《The Demon Lord Candidate》Chapter 2.2 - The hunters close-in


It was pitch dark and not even a shred of light existed in this room. No one can even tell which was up or down.

In this mysterious dimension, Samael found himself floating within. His body seems numb as he floated mindlessly in the dark, gloomy empty space.

Where am I? What is this place?

Am I dead?

Is this suppose to be hell?

I never thought hell supposed to be such a lonely place.

As Samael was deeply absorbed in his monologues, suddenly a voice echoed.

“Don’t tell me you are supposed to be a demon lord candidate!”, a female voice spoke with a bit disappointed tone.

Samael’s train of thought suddenly breaks, as he looked for the owner of this voice.

From nowhere a mysterious girl appear and stood in front of Samael.

She had a beautiful long red hair and wore a simple white maxi dress with frills at the end. Her eyes were green and she had tender arms, and soft pink lips.

Her whole body was glowing, not brightly but dim enough that Samael could see his own body.

“Are you here to ferry me to the underworld? If so, not today! I still have some business to take care, before I die, so send me back this instant!” Ordered Samael.

The girl ignored him and started to walk around Samael with her hands at her back, as she examined him carefully.

“You sure love to order around for a person who’s about to die, any second.”, she commented.

“You look pretty for a ferryman who supposed to look ugly and scary as per the legends described, you to be.”, asked Samael.

“I am not the ferryman or the reaper, I am Cassandra.”, replied the girl.

Samael’s eye opened broad, “Oh you are, The Cassandra! Sorry, but never heard of it, now could you just send me back?”


“I am one of the 100 oracles of the devil jewel, and this shard comes under my jurisdiction! You could say I am somewhat of a guardian of this shard.”, said the mysterious girl, Cassandra.

After hearing her reply, Samael got furious all of sudden and charged in fury.

“YOU BITCH!! Because your evil shards my comrades died! My family killed! You Swiney bitch!”

To this, Cassandra simply pointed her index finger at Samael.

Suddenly the dimension changed back to before.

The time had frozen, and everything looked colorless, Samael realized that she had triggered his time stopping ability, that he himself hasn’t figured out, how to use it properly yet.

Samael has the ability to stop time, and move around with his astral body. He can go anywhere as long as it's not very far away from his physical body. One of the ability he got from the shard.

He looked around and saw his physical body on the claws of the werewolf, as it had jabbed its claws inside Samael's chest while it tried to reach the shard.

Suddenly, a chain of emotions collided with Samael’s memory. He had almost forgotten about his battle with the werewolf, the pain and agony started to pour in. He felt pain like never before, that he started screaming in pain.

His spiritual astral body started to disintegrate slowly, as he screamed in agony like a maniac.

The girl grabbed his spiritual astral body by the head with both her hands and looked him in his eye with a delighted look.

“Luckily, the jewel shard has other plans for you. So you can’t die, right now! And this is where I come in, to sav-”

“SCREW YOUR BITCH ASS! MY brain, its… it hurts!!!”, screamed Samael.

The girl let out a sigh,


“This generation boys are just terrible and have no decency. Anyway, if it weren’t for the shards will, I would have left you for the dead. So listen, open your mouth, now!”, commanded the girl.

“What you SAYING?!”, asked Samael even though the pain had not diminished at all.

“OPEN YOUR MOUTH!”, said the girl loudly.

“Say WHAaa-!” as Samael said this loud enough, Cassandra started to enter inside Samuel, through his mouth.

Her body turned into a fog like a substance and it started to force its way through his throat.

Samael started to lose consciousness as the mysterious fog entered his belly.

As soon as the foggy substance entered completely inside Samuel, he returned inside his physical body and the time started to move again.

But the first thing Samael did was, cut off the werewolf's arm, that had grabbed him by the neck and free himself. Its arm fell to the ground.

The werewolf was shocked to see Samael still breathing, let alone powerful enough to chop its arm cut clean.

Samael’s right hand was not of any human hand anymore. It had pointy claws with scales with dark black skin, which he used to chop the werewolf's arm with ease.

Samuel also gave off an intense bloodlust, that the werewolf seemed to noticed and was a little uneasy.

Whereas, werewolf's other left arm was practically inside Samael chest which kept him uplifted in mid-air. He literally looked like a Seekh kebab.

The werewolf had seen this new changes,

“So you are not any human anym-”, but before he could complete his phrase Samael kicked him right in its jaws.

The werewolf went flying crashing down in its cave.

Samael was free from the werewolf’s clutches, as he landed on his left feet, whereas the other right foot was a mess. The right kick was so powerful that his right leg bones were shattered.

But in few seconds the legs started to heal, all the muscle tear started to heal the wounds. It looked as if the time itself was turned back as all the muscles and bones started to repair itself. His chest wounds and all other injuries also started to repair itself.

“This body is very weak and fragile, not reliable! Well, it's better than nothing! Time to take this human body to a test ride! Time to hunt some puppies!”, said Samael as he swung his demon arm and stretched his body carefreely.

His eyes were bloodshot red, and his voice also had the mixed vocals of Cassandra somehow.

Because Cassandra was steering Samael’s body, this time.

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