《A Path Of Rage》Prologue Ch.2 A Life Fades


Jessica continued to scream and fell to the floor. Her face was twisted with terror, while Grace had stopped her screaming but she was still shaking, Grace's eyes were wide and filled with fear, her once anger complexion was nowhere to be seen, she held her breath thinking of what to do next, Grace sat there still and motionless for up to a full minute as her face was going purple she took a breath before crawling on all fours towards the young man, she crawled over blooded weights when she sat right next to him, she put both hands on his body and began to shaking him.

“Are you ok, you're fine right not dead, please say something please?"

Her face was a mixture of hope and terror, shaking Jacob harder and harder she was so shaken that she didn't even try to check for a pulse, as she continued to try to walk the man.

While Grace was in her stupor, Jessica had regained her witts stopping her screaming and stood up, taking her phone out of her bra she dialed 911.

“911 what would be your emergency”

“Hello my name is Jessica. I am at ---------, there is a young man bleeding, with twisted and broken bones, we can not identify if he is dead or alive at the moment.”

“I understand ma'am. We are sending an ambulance to your location they will arrive in 10 to 15 minutes.”

Jessica hung up on the operator, then walked towards Grace and pulled her away from Jacob, Graces hands were covered with blood, her cloves soaked with blood and sweat, her face was pale, eyes showed no hope, no happiness, her eyes were filled with terror, worry and fear, while hot tears ran down her cheeks.

It took a couple of minutes to calm Grace down, once successfully reasoning with her, Jessica walked back over to Jacob and crouched down to check for a pulse, she could not find anything, her face was tense, filled with a bit of worry but she was still relatively calm, when she was about to give up after several minutes, she felt a slight quiver she exhaled in relief, her tension dissipated a small amount.

“He’s still alive,”

She muttered just barely enough for Grace to hear, upon hearing the following words, Grace who was struggling to not cry immediately look relieved, her eyes showed a bit of hope in them, she muttered her self.

"Thank God.”

Jacobs lay there on the ground unable to move, barely able to keep himself from passing out, as he lay on the floor his life was flashing before him, he reminisced on his childhood, when growing up he always had interests in making music and listening to it, working out, science and space sadly he was never able to follow his dreams in space, so he followed his second interest that begin science, he became both an inventor and a scientist.

While he kept working out and music creation as his hobbies, he loved the pain he felt after a workout, it was addicting to him and he could not stop this was his drug, there was so much satisfaction after every workout, like the satisfaction you feel when it takes you months to complete something, but for him he got it every day.

So he ended up enjoying working more than any other hobby, while he did enjoy music and its creation, it just could not compare to the feeling he received from work outs, so his music hobby was limited to listing to it during a work out or when he was free, as for him creating music every couple of years he would create a song that ended up being pretty popular for a period of time.

But working out dominated his life next to his job, when he was a high schooler he would work out every day for at least 3 hours, he trained himself to the limits of his body by 15 his muscles were extremely well defined, not being big like a bodybuilder but were more slick and stuck to his body, even with there small size there was power hidden inside them ready to be unleashed, they were comparable to a bodybuilder but without the restrictions on mobility or size, at that age his BMI was a 2.4%, upon learning this his Physical Edition teacher, his old teacher warned him that his fat level was dangerously low and if he was not careful he could die.


Jacob paid no head to this warning continued to exercise, by 18 he held his BMI between 1.0 and 0.5, he was always dangerously close to death, after graduating from high school he had to choose a career for the rest of his life, so he decided to head into a scientific engineering field, with this he was able to follow his dreams of science.

During his time as a scientific engineer, he designed, particle accelerators, created nanotechnology, artificial limbs stronger than human limbs, a regeneration formal, artificial gravity, perfected Cryonics, and so much more.

“Me the greatest inventor of my generation will die today, how pathetic of me to die doing what I love.”

As Jacobs mind became hazy, his thinking ability slowed down more and more, he consciousness was fading, the pain he once felt in his heart was now gone as the strength and speed were fading, before disappearing he let out one finally pitiful laugh and like that the man know as Jacob was gone.



Jacobs lay there on the ground unable to move, barely able to keep himself from passing out, as he lay on the floor his life was flashing before him, he reminisced on his childhood, when growing up he always had interests in making music and listening to it, working out, science and space sadly he was never able to follow his dreams in space, so he followed his second interest that begin science, he became both an inventor and a scientist.

He lay there as he slowly fading away again, he screamed in his head trying to keep himself alive but not matter what he did nothing would revive his ever slowing heart, it felt as if hours had passed while his heart grew weaker and slower by every beat, when he felt himself being lifted he was on the verge of experiencing asphyxia.


His name was Josh he was turning 28 in a month, he was a pretty tall man being around 6 foot 2, he's face was plain with friendly eyes welcoming anyone and everyone, he was skinny and did not have much muscle on him, with a honey tan, and plain brown hair pulled back, his emerald eyes shone in the back of the ambulance.

“Carl, I hear this guy we are going too got pretty fucked up”

Carl was 5 foot 6, he was more on the chubby side, he’s face had large dimples on them, his eyes were creased giving him a sharp look, he didn't look like a friendly guy, his eyes where a mysterious gray and there was a tint of green on his pale skin, he was a brunette with a flat top and faded sides.

Upon hearing his friend say something Carl's eyes immediately open up making him look much more friendly.

“Wait did you say?”

Carl asked with a confused looked, Josh laughed at his friend a little then straightened his face.

“What are you worried about?”


Josh asked with a slightly mocking tone, with a surprised expression Carl shuddered as he spoke.

“It’s nothing just thinking what I should get for me and Loria’s anniversary”

Upon this revelation, Josh gave a understanding look to Carl, then took a second to think about it, Josh had an epitome with an almost smug grin he commented.

“Take her out to dinner the same place you took her for your 1st date, doesn't that sound like a special 10 year anniversary.”

Carl was a 36-year-old man he sat in his seat and thought about it for a second and shook his head with satisfaction he had found himself an answer.

They chatted some more as they prepared themselves for the patient, almost a soon as the vehicle stopped, the two mean walked out of the back with a stretcher, they walked towards the small house, walking through the open door they were created by two women, one with short blond hair the other with Jet black long hair.

The blond haired girl sat there with a dazed look on her face, while the black haired on look calm and collected, she strides towards them and greeted them.

“Hello my name is Jessica, please follow me he is still alive for now but barely.”

They nodded and followed her through the house until they came into a heavily packed room filled with weights and exercise machines, next to the door a man laid face down, his body was mangled, broken finger, and bone he lay there bleeding heavily, as they observed him they realized that it was already a micrical he was still alive and did not die from blood loss alone, not even mentioning for all the internal bleeding and other wounds he suffered, it was hard for them to believe that he was still alive, until a closer look relieved a slight tremor in his back indicating he was breathing.

After much effort on the two men parts, they were able to drag him onto the stretcher and out the house, the girls stood outside the house in a daze as they watch the ambulance depart.

As they hooked the man up, to the heart monitor and putting an oxygen mask over his mouth, but Carl gasped while Josh was shocked, this mans heart beat was fluctuating between, 24 BPM and 2 BPM, he could flat line at any minute, they got the defibrillator ready for any action needed, after 2 minutes, he flatlined they proceed to use the defibrillator after four shots he hearts came back but for only 30 seconds before flatlining again, Carl was yelling while Josh followed what he was told.

For 10 minutes they fought to bring this man back to life, but they were unable to bring his heart beat back, he had lost too much blood, had internal bleeding, broken bones, and there were even signs that he had a heart attack, there was nothing they could do at this moment for this guy he was dead.

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