《The Demon Lord Candidate》Chapter 2.1 - The hunters close-in


A squad consisting of four suspicious looking people who just entered the dense forest situated below the foothills of Einherjar.

They were all dressed in long dark purple robes and hoodie that covered their face. They also had some mysterious insignia on their shoulder of the robes. Although, their physical appearance varied from each other.

They were walking in an orderly manner, one after another through the jungle. It was already 2 o'clock in the night.

The first person in the line formation was leading the way as he held a little old lamp, that lit the pathway in the dark jungle.

The other three people followed his lead.

The fourth or last person in the rear was fat and short, he also had a big mean looking axe behind his back which had pretty carvings as it shined under the moonlight.

Whereas the person walking right in front of him was pretty tall and slim, he was third in line formation.

The second person in the line looked a bit agitated and groaned every now then.

They were walking in their casual speed but at a steady pace even in this dark and rough terrain.

Until the leading guy’s stomach started to growl.

He halted and turned towards the rest of his squad mates.

“I am starving!! Let’s make a camp, shall we?”, said the leading person.

He pleaded with his other three squad members. At a closer look, he was wearing a pair of glasses.

After hearing this plead, the person standing second in the line grabbed him by the collar,

“We don’t have time to waste to eat. For fuck sake, we are not here for stargazing! I don't like to be associated with a bunch of creepy sorry ass such as you guys. If you dare to make a move on me, I shall rip out your FUCKING DICK and plant your BALLS in this big ass FOREST, for all I care!”, she screamed on top of her lungs.


Actually, the vulgar speaking person was actually a female. She had plumpy chest underneath her robes, ready to bust out any second. Her hands looked frail and tender but her tight grip on the guy’s collar said otherwise.

“Now! Now! If we just went empty stomach, then we would just end up getting killed. And for the love of god! Could you stop screaming, we are in the middle of a jungle, your ruckus might attract wild beasts!”, replied back the guy in the glasses sternly.

To this, the girl simply ignored his words and folded her arms and looked the other way as she pouted in anger.

Suddenly the fat guy with the axe raised his arms,

“I agree with Mr. Gilbert! I am hungry as we-”, but before he could complete his phrase.

The ground started to rumble, loud thumping sounds came through the interior of the forest.

The four of them stopped their casual blabbering and were alert.

The loud rumbling and thumping sound started to get louder, each passing second.

They remained still in their position and kept standing still.

Suddenly a huge tree trunk came flying down from the sky and landed just beside them. After they looked up in the sky, there were more such uprooted trees which were sent flying in the air.

All of sudden, a loud trumpet sound also joined along with the noise of thumping and crashing.

To their surprise, a full grown adult mammoth came to greet the strangers.

It was so big in size that, the four of them looked like rats in front of the humongous beast.

It was in rather a bad mood, as its sleep was disturbed. It came charging aggressively towards the noise from their commotion before. Despite its big size, it would easily speed up to 18 miles per hour. Because of their strength, size, and speed, they could trample and uproot the forest giant trees, with ease.


It constantly swayed its trunk in anger which sent the trees flying across the forest and with its huge tusks, it cleared a pathway.

The rumbling sound soon stopped once the mammoth saw this strange visitors. It rose its huge trunk, which clearly meant as a warning for the strangers to step away from its territory.

“See, what you have done, Julia! If you could have stayed quiet for another hour, we could have eaten something and already start scaling the hills!”, retorted the guy in glasses angrily.

But Julia continues to look the other way and acted as if she couldn’t hear him.

“Don’t you try to ignore me! I am the leader for crying out loud, damn it! This is why I never wanted to be the squad captain, to begin with,” he complained and let out a huge sigh.

But somehow, the fat little guy was awestruck seeing the giant beast. He was fascinated as his eyes gleamed brightly, and his mouth opened wide.

Suddenly saliva started to drool from his mouth,

“MEAT!”, he shrieked.

Suddenly the fat guy grabbed his axe and took a squatting posture, as he builds up strength in his knees.

The guy in glasses questioned this strange behavior,

“Where are you goin-” asked the leader but the fat guy had already leaped away into the sky. His jump was so powerful that it created a strong gust of wind as he left, which also blew up the flames from the leader’s lamp.

“WHY! Why is no one listening to what I SAY!?”, exclaimed the leader as he threw the little lamp on the ground in fits of anger.

The fat guy had leaped towards the mammoth with his axe.

In the response, the mammoth swung his giant trunk at the fat guy.

But instead he chopped away the mammoth's trunk, and blood started to gush out.

The mammoth screamed in agony, but by then he was standing on top of the mammoth’s head. Then with his axe alone, he dealt a finishing blow and the giant mammoth fell to the ground with a loud thud.

All the wild animals were scared to death as they flee the area.

The leader in the glasses again picked up his lamp, although the flame had ran out.

“ Well at least our food is arranged for tonight, let's make haste and set camp! Eat your fill, we gotta recover the shard before he could cross our borders.”, ordered their leader, even though his squad mates paid almost little to no attention to his blabbering.

"I hate this, job!"

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