《A Path Of Rage》Prologue Ch.1 The Last Day


A half naked man stood drenched in sweat, in the middle of a cramped room filled from top to bottom with weights, the man squatted and the bar on his shoulder bent under the strain of weights they carried there size’s being that of truck tires rubber and all, as the man began to raise once more his jaw was clenched tight, while his face distorted, while his eyes narrowed, his whole body shook as he struggled to raise, more finally with a full minute passing he made it back up, he inhaled and lowered himself once more, his eyes narrowed even more while fire and vigor burned itself deep within his eyes, the only audible noises in the room came from him and the floor that squeaked under stress, he grunted with each squat will breathing sharpening, timing his breaths so when falling he would inhale and exhale upon falling.


This was a sharp and quick shout the man said as he commenced another squat, over the next 4 minutes another 4 shouts where expelled from his mouth.


Upon completing his set of squats, the man threw the weights off his shoulder. They hit the floor cashing everything to shake with a slight tremor, the man stood still breathing heavily, his height was not tall nor short as he stood around 5 foot 8. While his muscles were not overly big, they were extremely well defined, it could be said that there was not an ounce of fat on him, he continued to breath though in a more controlled manner, he’s crest glisten as it followed the lifting and falling of his breathing, the man’s hair was a jet black while his hair was a raggy and sweaty mess, his pale skin glistened in the fluorescent light, his well-defined jawline stood out causing his normal looking face to look more attractive, all in all this man looked to be in his early 20s, but to people's surprise this man was not in his early 20s but in fact in his early 30s, this man's name was Jacob.

The ragged breathing had begun to settle down to a manageable level, so Jacob walked over to a table and dragged out a chair to sit on, this table sat in the conner of the room, embed in the pillars of steel, as Jacob sat on a wooden chair with a drink in his hand, he moved the bottle to his lips before downing it, the cold water cold his desert like mouth, as well as cooling his body, the drink disappeared at a visible rate in less than 10 seconds it was half gone, Jacob wanted more but has no choice but to separate from the beverage, as soon as his lips were free his gasped for air while regaining his breath once more he thought to himself.


“Damn, I'm getting now where I have not made any improvements in over 4 months, not a pound, push up or squat more.”

Jacobs once pained face had now become visibly angry, he’s hand clenched the edge of the table veins being to protruded from his arm, while he’s fingers slowly began to sink into the table, they sank deeper and deeper, as the sound of crunching boards rang out, after sinking 2 inches into the table he awoke from his anger and retracted his hand, what was left was a noticeable notch in the table that followed his fingers, it looked as though it had been cut by a saw.

“Shit, I going to have to fill that in, I'll do it later,”

Jacob sat there though he was no longer angry that don't mean he was not ticked, he took breaths while he drank the cold beverage, as he drank there was a slight pain in his chest but his whole body was in pain so how could he take notice of it, over the next couple of minutes that pain grew worse and worse until he finally realized that there was something wrong he clenched his chest his finger dug into his skin even gripping his rib cage.

He jumped out of the chair but ended up crashed into the towers of steal, with this sudden shock the towers fell atop of him, hundreds of pounds of weight rained down on his body, thuds rang out as everything hit him, the floor or more weights, and like that within less than 5 seconds Jacob was pinned under the weights, the pain he once felt was now tripled as he felt it both inside and outside his body, he was cut open in many spots all over his body causing him to bleed, all this happened while the pain in his chest grew counting to rage.

There was a warm and bitter taste in his mouth, his mouth began to fill with this liquid, there was so much of his that he was unable to swallow any of it and it simply leaked out of his mouth, Jacob had surprised his urge to scream however barley that was, not being a man to sit ideal he tried to move, only to find even greater pain causing him to freeze he was unable to hold to pain back any more as a scream rang out, sounding like a drying bear it would make anyone's blood freeze, this scream was slightly gargled causing it to sound even more horrifying.

Next Door Neighbor

“Geez again with this,”

The young women complained to another female she was raging like a bull. The girl complaining was Grace. The other was Jessica.

Grace continued to complain getting more bull like the more she yelled, she glanced at the clock it’s bright led screen read 11:43.

“We can report him to his landlord, if he won't listen to reason,”

Jessica replied with a little bit of a smirk, giggling as she said this.

“Hey I'm not trying to get a cute guy like him kicked out, even though he’s super annoying when he's working out, he's still great to talk to.”

Grace replying with a slight grin on her face.

Jessica rolled her eyes.

“I don't get you sometimes.”

“I don't get you sometimes.”

Replayed Grace with a playful giggle

Jessica stared at Grace not showing any emotions, looking coldly at her almost starring holes into her head, Grace started back with a more playful yet serious face they stared at each other for several seconds, the silence between them stretched for a extended period of time the only noise that could be heard was the screams of a certain annoying neighbor, almost at the same time they both burst into a fit of laughter.

They laughed for almost a full minute before trying to calm themselves, both struggling to hold down their laughing fits.

“When he’s done screaming will go over and tell him off again, it's a good chance to make him take us to dinner as compensation for ruining our precious sleep,”


Grace said struggling not to laugh

“You can go without me I'm not interested in having dinner with him but that does not mean I don't want any food, so get some take out for me will your out at it.”

Jessica commented with her face was composed and with some playful elegance.

Grace glanced at the clock again 12:09

They chatted as they idealed waiting for the screaming to stop.

Weight filled room.

Jacob screaming was dying down, even though he was in great pain, he could almost no longer scream.

“No one is coming to help me, No one is coming, I am going die, I don't want to die not please.”

Realizing he would die soon if he did not get himself out of this mess he stopped his useless screaming and clenched his jaw as hard as he could he tried to push himself up to no avail.

“I can’t stop or else I will perish here.”

Using almost all the strength, he could muster he was able to drag his legs underneath his body, he felt his broken legs shoot with pain, but he had to use them it was eather some pain or death, planting his feet onto the floor he slowly started to push his body upwards, it was like a squat but it hurt 100x more, hot burning electricity wracked his legs, it felt as if ice picks were puncturing every pore in his legs, his lungs burned, his heart pained him at every beat, his head was foggy, and vision has going black.

Whatever limit he had before had been completely shattered, as he lifted higher and higher the weight became less and less until a bloody figure completely emerged from the piles of iron weights.

He stood there blood pouring out of his mouth, brushes all over his body, some cuts and heavy bleeding, broken fingers, some twisted joints and limbs, he staggered forward unably to stop himself he hit the floor head first, blood covered his face, but he dragged himself out of the weight room, and towards the front door leaving behind a smird blood trail.

Grace and Jessica’s House

“He finally stopped screaming.”

Roared Grace her face was full of anger, her blue eyes glared at the clock 12:56

“It's been over an hour lets go Jessica we're going to make him take us to a 5-star restaurant for this.”

Grace stomped towards the front door with shorts and a tank top on not even bothering to change.

Even Jessica, who was usually relaxed, looked a little peeved, walked out wearing around the same.

As they walked out the front door, they felt the cold Autumn night, they shudder a bit from the sudden change in temperature, but marched forward, nonetheless, the streets where illuminated by the yellow glow of the street lamps, the yellow light caused Graces flowing blond hair that went to her shoulders to look golden, with the addition of her a slight shade to her pale skin, a slender yet curvy body, boobs being a little bit more than a c cup, her face being a very happy face one who always loved being with friends or family, and blue eyes she could be described as an angle, a very pissed off angle.

Jessica followed right behind her, having jet black hair straight down her back and sat right above her but, had a perfectly pale skin, she was a little more on the slender side compared to Grace, being able to see more of her frame, having perfectly pale skin, boobs being around b cup, her face was sharp not looking to mess around too much looking like she could control any man if she wanted to, her eyes where a dark shade of brown almost being black, and under certain lighting condition would be a glowing red, under this lighting conditions her eyes were red, she could be described simply as a devil or a subcubis.

They lived on the edge of the city so houses where more spread apart, it would take a minute of walking to get to the house, so the two talked about they would order at the restaurant while they walked under the black sky, when they arrived at a small house, Grace took the initiative to ring the doorbell, she then stood there patiently or as patient as she could when she was pissed, after a minute she rung it again and banged on the door yelling.

“We know you're in there.”

As they waited, they commented on how it smelled like someone died in there and that he should take a shower more often, another minute passed with no answer Grace becoming inpatients ringed the doorbell again before yelling.

“If you don't answer in 30 seconds where coming in.”

Grace look at the door eyes fierce and sharp, as if trying to look through the door, while Grace was acting like a oz, Jessica stayed calm as she waited looking at the door with eyes that looked like an old wise elder, like that 30 seconds had passed, before Jessica could discourage Grace from bargaining in she had already rushed into the house, after a little thinking Jessica followed shortly, she entered the house as Grace continued to yell for Jacob, as they entered they committed on how bad it smelled in the house, they would be scolding him later about proper high gean.

“Jacob stop hiding you owe use dinner from all your screaming”

“I bet you're in here aren't yo----”


Jessica blood ran a cold as she heard, a sharp high pitch scream echo through the house, it was filled with terror, and panic, Jessica she rushed towards the scream getting herself ready for anything, but what she was about to experience she would never have been ready for and in less than 15 seconds she found her way towards a room and shoved the door open, she saw a short blond haired girl on her knees shaking and crying, as Jessica tore her eyes away from Grace she noticed a lot of red liquid than a young man, lying on the ground his limbs horrible twisted, a red substance slowly leaking out from him and a red smudged protruding from behind him.


Another high pitch scream ran through the night.

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