《Ultimate Item Trade》Arc 1; Bryan's Battalion; Part 1: Enlightenment


Currently I am standing in the center of a circle of smoking wolves. What just happened!? I heard some voice in my head and when I thought of the words all of the wolves fell down! What?! Looking at the so called -Battery- in my hand I look around me. All of these wolves had to be Rank 2 at least and I managed to defeat them all. Take that wolves, I am the winner now. As I celebrate my victory I hear frantic footstep coming closer.

"Bryan! What happened here!" It was Fang, or at least thats all I've ever heard anyone call him. He was the one who sent me out here. I frown.

"I was attacked by these wolves, see." I pointed to the dead wolves around me.

"Like I'll belive that you were the one to kill them all, what could a maggot like you do to this many. It'd be more likely they were all struck by lightning." He sneered.

"Yeah sure." I mean he was semi-correct. I had hid the battery in my pocket as Fang kicked me back towards the sect.

~ Back in My Room ~

After getting a bit of a beating from "lying" to Fang, I get back to my room to study this "Battery". I look at the battery in my hands, flipping it over and inspecting it. It looks to be a rounded box of some sort and I have no idea what is inside, probably that thunder magic or whatever. It has two circular prongs coming from one end where it shot out sparks. Putting the Battery away I meditate on the battle with the wolves hopefully to learn something useful from that odd battle.

Battle wise I wasn't too cowardly when facing the wolves but I did feel fearful for my life. The lightning was awe inspiring, unexpected, silent, deadly, I get a flash of inspiration for my knife personal technique! I walk to the courtyard behind my room to take the first couple of moves with this new knife technique.

I held my dual knives in each hand the knives appearing to flicker in my hands thought my movement apears slow. I begin to speed up and my knives are invisible they are moving so fast. I throw one of my knives aiming for a bottle across from the courtyard, shattering it dead center, as I slash my blade at the same time splitting the wood straight in half. I stop moving and look at my destruction. both of the iron knives I was holding were destroyed. The blade of one was folded, while the other was hilt deep in a stone.


I managed to improve a lot! Can this be considered enlightenment? I was just emulating the lightning from the battery attack I saw, I didn't expect this to happen. I hearby name my new technique to be Emulated Lightning, First Movement Flying Slash and Second Movement Power Chop. I figure I can continue to make new movements if I get the enlightenment but those two are already so powerful on their own I am amazed still.

I have been an outer disciple for so long, one of the first requirements to move to be an inner disciple was to successfully perform a weapon movement, and the second was to impress and elder enough that they accept you as an inner disciple, if I'm lucky I can even be accepted as a direct diciple of an elder. First though, I've got to get new knives.

~ Inner Disciple Testing Site ~

Well now I am walking toward the testing site, I managed to get 2 sets of knives and one where I asked the blacksmith to incorporate the battery into hilt, so It is not really hidden it just looks like a weird design choice on my part. The two other sets are dedicated to the movments with one lightweight throwable set of twenty thin blades, and one sharp single edged dual blades. I am wielding one blade from each set, spinning both of them around my fingers. Spent all of my coins just to get some decent knives, I am betting my all on this test. This is making me a bit nervous though, but I steel myself and open the door to the testing area.

I've been in here once before, when I was a budding apprentice I thought I was super talented and what not, that point of view shattered as soon as I saw some of the other "more talented" testers. Now though, there is barely anyone in line, I walk up and wait for my turn.

Once I get to the front of the line the head apprentice, speaks out.

"If your here to test, the only elder availiable is the Wind Elder." I internally shout for joy. Some people thought that the wind elder was the worst elder in terms of strictness, but for me she would be the best elder to test to! The tests she gives would fit me near perfectly.

"Thats fine, I want to take the test given by the wind elder please." The head apprentice looked at me and lit up a signal crystal in his hand, letting the wind elder come to test me. I walk to the testing courtyard and hear the head apprentice murmur. "Another wannabe inner disciple, good luck hah." It seemed that he didn't think I wouls make it but I would prove him wrong.


I walk to the courtyard and the wind elder is already here, figures though, she is the fastest elder.

"So, You will be testing to be an inner disciple?"

"No, I hope to be a direct disciple of yours Wind Elder." I bow, as I was trying to be her disciple, and make a good impression of myself.

"Oh? We'll see about that then. You will have to perform three tests, each with three tries. Accuracy, Strength and Movement of Technique." This was the reason that many people thought that the wind elder was the most strict as all the other elders only wanted to see a disciples Movement of Technique. However, I was confident I would be able to pass all of the tests.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

"Your test will begin now!"

I watch as fifteen or so targets show up and I begin to throw each of my thin blades at the targets, exectuting Flying Slash a couple of times to hit the faster targets. Once I am out of blades I hear the wind elder slowly clap her hands.

"Good, you managed to hit all of the targets, even the quicker ones I had used, but enough about that on to the next test. Begin!"

As soon as she shouted begin four pillars of stone rise from the ground and to test them I take a testing slash to the pillar to feel the toughness. The bade doesn't even scratch the surface as my hand is in pain from the hit. I see the wind elder smirk and I begin to take in a slow breath. My eyes open abruptly and Wielding the blade I just used to test I slash it straight through thr first pillar. my knife cracks and I drop it, the blade crumbling away. I move on to the next pillar and do the same slash, but the blade manages to hold on although it had a huge crack going down the middle. I fear that my blades will be destryed by the time I attack the next pillar. Suddenly I hear the sound I am dreading, and when I look down at my knife all I am holding is the hilt, the blade about a third of the way stuck in the next pillar. Although all of my dual blades end up faling the wind elder looks at me impressed.

"Well now, normally you would just have to get through three pillars for me to approve of this text but it seems the failing of this test is because of your blades not your technique. On to the next test." The pillars sink into the floor and the elder stands in front of me.

"Show me the movement you have been practicing if it is well enough I can see if I should take you in as my direct disciple."

"Yes Ma'am, I haven;t completely finished the movement but this is my own technique." Upon saying that the elders eyes widen as self made techniques were quite rare. Normally people would study from books or if they were part of a big family and had a decendant technique.

I stand in place slowly moving my feet as my lone dagger flashes around in my hands. It was the last weapon I had and although it was a bit larger then the weapons I normally deal with I was handeling it perfectly. Taking a step back I spin my legs aroundand do two powerful slashes up and down and a crackle is heard, when I finish with a slash down I hear a Boom! and the floor in front of the elder is scorched. the elders eyes widen even more. she begins to mumble underh her breath.

"...able to cultivate lightning qi already....I can't let such a talented disciple go....I need him to push forward as an elder..." She looks me dead in the eyes.

"You have passed my test, and I welcome you as my direct disciple."

I did it?!

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