《I study magic, for destruction?》Chapter 2


“Partner up first years!” yelled Maevis, the combat professor. “Let’s have a spar shall we? Rules are simple. Injuries are acceptable. Death is not.”

Maevis has the appearance of an Elf with orchid purple skin She is dressed in a frilly pink dress with colorful wings on her back. She was indeed, a human sized fairy.


Scanning around for a suitable playtoy, I noticed magical enchantments among the high-arched ceiling. The middle consisted of enchanted grey stone arenas with lengthy stairs on both sides.

Reminds me almost of the gladiator ring. How quaint.

“Leo!” said a female voice.

I turned around to see not a face, but the top of someone’s head with light-blue hair.

She wore the school uniform underneath a fluffy sweater. It wasn’t really that hot though to be wearing layers. Is she also an idiot? Her plaid checkered skirt with tights underneath. Again, is she an idiot who wants heatstroke?

“Let’s partner up.” she said, tilting her head up while resting on her tip-toes. “You might finally beat me this time.” A smirk pulled at her lips, her hands bracing her chest, nose tilted up as if she was looking down on me.

With that height?

Is she proud of being so flat chest? Does her parents know her development is stilted?

“Who are you.”

She tensed up, her eyebrows caving to her nose, and mouth shivering.

“Did you forget who I am!” she screeched.

“Forgetting would mean knowing you in the first place.” I said, starting to walk past her to see if there were any stronger people to test my magic on.

When I brushed past her shoulder, my arm was caught and held in place.

I tugged to break away, but this body is abnormally weak after all, physically. I’ll start training this vessel after classes end.


I looked behind me to see my wrist being held by both her hands. Her face looking down while her eyes lingered on my hand.

“You don’t seem worth my time. Your hair suggests your magic aptitude is water correct? It would hardly help if I faced the worst element against mine.” I lectured.

Just then, a hot sensation emanated from my wrist. I glanced down to see a hole being burnt through my black sleeves. A flame wrapping around my sleeve but being controlled to not spread upwards.

So fire! Who would’ve known the minx wielded the fire element. It would be a perfect test to see how strong my magic is. Then again, this flame is hardly anything to mail home about. As expected when I’m in the rookie year.

“Who are you…” she said, gripping down on my wrist tighter.

This time I was the one letting out a small grin, I couldn’t help it. She did have spirit.


She looked at me, the fire in her eyes. Not seeming to want to answer me.

“What’s your name? Lets, fight.” I persisted.

Her grip grew hot against my skin. Did she plan on burning me alive? Cute.

“Yes, please, let's have a duel. And when I win—” she said, pulling in closer. “Tell me who you really are.”

She dropped my hand with a goodbye spark, staring at me with the eyes full of contempt.

I felt someone drawing upon magic and glance up. Tsk, disappointed in the first three seconds. A small group of people were laughing and sneering in our direction. A little blonde girl holding a small condense sphere in her hands.

I leaned forward to catch the signature, she was using water magic?

The sphere continued to enlarge until it was the size of a large rubber yoga ball. Now this will be a sight to see.


The girl outstretched her arms and the sphere arrowed, shooting it out with intense speed. It was spearing right towards the back of this petite girl. Now, what shall I do?

“What are you looking at?” She said, not even attempting to turn around.

Their novice abilities were adorable.

I began to lift my arm, I was tired of all the distractions. Just then, the blue-head brought her arm back and ignited a large pillar of flames from her palm.

The flames were rising from the middle of her palm. The intensity of the flame flickering in front of me was astonishing! Reaching heights all the way to the ceiling. She didn’t even care if this place burned down did she?

Instantly I felt the heat upon my grinning face, the warmth like a burning phoenix perched beside my shoulder.

The water barely hit the fire, most of it evaporating into mist while in mid-air.

I looked down at the delicious sight in front of me.

A flame burning inside her pupils. During this whole time, her gaze never once turned away from me.


She put her arm down, the fire retracting back into her palm. She flipped her hair, brushing past me and walking onto the stage.

We sure caught the attention of everyone else in the room that’s for sure.

And our professor didn’t even mind us, watching us in delight with her wings fluttering. People here really were useless. Well, not like we were going to get hit anyways.

“Looks like we have the first team! Let’s get started,” cheered Maevis, a large crystal staff forming in her hands.

My eyes caught the glares of the group, I could tell they were trying to play it cool like their attempt didn’t just completely fail. I followed after her, going up the stairs to stand on the opposite end.

“On the sound of my staff, you may begin. Remember, no killing!”

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