《The power of scrolls》Chapter 6


"There he is." whistled Devan looking at the monster boss of the fifth floor at a high vantage.

"Damn he's big or she or maybe it's an it?" wondered Devan.

"What do you think." Devan asked as he looks towards his beautiful companion.

"Does it really matter?" asked Elia, rolling her eyes at her master's weirdness again.

"Well yes obviously. My dear Elia, politically correctness is very important." said Devan very seriously.

"Right..." replied Elia dryly.

"You wouldn't understand." sighed Devan.

"Still the monster is still very big." said Devan, stating that glaring fact again. The monster was a mid-tier 2 monster at least. Its appearance is very bizarre as it has the face of a frog monster that they faced on the previous floor but has the body of the snake vine. 'Maybe it could be a clue to its capabilities, having the face of the poison frog means that it has the ability to spit out a poison attack while having the speed and flexibility of a snake vine monster.' thought Devan.

It's true that Devan does have a magic scroll that is a high-tier 3 but it won't exactly be able to one-shot such a monster, after all, monsters are much stronger than a human being of the same tier. So this monster might only be middle-tier 2 but it will have the combat ability equivalent to a low-tier 3 mage or warrior.

"Well this is troublesome, I think we had enough adventure for today." declared Devan.

Elia did not mind at all, she prefers that her master will not be in any form of danger so the better they are out of here the better she will feel. Devan handed her a magic scroll, this was a magic scroll being sold by the guild stall outside the dungeon for 1 silver as it only works in this dungeon and its only function is to teleport you near the exit of the dungeon in the first floor.

They both activated the scroll but nothing happened. Devan frowned at this. 'Could this item be defective.' he thought.

"Something's wrong with the scroll." said Elia.


"I guess we're going to get out here the old fashion way.... by walking." groaned Devan.

Suddenly the whole dungeon started shaking which made Devan and Elia shout in surprise, the whole dungeon floor started shifting as if it was moving and suddenly the walls were no more, it was like the dungeon floors morphed into one giant floor with every monster gathered into a single floor.

"This is bad." said Elia nervously.

They could see other adventurers from a distance getting attacked and swarmed by a large number of monsters, even the fifth boss monster was roaming around instead of staying put in the boss room.

"What's causing this to happen?" wondered Devan.

"There's probably something wrong with the dungeon core. I'm not sure if there is any way out, the dungeon core might have possibly collapsed the exit portals, we have to find the dungeon core and see if we can fix what's wrong with it or destroy it." said Elia.

"I have a bad feeling about this." replied Devan.

"Yeah.." said Elia softly.

Most of the adventurers that they saw have disappeared, most likely dead. They move briskly trying to avoid a path where they would run into a large number of monsters. As much as Devan would like to help the adventurers, he can't risk both of their lives for a single act of heroism, besides they are a distance away and between Devan and them is a large number of berserk monsters killing anything in its path. The monsters weren't just killing people they were also tearing each other apart.


Devan and Elia heard a scream up ahead, just a few meters away was a downed girl wearing a mage outfit screaming for help. Devan could see her party members on the floor with missing appendages as if they were eaten by a gigantic monster and sure enough the fifth-floor boss monster which Devan has started calling mini-leviathan was in front of them, ready to finish the female mage.

"Oh! no, you don't." shouted Devan as he rushed forward. 'I won't let her die, especially if I can do something about it, I can't help those people far away but she is within my reach.'


"Master!" shouted Elia in surprise as she ran after him.

Devan pulled out a bunch of magic scrolls from his storage ring.

"Delay. Delay. Delay." Devan shouted as all three delay magic scroll burned away to nothing activating its sealed magic. The lunging monster's movements suddenly became a lot slower thanks to the magic that Devan had cast.

"Barrier. Barrier. Barrier." shouted Devan again, casting three stacks of barrier on the mage girl.

"Elia!" screamed Devan.

Elia knowing what her master wanted, she ran towards the injured girl at an unbelievable speed, brandishing frozen blade in her right hand she slashed towards mini-leviathan hitting it squarely in its frog-like face. The monster's lunging mouth change direction because of the impact and now has a huge gash on the right side of its face. However, the monster's tale also flicks towards them as the monster was being blown away.

Elia immediately deployed her shield to protect herself, the mage girl was protected by Devan's barrier. Elia ran towards the girl and grab her to safety, pulling her towards where Devan is at.

"We might as well kill it." said Devan seriously.

"Yes." Elia agreed.

She was standing in front of Devan; a shield in her left hand and a sword in her right both ready to be deployed in any type of situation whether it be fending off the monster with frozen blade or protecting her master from the monster's attack with her shield.

Mini-leviathan stood back up and stared at them angrily, croaking very loudly. Its cheeks began to puff up as he inhaled a large amount of air, out of its mouth was purple like a fog that was covering a very large area.

"The fog is poisonous." warned Elia.

Devan nodded and turned towards the injured mage.

"Can you run?" asked Devan.

The mage girl nodded immediately, Devan handed her a healing potion, which she gave him a grateful look. Devan, Elia and the mage girl began to start running away from the poisonous fog, once they ran far enough, out of its range Devan and co stop and look towards the fog.

"I can hardly see anything." observe Elia

"Yeah. I can only see the outline of the mini-leviathan, he is still in there." said Devan.

Devan furrowed his eyebrow in deep thought.

"Wait a second, I have an idea, stand back." announced Devan as he produced the firestorm magic scroll out his storage ring. 'If I hit that poisonous fog with a fire spell, If my hypothesis is correct it the fire spell should cause the fog to combust, I hope I'm right' Devan thought in his head.

"Oh well no rest for the wicked." he softly muttered.

"Firestorm." he chanted, instantly a gigantic ball of fire blasted towards the direction of the poison fog and the mini-leviathan. A massive explosion then soon occurred as the shockwave of the blast caused the dungeon to shake once more, the monsters in its immediate vicinity was incinerated as the rest further away, they were killed from the resulting shock wave.

Luckily Devan told Elia and the mage girl to cast their respective defensive spell so they weren't instantly killed from the resulting blast, just slightly injured, unlike Devan.

"Well that was stronger than expected." laughed Devan as he coughed up blood, the shockwave must have injured his internal organs. He activated his bracelet of healing and all of his injuries were cured.

Elia and the mage girl, on the other hand, fared much better compared to him.

Elia looked at him very angrily.

"Never ever do that again!" she shouted.

"You could have gotten yourself killed. Don't forget that you are very weak master!" she screamed.

"I'm fine aren't I?" reasoned Devan trying to calm down the enrage Elia.

"If you die, I will find a way to revive you just so I can kill you myself." she threatened.

Devan was about to say something but the look in her eyes and the moisture gathering within them threatening to burst forth stop in his tracks. He simply walked towards her and embraced her in his arms.

"Sorry." he whispered gently.

"I'll be careful next time."

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