《Journey Of Destruction》Not a chapter


As you guys know i've been MIA for a while,sorry bout that just going through troublesome crap atm but don't worry i'll try to release a chapter soon.But for now just expect slow releases.Sorry again and thanks for the continued patience.

As for info about the novel im 300 percent sure i won't be dropping this novel at any point in the near future unless i become a cripple or something.Before my unfortunate luck started the only things that got in my way of daily releases was being busy with school and so forth,but that wasn't really the main problem.I just have a problem of being picky with my words or phrasing so i tend to over think to the point of insanity.

Its a habit of mine i can't really get under control.Thats the main reason as to why my releases are weekly-ish...Haha,As being so picky with such i tend to get annoyed at myself or feel as if this is getting tedious as i spend more time on a chapter or a portion of a chapter than i would like to or have the time to do so.

Otherwise i'd have no problems.Anywaaaaaay excuse my rambling sorry for the delay and so on.If you have any questions about the plot line of the novel,or characters or anything in general go ahead and comment.Thanks for the patience agaIn!

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