Be it a scout marine, engineer or a cook at the spacecraft.

“A meeting? Well that’s rare” One of the combat marines said to a friend of his who he is sharing a room with. Both of them stationed at the HQ until further instructions.

“Yeah, apparently something with U03”

“U03. The scout spacecraft? Did it break down in the middle of the hyperjump or something?”

“I don’t know, I’ve just heard a rumour that something happened to it. Maybe it got hit by a comet, you know how common that is.”

“Yeah, but to call a meeting about that? Especially with all the CEOs and the lead scientists present.”

“Oh no, here we go with another theory”

“No but seriously, why would they call a meeting about that”

“Man, I don’t know. Why do you keep asking me shit that you know I don’t know?”


“Oh but I know why. Something major happened on the ship. Remember that virus that they said they have exterminated?”


“What if, if they didn’t actually exterminate all of it. And now, it made its way to the U03 and killed everyone”

“You are trying to tell me, that a virus that caused mild headache and sore throat. Got onto U03 and killed everyone?”

“It evolved; the sun’s radiation caused it to evolve.”

“Man, if you so smart. Then why are you in the Combat Marine division?”

“Because I like shooting stuff, simple”

“Mhmm. Sure mate”

“You just jealous I am better than you at shooting”

“Now that’s the biggest theory yet”

“I bet today’s dessert that I will hit more targets at the shooting range than you”


“They serve cheesecake today. Who would have thought I would have two of them”

“I can’t wait to rub the win in your face” The man responded with a chuckle

The main meeting room. All of the CEOs are present as well as multiple head scientists. The chiefs of engineering and military generals have also been called. The room is filled with all of the high-ranking officers and important figures within Eos foundation. This meeting is unlike others, a rare occasion where the heads of all departments are brought together.

Everyone is seated behind a large round wooden table. None say a word, all waiting for a reason for this meeting

“Thank you for everyone being here on such short notice”

A man in his mid-forties said while seated behind the wooden table. He is one of the CEOs and is the person who has called for this meeting.

“Me and my fellow business partners as well as the head of science, Mr deep, have organized this meeting due to an ongoing issue with one of the spacecrafts.”


The light in the room dimmed and a projector turned on behind him, showing pictures of the spacecraft.

“A spacecraft by the name of U03 has disappeared off our radar. We received a distress call just before we lost all the contact with the spacecraft. It was due to explore a planet by the name of AON12 but we lost contact when it was entering orbit”

“Mr Earl, may I ask a question?” One of the military generals asked

“Of course”

“Is a large meeting like this really necessary to discuss a missing spacecraft? Though rarely, this does happen, some spacecrafts crash when trying to orbit a planet.”

“I understand your reason for questioning Mr Donnelly. But this case is different, please hear what Mr Deep has to say about the anomaly his team found while investigating the issue” Mr Earl said as he sat back down on his chair

“Thank you Mr Earl” The head scientist said as he stood up from the seat. The projector now started showing orbital pictures of the planet.

“When a spacecraft crashes or when we lose contact should I say, we track the planet and send an investigation team to find out what happened. This time however we have encountered a major problem, we have tried to locate the planet but somehow it disappeared. Like it vanished in thin air. Our high definition telescopes were not able to notice it, and our radars have not been able to pick out any type of radiation in that area. Not only that, but we have found out an anomaly with this planet”

Mr Deep began shuffling through the pictures on the projector, the picture shows detailed scans of the planet.

“As you all know, we scan the planet before sending the scout spacecraft. During the scan, we have detected unusual energy emitting from the planet. This is one of the main reasons why we sent the scout spacecraft in the first place. Now that we have lost contact with it, as well as the planet, it has been our main focus to discover what happened. In the science department that is”

The scientist sat down as he finished his sentence.

“Thank you Mr Deep. This is something we have never encountered and should fully investigate it. Not only that, but the planet itself is a perfect habitat for humans, as well as other life. The planet has or should I say had a very similar atmosphere to earth's, it also possessed oceans and rivers as well as forests. A perfect habitat not only for us humans but for alien life as well.”

Mr Early stood back up and looked around the room. The lights turned back on and the full focus of the room is now on him

“This is something we have never encountered and should be investigated fully, be prepared to invest your resources into this mission. Any questions?”

Mr Donnelly raised his hand

“Mr Donnelly?”

“What are we supposed to do now then?”

“We let Mr Deep and the science wing investigate what happened, we will send research party to the area and ensure that the planet, as well as the spacecraft, have actually vanished. As for everyone else, sit tight and be ready. We might discover something extraordinary.”

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