《I study magic, for destruction?》Chapter 21


“So, what is our plan?” Leah persisted as we exited the Cristalcrest temple.

“How about dinner?” I replied while we walked side by side down the street.

“No thanks.”

“A walk in the flower garden?”


“You are making this very difficult. Though, maybe it’s that attitude I enjoy.”

I snapped my fingers and vines sprouted from the ground to take hold of Leah’s feet to keep her in place. I skipped in front of her and got on one knee to hold a flower petal between my thumb and finger.

“Beautiful, how about we spend the day exploring this vast city and all the things unknown to us. Honor me with this date and I shall swallow my voice for the rest of the day of all that I desire.”

“No, no, n—,” Leah burnt the bindings then her pink angered face started to soften, “hmm, I do want to visit the market square… Fine! You may accompany me, but this is not a date.” she walked past me, the Sakura petal floating away into the wind.

I stood up to my feet and with the snap of my fingers, a ghast of thick smoke appeared beside me. I hopped onto the floating cloud and whooshed my way beside the cutie.

“This is a date is it not? Two people under the orange sky together until the stars start to take over. This sounds very much like a date.”

“C-call it what you will. I’m just here to learn about this city.” she flustered, turning her face away from my grin.

I flew high above her on my cloud and waved down at her.

“What is this! Leaving me again? After all you just said?”

I outstretched my arm towards her and it transformed into the vines like from before.


“Vine Binding.”

The vines wrapped around Leah’s waist and pulled her up to me. I placed her softly on the fluffy cloud before she even knew what was going on.

“Leo!” she yelled, glancing down at the ground before clinging onto my arm and shutting her eyes, “You know I am scared of heights! You idiot! Put me down!”


“How can I re—”

I leaned forward and ascended higher, making Leah stutter her words and claw into my sleeves.

“Will you really not take in this view with me?” I hummed.

We now overlooked the huge city. It was one huge circle with the temple being smack in the middle. The rows of houses and shops rounded out perfectly so everything was symmetrical with the other side.

“It’s beautiful...” Leah’s soft voice tickled my ear.

I glanced down at the girl clinging to my arm while my grin grew wider. Her one open eye sparkling like glistening spring water while her mouth let out an audible awe.

“Yes, it really is beautiful.” I replied without taking my eyes off her.

Of course she didn’t notice. She is too used to that arrogant fool’s insults that she has disregarded all my attempts. Ah, such is love.

“Now then, where shall we take off first?”

“How about umm… the food district!”

I let out a loud laugh. “Of course, of course. Let us have our fill before exploring the rest of the city until dawn comes.”

I leaned forward and the cloud whoosed faster through the sky.

“Oh my!” Leah yelled, clinging tighter to my arm.

The wind brushed against our faces as it blew our hair in the wind. We zoomed past the witches, wizards, and other creatures that flew through the air as we made our way to the sweet aroma of food.


I winked at a pair of witches flying past us, and every pair after. Aren’t the people of this world beautiful? If only I can turn them all into roses and keep them in a vase… oh wait, I can. Haha.

My nostrils flared and my pupils dilated. The strong scent of strawberries overtook my senses from one of the buildings below.



Haha, and I can tell the cute flower can smell it as well.

“It seems our decision has been made for us, don’t you think?”

She paused her sniffing, probably becoming aware of what she was doing.

“I see no harm in an early dessert…” Leah mumbled beneath her breath.

“Yes, yes. No harm at all.”

I leaned downwards and the cloud descended at full speed.

“Stop! Stop! Cease! Halt!”

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